Lights on way too long.


Is there any coming back from a timer not being set up correctly and a light is on for almost a month under a grow light?


Well-Known Member
well I'm not exactly sure what your asking but I think what your asking is after having your plant under constant light for a whole month can you change the light cycle with a timer? If that is your question then the answer is yes. Just set the plant on the light cycle that you would like it on 18/6 or 12/12 and go from there.....

Personally I don't recommend putting your plant on a 24/0 cycle. I've never had any luck with it and I think the plants need a rest time.

Hope this helped :peace:


Well-Known Member
one month at 24 hour light? that's what i always do..if i'm going to let them get bigger i switch to 18 if not go to 12 as long as they look healthy?


Active Member
if your plants are in bloom and you had one light get stuck on for a whole month it will probably just keep your plants from blooming at all and if the were already blooming and this happened it will put them back in veg .... and the buds will begin to stretch...

three options

1. put them back in veg for another 6 -8 weeks then put them back into bloom
2. fix timer and keep them in bloom and hope for the best.. maybe no damage but if they get leggie and stretch into thc covered rope make bubble hash out of it.
3. chop em now and dont waste your time and electricity

good luck


Well-Known Member
some like 24 hrs of light but I find I have better results w/ 18/6 or 20/4 light cycles.
if you are running a HPS or MH, the ballast will last longer w/ a cooldown period of at least 1 hr a day.


Well-Known Member
one month at 24 hour light? that's what i always do..if i'm going to let them get bigger i switch to 18 if not go to 12 as long as they look healthy?
veggin for a month under 24 hour light is normal

to tell ya more would need more info?

This is a pretty good post about light cycles I think that 24 is to much (IMO). I think that the plants like any other living thing need time to rest.
Check out the post


Well-Known Member
Well I like 20/4 as well but have done 24/0

when I said it's normal, I meant lots of growers do it


I do believe my buddy didnt set the timer correctly. a little faded. it was on for a month straight. It is currently back to the right cycle. hopefully in another month or so it will get back to normal.