fungus spores + soil = CO2 for 6 months

I feel ya bro, this could be big that's why I'm trying to help you, because if it's legit people need to know about it.:o
Mycelium is vital in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems for its role in the decomposition of plant material. It contributes to the organic fraction of soil and its growth releases carbon dioxide (CO2) back into the atmosphere.

so i'm sure it makes co2
my question is
1 for how long
2 is it safe to have in the grow room
A couple of things from a casual observer. First, as long as you keep the bag sealed no spores or bacteria can escape or enter the bag through the filter patch. Second, I have one already, well not one of theirs or anyone else who is marketing it as a grow room addition, I just happen to use the space above my cloning chamber to grow shrooms. And third, I have not noticed any measurable difference in the growth of my plants since I began putting my shrooms up there, but it's the perfect temp to grow shrooms. Maybe I should get a CO2 meter and see if it's doing anything other than giving me a nice crop of boomers every few weeks.
the type of fungus that is needed for this, where else can it be found or grown in a home? im in the midwest and just got dumped on with over 10" of snow so digging some up put back is not an option. if someone can help me get this fungus now, i will more than happily pick up a meter, expieriment and find teh happy amount to soil ratio and expierament. ill post all of it up here. just need help getting the freakin funggi! thanks!
You can order shrooms online. Google them and find a seller.
I found that 1 that I may give a try.
*side note* I don't know how effective it is but feces creates CO2 and my uncle used to use it to grow shrooms. If it works why not kill 2 birds with 1 stone...?
I got a response from RogerRabbit, a real mycologist on the forum. You can consider him the foremost leader in mycology, he's been growing for decades and almost anybody that is growing mushrooms in the world can thank him because his research has influenced every technique that exists for growing mushrooms. Here is his post copied and pasted from the Shroomery:

"Absolutely bullshit, period.

The CO2 content inside a spawn bag can reach 20,000 ppm, but that's INside a bag of less than 1 cubic foot. I currently have over 500 of those spawn bags in my grow area and the CO2 level of the air is barely above ambient. Don't buy into this internet scam. It's not based on mycology, but on ripping off those who don't know any better.
I got a response from RogerRabbit, a real mycologist on the forum. You can consider him the foremost leader in mycology, he's been growing for decades and almost anybody that is growing mushrooms in the world can thank him because his research has influenced every technique that exists for growing mushrooms. Here is his post copied and pasted from the Shroomery:

"Absolutely bullshit, period.

The CO2 content inside a spawn bag can reach 20,000 ppm, but that's INside a bag of less than 1 cubic foot. I currently have over 500 of those spawn bags in my grow area and the CO2 level of the air is barely above ambient. Don't buy into this internet scam. It's not based on mycology, but on ripping off those who don't know any better.
i really hate i read that last part but it is what it is
really wanted it to work. but to me the court is still out. maybe he didn't have a sealed room maybe the guy you were talking to wasn't the guy , maybe i really want this to work--- we'll see

we need people with meter and fast
That5shit maybe he didn't have a sealed room but he did say 500 of them. Maybe we can just cover our growroom floors with a foot of this shit and get CO2 like that.
Me too man! :sad:

Unfortunately, it was RR, he's got like 25,000 posts on the Shroomery, but post count aside he is the mushroom guru alive today. He even sells DVDs on how to grow...

From him you can take it as gospel. I'm always glad when he gives input, he's never contradicted his advice stands as the last word usually, and so far nobody else has said anything, and I was really surprised to hear him say "bullshit", he never cusses!

I'm quite sure he has a CO2 meter as well. In a sealed environment it may work, but grow areas need/have ventilation and exhaust.

I still encourage you to look into mycology. It is fun! is the place to go. Cubes and cannabis = a hell of a good time.
Me too man! :sad:

Unfortunately, it was RR, he's got like 25,000 posts on the Shroomery, but post count aside he is the mushroom guru alive today. He even sells DVDs on how to grow...

From him you can take it as gospel. I'm always glad when he gives input, he's never contradicted his advice stands as the last word usually, and so far nobody else has said anything, and I was really surprised to hear him say "bullshit", he never cusses!

I'm quite sure he has a CO2 meter as well. In a sealed environment it may work, but grow areas need/have ventilation and exhaust.

I still encourage you to look into mycology. It is fun! is the place to go. Cubes and cannabis = a hell of a good time.

damn, then it is so
then ill just have to stick with the hot water heater pilot light co2 generater
A couple of things from a casual observer. First, as long as you keep the bag sealed no spores or bacteria can escape or enter the bag through the filter patch. Second, I have one already, well not one of theirs or anyone else who is marketing it as a grow room addition, I just happen to use the space above my cloning chamber to grow shrooms. And third, I have not noticed any measurable difference in the growth of my plants since I began putting my shrooms up there, but it's the perfect temp to grow shrooms. Maybe I should get a CO2 meter and see if it's doing anything other than giving me a nice crop of boomers every few weeks.

yeah get a co2 meter and seal the room and let us know
before i trash this idea, do tell. I've not heard of this method........sounds like a great idea. How does it work?
im allways looking for new and interesting ways to gen co2 i found this one on here a while back it seem to be the ezest and cheapest

This has been the most common method of CO2 enrichment for many years. A number of commercial growers and greenhouses use it in their larger structures. The most common fuels are propane, butane, alcohol and natural gas. Any of these fuels that burn with a blue, white or colorless flame will produce carbon dioxide, which is beneficial. If a red, orange or yellow flame is present, carbon monoxide is being generated due to incomplete combustion. Carbon monoxide is deadly to both plants and people in any but the smallest quantities. Fuels containing sulfur or sulfur compounds should not be used, as they produce by-products which are harmful.
Most commercial CO2 generators that burn these fuels are too large for small greenhouse or indoor grow room applications. Some small ones are avai fable or a Coleman lantern, bunsen burner or small gas stove can be used. All of these CO2 generators produce heat as a by-product of CO2 generation, which is rarely needed in a controlled environment grow room but may prove beneficial in winter growing and cool area greenhouses.
The rate of CO2 production is controlled by the rate at which fuel is being burned. In a gas burning CO2 generator using propane, butane or natural gas, one pound of fuel produces approximately 3 pounds of carbon dioxide gas and about 1.5 pounds of water vapor. Approximately 22,000 BTUs of heat is also added. These figures can vary if other fuels are used.
To relate this to our standard example in an 8' X 8' X 8' growing area, if you used ethyl or methyl alcohol in a gas lamp or burner at the rate of 1.3 oz. per day, we would enhance the atmospheric concentration of CO2 to 1300 PPM if the room was completely sealed.
An enrichment standard of 1300 PPM was chosen as it is assumed that 1500 PPM is ideal, and that the plants will deplete the available CO2 supply by 100 PPM per hour. Remember, the normal atmosphere contains 300 PPM of CO2. A 100% air exchange (leakage) every two hours is assumed to be the average air exchange rate in most grow rooms and tight greenhouses. If many cracks and leaks are present, this exchange rate will increase significantly, but added CO2 (above 300 PPM) will also be lost. If a vent fan is in use, disregard CO2 enrichment, as it will be blown out as fast as it is generated.
I got a response from RogerRabbit, a real mycologist on the forum. You can consider him the foremost leader in mycology, he's been growing for decades and almost anybody that is growing mushrooms in the world can thank him because his research has influenced every technique that exists for growing mushrooms. Here is his post copied and pasted from the Shroomery:

"Absolutely bullshit, period.

The CO2 content inside a spawn bag can reach 20,000 ppm, but that's INside a bag of less than 1 cubic foot. I currently have over 500 of those spawn bags in my grow area and the CO2 level of the air is barely above ambient. Don't buy into this internet scam. It's not based on mycology, but on ripping off those who don't know any better.

Me too man! :sad:

Unfortunately, it was RR, he's got like 25,000 posts on the Shroomery, but post count aside he is the mushroom guru alive today. He even sells DVDs on how to grow...

From him you can take it as gospel. I'm always glad when he gives input, he's never contradicted his advice stands as the last word usually, and so far nobody else has said anything, and I was really surprised to hear him say "bullshit", he never cusses!

I'm quite sure he has a CO2 meter as well. In a sealed environment it may work, but grow areas need/have ventilation and exhaust.

I still encourage you to look into mycology. It is fun! is the place to go. Cubes and cannabis = a hell of a good time.

GIVE A LINK PLEASE TO THIS GUY i tried to find him but could not ????????25,000 post ?????

Heh after some digging around i found an old ass post on a forum about such a thing
Read through that thread.. Here's the first post.

"Came across this recently.
I watched the tour video, and I'll be damned if I didn't see rows and rows of spawn bags with filter patches. They send you one, it cranks out CO2 for 60 days, then you buy another one for a HUNDRED bucks. Yep, $100 for a bucket of spawn. They spawn the bags, wait until fully colonized, and then freeze the bags. When you order one, they drop it in a box to you. By the time it arrives it's thawed and ready to start growing (making CO2) again.

I figure it's probably Stropharia rugoso-annulata, since it can tolerate a freeze (I think...) and won't fruit the way they sell it to you (fruiting would certainly give away their secret!). Plus I'd bet they use wood chips/sawdust which might emit more CO2 since it's a higher density substrate.

Once people catch on to the bucket, I bet traffic to this and other mushroom sites picks up so people can learn how to clone whatever strain they use and make their own. Buy it once and you're set. A hundred bucks for a colonized spawn bag. Wow. Herb (I mean tomatoes) and fungus were obviously made for each other...

I'm sure y'all can take it from here.."

I also remember reading about this in high times back like 4 years ago