Thread of the Year in RIU-HS

I know I've read a few that qualify, but there are many. It's that time of the year to submit your vote for thread of the year. Thread must come from Roll it Up Hallucinatory Substances. I'll chime in with my vote once I regain my sanity.

Someone once said, "I've eaten over 75mg 2c-e tonight listening to the motherfucking doors and I'm president of this motherfucken planet tonight! Gotta love some Robot Chicken! I also love me some cats! Oooo oh and dogs too, their cool as well. I love me some people too, but not some of em. Most dogs are cool though."


Well-Known Member
i nominate this thread bc if and only if it is succesful it will include all the great hs threads of 09... so yeah if this thread becomes succesful then this is the one i nominate


Well-Known Member
guess this thread is goin down the fuckin tube.. and the only other thread nominated was started in 2008 so it dont qualify.. bumpity bump bump bumpity bump


Well-Known Member
How to make Meth is undisputed champion of 2009
followed distantly by How to make Crack


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna have to say the "FUCK" thread by fdd, simply because i was able to vent there, and accidentally jacked it only to get it shut down

Sorry bout that.

2ndly I would have to say dgk perpetual thread. It was fun to follow you on your first grow. Or was it?

3rd i would say pix that make you LOL. It's always good to be able to get a laugh in.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna have to say the "FUCK" thread by fdd, simply because i was able to vent there, and accidentally jacked it only to get it shut down

Sorry bout that.

2ndly I would have to say dgk perpetual thread. It was fun to follow you on your first grow. Or was it?

3rd i would say pix that make you LOL. It's always good to be able to get a laugh in.

worm really my 1st grow???? if i didnt know ya i would almost feel insulted