Mazari fems. 350watts CFL's


Active Member
Nice work dude! Found ur grow from SICCs party cup. Gotta watch a Mazari grow. I had one growing nout a month ago. It just sprouted, maybe 3 inches tall. My 9 week old puppy slipped in the room, i look back and hes chewed the flower off:( So I gotta see how this turns out. They look superb so far! Merry Xmas:)
Hi Fditty, thanks for looking in here :-) Made me laugh about the dog eating your plant! .... I know what puppies can be like :-)

Bigman, really glad you are doing it again and succeeding, if I can be of any help at all just ask away :-)

UPDATE (AGAIN!) at End of week 6 12/12, 3 weeks to go :-)

I'ts time to give them a little shove. Made up bottle today of bio bloom , molasses and PK booster, PH'd to 6.4! Not strong but enough to give them a boost. I only use the Canna PK13/14 just once during flowering, at 3 weeks from finish as directed.... I love canna nutrients and am considering changing back to them after this grow.

Had them out for inspection so took a few pics of them. I have placed a rule in there for scale, you can see my ;plants are kept short as possible. Nigellas a mess, but a journal has to be 'warts and all' to retain its integrity so here she is :-( She budding well though so I'm not over worried.

Bigman, I still dont get it when the HPS growers insist on telling us CFL's grow "fluffy" buds :-? Each to his or her own I say.

CFL Power :joint:

Aggie, Clarissa and Nigella.




Well-Known Member
Nice, my LA Con was 16 inches tall as well, just shows how much more you can get with more room for the roots, I had some errors but my next grow is about to start

what are the dimensions of your cab?

newbie grow420

Active Member
Hey mature nice work there. Just came across this I am 14 days behind u in flower but do to money I only have FF tiger bloom 4 nutes. I notice at 24 days the buds look similar to mine not real dense yet what a difference 2 weeks makes I hope I come as close to yours as possible with half the lights lol. 3 42w and 1 26w 2 on top 2 on sides. I know more light more bud but u deal with what u have somtimes. Its nice to see mine are doing as well as yours on the same day of flowering. It gives me hope for my first. Can't wait to see your harvest.


Well-Known Member
Its remarkable! Those look fire. Im in a grow joun tryin to help a kid grow in his dorm. Prob is, he has had his gemz sent 3x from Nirvana. To no avail. Almost givin up hope cause of his country. But cant back out now. Now erybody reads 25 pages of journal without a sprout! It is what it is. Im more interested in the strain. Mazar has been a hit here. My unc, got some beans a year ago. Fire! That and Durban are my faves. Cant grow cause of height restictions. Might have to try Maz again seenin her Indi tendancies! Thax for havin me! Good luck, smoke well..


Active Member
Have a few comments to reply to today:

First SICC my friend J I owe you a recipe! Here it is below for you. Also re cabinet dimensions, it is: 12” deep x 33” tall x 33” wide. My pot size is 10”circumference x 9” deep so I can just fit 3 of them in there max. With the pots in the lowest position I have just 18” of height between the top of the pot and the glass heat shield, that’s what I have to work with and it’s just about enough.

Now that recipe for you: real quick and easy:

8oz self raising flour
Half teaspoon of salt (I leave this out)
1 teaspoon sugar
2oz good cannabutter*
3floz milk
Couple of teaspoons of water as required.
Lastly whatever chopped dried fruit etc you like! I use dried apricots, dates, walnuts, raisins, sultanas, plus a squeeze of lemon. Chop it all up fine.

Sift the flour and salt into a mixing bowl.
Stir in the sugar. ‘Rub’ the cannabutter into the mixture until its like fine breadcrumbs.
Pour in the liquid and mix until a soft dough is formed.
Add the dried fruit etc and then knead gently for a few minutes until its well mixed in.
Pat the dough out until about ¾” inch thick then cut out 2” circles with a glass. Place on a well greased baking tray and brush with beaten egg or milk as you prefer (stops the tops burning). Pre heat oven until hot then bake for 10 to 15 minute until brown.

Makes about 12 cannascones.



SICC, I make mine the quick and simple way but others do it differently. For a guide I use a Q/ 7g of good bud to make 12 scones. I simply chop the bud very fine removing all of the stalk carefully. I then warm 2 OZ of butter (you need good high fat content butter for this!!) and mix in the fine bud, DON’T LET IT BURN, keep it down very low, it will ruin the taste, just stir until the butter looks like its absorbed all of the bud then take it out of the pan and place it in a cup or something to cool down. Once cool put it in the fridge to set. DONE! Note I never strain my butter, just seems a terrible waste to me, so long as you remove all the stalk you wont even notice it apart from the taste and the effect! All the goodness of the bud goes right into the mix.

That’s about it, about .5gram per scone, nothing goes up in smoke, you get the full effect of that .5g …….I find about 45 minutes then you begin to feel it and from then it gradually creeps over you until within an hour and a half its at full impact! I find even ¾ hours later its still a strong stone. Seems a lot of bud to cook with but they work very well if you follow the recipe and make sure you don’t strain the bud, they do taste ‘skunky’ obviously, but I like that taste.

Its remarkable! Those look fire. Im in a grow joun tryin to help a kid grow in his dorm. Prob is, he has had his gemz sent 3x from Nirvana. To no avail. Almost givin up hope cause of his country. But cant back out now. Now erybody reads 25 pages of journal without a sprout! It is what it is. Im more interested in the strain. Mazar has been a hit here. My unc, got some beans a year ago. Fire! That and Durban are my faves. Cant grow cause of height restictions. Might have to try Maz again seenin her Indi tendancies! Thax for havin me! Good luck, smoke well..
Fditty: Mazari is a good strain, I’m really liking what I’m seeing here. I have 2 clones as a follow up so I’m going to work with this strain for a while. Smell is lovely, very piney, kind of fruity and fresh. I have been growing Northern Lights all last summer but it lacked slightly on taste for me, lovely hit though.

Hey mature nice work there. Just came across this I am 14 days behind u in flower but do to money I only have FF tiger bloom 4 nutes. I notice at 24 days the buds look similar to mine not real dense yet what a difference 2 weeks makes I hope I come as close to yours as possible with half the lights lol. 3 42w and 1 26w 2 on top 2 on sides. I know more light more bud but u deal with what u have somtimes. Its nice to see mine are doing as well as yours on the same day of flowering. It gives me hope for my first. Can't wait to see your harvest.
Thanks newbie J Glad your grow is progressing well, good luck. “More light =more bud” I think is only partially true, “more veg time = maturity of the plant = more bud” is definitely true! The more root you get down before flowering and the more branching, growing tops you get the more they will produce. What strain you growing, is it Mazar?

seedman's seed strains are good and cheap too!!!
Hi brick, thanks for looking in here. Agree totally about Seedsdman strains, always good, 100% germ rate for me and vigorous growth. Nice to work with stable f2 genetics too. I don’t even think about ‘hermies’ with these feminised seeds, very solid and stable.

Finally (phew!!!) a pic of the clones below, I’ve named them Delia and Fanny :joint: These will be the follow up grow, about 3/4 weeks to grow them on a bit before flowering.


No more pics of the plant for a couple of days so here is the last plant to come out of my little cabinet, mostly smoked now but enough left to last until harvest/cure of the Mazar :-) Northern Lights by Nirvana, 3 week veg, 9 weeks 12/12, same set up :-) This is what I'm aiming for at 9 weeks :-)

Thanks again to everyone following my humble thread :-)



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the Recipe MS, i just got done writing it down, could of swore i commented here too haha.

Plants look wonderful, i love how you keep them so short and perfect in that cab, how much you think you will yeild off these, tho its a lil early to tell, they got alot of weight to pac on


Well-Known Member
wow MS those ladys of yours are looking very good:hump:

it looks like u are gonna be done way before me.

that northern light plant looked awesome


Well-Known Member
sorry for being rude... job well done,the hps vs cfl thing is just patetic looser who never were able to acomplish a decent grow under compact florecents and as they moved to an hps they saw improvement, yeah duh... i now use a 150hps mixture with me cfls but only cuz i let my plants veg longer and aim for bigger yields... any how CFL rock... Jack The Ripper ... veg and flower under 275 watts cfl plus 150 hps gave me 4oz of sinsemilla... :hump:floffy thys nutz... my belladona is about the same age as your mazari , nice very nice simple grow... thanks for growing ...:joint:



Well-Known Member
It's been a while since ive been able to get on here but just wanted to let u know that this is the 2nd time u have gotten me a hard on. :weed:


Active Member
It's been a while since ive been able to get on here but just wanted to let u know that this is the 2nd time u have gotten me a hard on. :weed:

Thats what I said to the Mrs last night! :-)

Few more pics, thanks for the comments. Tam, I'll catch up with your thread mate.

DAY 47 of 12/12 today. Budding up nicely now.




Well-Known Member
Mature on your clones do you keep them in a seperate cabinet? And under what light cycle 24/7 or 18/6?


Active Member
Mature on your clones do you keep them in a seperate cabinet? And under what light cycle 24/7 or 18/6?
Hi jjmd, hows it going? I keep clones in a small cabinet, not much bigger than a PC case really, under 18/6 with just 30 watts of CFL's over them, just enough to keep them ticking over until I need them.

End of week 7 now, just 2 to go :-)

This pic shows the set up of the CFL's and the glass screen quite well, thought I'd post it.

Bit of trivia now :bigjoint: Been doing some research on my 'lucky charm' you see hanging in my box at left, It's an old London Metorpolitan police whistle that was issued to a family ancestor back in 1895 so its about 125 years old :-o He joined the Metropolitan police in London in 1864 and retired in 1896. There is a history of police service in the family with the first member joining up in 1843 and retiring in 1868 on a pension of £43 pa. I find this kind of ironic......... cannabis was a legal substance back then, it being commonly prescribed medicinally. Queen Victoria was prescribed it for period/ menstrual pain by the Royal Physician. Now days we put sick people in prison for using the herb and we call that progress? :finger:




Well-Known Member
A lil piece of history :D

thats cool man, something you gotta keep handing down generation to generation

Buds looks great as always


Active Member
i just stumbled upon this thread, and have to say: MS, you rock! i am an hps grower and have to say youre makin me feel a little stupid... your experience shows. those ladies are beautiful. keep it up and im hoping you do another journal.


Active Member
i just stumbled upon this thread, and have to say: MS, you rock! i am an hps grower and have to say youre makin me feel a little stupid... your experience shows. those ladies are beautiful. keep it up and im hoping you do another journal.
Cheers CAshtree :-) thanks for looking in. Its just a matter of getting it all dialed in with CFL growing... takes time.

fditty00: Thanks again.

Pic today, 7 weeks + 2 days of 12/12..... they will get as long as they need :-)


