Dual Areoponic Cabinet, Ceramic Metal Halide

sorry for asking this question, but I have looked tediously and am out of time.

Can someone tell me the dry weight on his first run?

dude that wierd very cool but wow a bud out of the fan leaf, never seen that before. but hey mother nature never ceases to amaze me
Cute little whippersnapper, never seen that before. I have no idea what would cause it.

Ok, thanks for your imput.

Ah, Thanks man. Nice to see I am not alone. Sounds like stress.

sorry for asking this question, but I have looked tediously and am out of time.

Can someone tell me the dry weight on his first run?

(First grow results)

"Ok people I got weight.

First two jars are Train Wreck third is Widow and the last is the lower buds from them both.
These jars hold about two onces of dried bud.


They have been hanging for 5 days with a fan in there. They are not totaly dry but they are dry to the touch. I am going to jar them for a couple days to get any moisture deep inside the buds to transfer to the outter portion then put them into paper bags for a slow dry. Once thats done I will cure them in the jars.

5 Train Wreck plants for 106 grams manacured bud
2 White widow plants for 40 grams manacured bud.
Plus 20 grams of lower bud off both.

Total grow 166 grams of bud.

About a quarter oz shy of 6 OZ's
Although that was my goal I really didnt think there was that much there. Now I believe I can do better then six.

BTW, That train Wreck was the stickiest weed I ever trimmed.
I cant wait to try some but it will be a couple weeks yet."
dude that wierd very cool but wow a bud out of the fan leaf, never seen that before. but hey mother nature never ceases to amaze me

Me neither bro, freaked me out. I was thinking Wow, OK now, how can I get the rest of them to do it! LOL

Dude I would so snip that leaf with bud and press it in a fat book, that's like a four-leaf clover :D

Ya, that will be cool man.
Thanks for the great thread cruzer, I followed it from the first page, glad you ended up with a lovely harvest :weed:

Hope you don't mind but here is a bud on a Genius x Ice Princess I pollinated a while back.


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thats a trippin bud leaf thing ya got goin on there cruz. glad ure bak tho seemed like u were gone forever haha.

congrats on another successful harvest!
What is the strain that budded on the leaf ?

hawaiian snow what ya think bro.
Nope, wrong grow man, TW

nice cruz, welcome back. i love when cannabis surprises me like that, very cool leaf bud.
Tripped me out.

Thanks for the great thread cruzer, I followed it from the first page, glad you ended up with a lovely harvest :weed:

Ya didnt follow it very well then. I was answering a question.
These are still cookin.

Hope you don't mind but here is a bud on a Genius x Ice Princess I pollinated a while back.

Awesome man, No I dont mind at all.
So you actually polinated the leaf. Now thats very cool.

thats a trippin bud leaf thing ya got goin on there cruz. glad ure bak tho seemed like u were gone forever haha.

congrats on another successful harvest!

These are not done yet... Am I the only one here thats not stoned?
Temps 71 res 62°
PPMs 1050 Ph 5.8

I hadnt checked on the water level, just looked at the ph meter in the door. The girls got thirsty and went through the res already. There was like a gallon or so left so I topped it off with nutes at PPM 500 ph 5.9

It looks like I am getting that couple inches in height I wanted. I went through the canopy and took out excess leaf again today. I have been taking a little every day.

Still have some mildew but it seems to be under control. I guess in this cabinet you never do really see all the leaf. I am sure I missed some with the green cure.





Floro cab,


Heres a green crack mum and kids. we got about a dozen.
Some of these are going into the areo tub next.


Floro grow #2 Primarily Purple Kush
Some weird growth happening in here this round, I think it is a bit cold for them.
Maybe I tweaked the ph for a few days. Who knows. I just flipped to 12/12
Happy New Year!


i'm stoned, and lovin it!

am i wrong to think you have TW clones/mom still? also, hows the green crack?

Oh I fixed that shit right away dude.
Dipped into some bubble I made from that silver haze.... nice buzz.

No, I havent taken TW clones yet. the floro cab is full of them though.
I tossed one of the GC mums after harvesting clones, kept one in case the clones didnt root.
Well they are getting a second wind now so at least two weeks.
I plan on a visit to Mesa AZ on the 20th for about a week so thats the longest I can let them go.

Yours are just beautiful Doe. I cant wait to see your yield.
How tall are they from the top soil, on average?