can u get kicked out of a movie / resturant / store for being really stoned?


Sr. Verde

I was shrooming and laughing my ass off for avitar, other people said as we were walking out, "what a trip!" Talking to eachother

I think a lot of other people at the movies are high, depending on the movie of course


Well-Known Member
i always get paranoid when i'm really high with bloodshot eyes that i will get kicked out of places. For example, last night i went to see avatar stoned - my friend said i smelled like weed and my eyes were totally red (no eye drops on me).

Have u ever been kicked out of anywhere for being stoned?


Well-Known Member
I've been booted from the local coffee shop for being baked and sitting in there drinking coffee for hours, we'd go out to the parking lot, blaze one up, then go right back to our coffee, that was like 20 years ago though.


Well-Known Member
i dont think anyone could really tell if i was stoned...well maybe, but my eyes could be red for any number of reasons. if they tried kick me out i would scream about my civil rights lmao.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I've been kicked out of all of those places for being only MODERATELY stoned... but most places allow you in and allow you to stay if you are REALLY stoned.

So make sure that you stay high.


Well-Known Member
I forgot about this but I have been kicked out of a all you can eat chinese buffet we were in there for like 3 hours and still baked it was so good but they eventually asked us to leave because we would just sit there and talk most of the time we even went outside to say we were gonna have a quick cigg and we sparked up a blunt and came back in like 15 minutes later they were cool though we still gave em a nice tip also.


Well-Known Member
I was also nearly kicked out of king kong when I was baked we were warned multiple times then they just said if it happens again you will have to leave or we will call the police.We would do loud obnoxious laughs everytime he beat on his chest lol and we were laughing at this lady in front of us because she was crying when king kong died it was hilarious.We almost fought with her husband

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
I was also nearly kicked out of king kong when I was baked we were warned multiple times then they just said if it happens again you will have to leave or we will call the police.We would do loud obnoxious laughs everytime he beat on his chest lol and we were laughing at this lady in front of us because she was crying when king kong died it was hilarious.We almost fought with her husband
Ha ha that's some good shit.


Well-Known Member
Never been kicked out of anywhere, but have been asked to quiet down. We were laughing so hard in a restaurant that the server got annoyed. We quieted, ate our meal quickly and got back to laughing outside.

I believe that a business has the right to refuse service to anyone, so nothing compels them to actually accept you on their premises. That said, I have not heard of too many times that someone has been asked to leave. Only some of my rowdy drunkard friends.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Never been kicked out of anywhere, but have been asked to quiet down. We were laughing so hard in a restaurant that the server got annoyed. We quieted, ate our meal quickly and got back to laughing outside.

I believe that a business has the right to refuse service to anyone, so nothing compels them to actually accept you on their premises. That said, I have not heard of too many times that someone has been asked to leave. Only some of my rowdy drunkard friends.
Yeah, $$$ is the factor.

If you are paying, that's an incentive to keep you around.

If you are annoying enough that it's not even worth your money to put up with you, or that you might scare away some cash-paying customers, then no, it's not $$$ for the business, and you're kicked out.


Well-Known Member
I go to places stoned all the time. I've never been kicked out. Then again I don't look like the typical stoner type.


Well-Known Member
10. Moon
9. The Girlfriend Experience
8. Invictus
7. Avatar
6. Where The Wild Things Are
5. Two Lovers
4. Up
3. Inglourious Basterds
2. The Road
1. A Serious Man

thats my top ten for the year. I thought GI joe was weak, but opinions are like assholes. (very off topic for the thread) being respectable and quiet in public= no probs from management.


Well-Known Member
i never been kicked out....but i do always smell like a strong scent of marijuana....that i think to myself how the fuck do i get away with it?....or do they know and not to tell me anything?....

User Name420

Active Member
it was pretty good, but then again my judgment was very impaired and i was paranoid some of the time because i snuck in all kinds of food - a bag of pretzels, a can of lemon aid, an apple, fruit roll ups and a mini box of cinamin toast crunch.
lol that shits signature worthy


Active Member
i never been kicked out....but i do always smell like a strong scent of marijuana....that i think to myself how the fuck do i get away with it?....or do they know and not to tell me anything?....
I know what you mean. Every time I get high and go somewhere, I feel like I need to make conversation so I probably end up talking too much. Went to the corner store to get some beer right before close last night after blazing up. It was hilarious because I think the old lady at the counter started flirting with me.

Think about this for a second though- How many times do you see someone acting funny or whatever and you say to yourself "Man that guy is stoned"? I don't think I've ever done that so I can't imagine people are thinking it about me. It's all in our head. If it was legal like alcohol, we'd never even think twice. I go places after a few drinks and it's never a problem.


Well-Known Member
I dont think you would get kicked out unless you start doing somthing really stupid.... whenever I go into places smelling like dope and with my eyes bloodshot i get a lot of dirty looks but thats about it


New Member
In Canada they cannot legally refuse you service unless certan conditions are met, if you are causing a disturbance then yes.. That's a reason to be kicked out.
If you are simply high, no they cannot.