Yet another male or female?

1-3: Yes, it's a boy. Congrats

4: I can't tell with the pic.

5: It's a girl. Yay!

6-7: I can't tell with the pic.

I just got a boy and 2 girls out of a Trainwreck & Hindu Skunk strain.
The dude grew in the trash for 4 days lol.
Get some more pics of the other ones and I might be able to help u out.


Well-Known Member
Ok I'm gonna pull the dude, its a shame because it was the absolute best plant out of the bunch, so bushy.
The lights just turned off, I'll have more pictures up in 12 hours.

And thats crazy how it grew in the trash, what'd it look like?


Well-Known Member
heck if you wanted you could plant it some where and have an ass load of seeds.. and i was gonna say pic 1-3 as either boy or cant tell yet, and 5 is girl for sure and cant tell from the pics on 6-7


Well-Known Member
I pulled the plant from 1-3 and haha wow this thing is covered in balls i must be blind or something!


Well-Known Member
yeah I'm not sure how you guys can tell the others are females???? I can def see that the plant in 1-3 is male but the other seem to soon to tell. What are the rest of you looking at that make you certain it's a female?


Well-Known Member
I'm with you Growtosmoke, too soon to tell from these pics
Yeah I'm just not seeing any white hairs that I look for in my plants. I can see the sacs on the first but not thing for sex on the others. I imagine in a few days it will show but to early for me to tell. :peace:


Well-Known Member
those look nice man, shit luck on the HermiI was lucky enough not to run into that last time hopefully this grow as well! Pull that hermi and keep going :) :peace:


Well-Known Member
#1 looks like a hermie to me

you will still get some smoke off a hermie, or even better you can make lovely bubble hash. just separate them but keep em growing, it's worth it