What trimming or training technique would you use on these plants? Pictures included!

I'm about to flower these two girls under a 45 watt led panel, 90w ufo led, a set of t5 3 ft tubes, and a couple cfls. I just trimmed off a bunch of fan leaves and a lot of the growth on the bottom of both of these plants, but was looking for a couple opinions on the best methods of increasing my yield. I was thinking about giving the 2nd plant a solid lollipop trim and for the 1st one tying down a bunch of the stems from the middle to open up more of the plant to light. For the lollipop technique do you cut off all the main stems on the bottom or just cut off the fan leaves on the bottom stems? Anything else I can do regarding training or trimming to increase yield before i set these girls into flower? Holla.



Well-Known Member
personally id either LST(tie it down a little and then increase the tension untill you get the branches where you want them to be) or maybe super cropping(bending heavily ON THE NODE)

if you do supercrop, get a good tek, and make sure you break the stem inside the "KNUCKLE" if you dont, you will most likely get infection....


Well-Known Member
personally id either LST(tie it down a little and then increase the tension untill you get the branches where you want them to be) or maybe super cropping(bending heavily ON THE NODE)

if you do supercrop, get a good tek, and make sure you break the stem inside the "KNUCKLE" if you dont, you will most likely get infection....
both these techniques need to be applied much earlier as hardening of stems has now taken place and will add many weeks, if not months, to gain the added yield desired. When weighing this up it is not worth it. I am a heavy lst'er but do it from the first few weeks.


Well-Known Member
super cropping will take a bit longer because of the repairs and extra growth needed to fill in,but if you just slightly LST at this point it will give a bit more.. mainly jst from the light getting further down...

but i do totally agree it is alot easier and safer for your plant if you do this earlier on... also make sure your pot is nice and dry before you do this, if you do it after you water you will most likely snap the stem...


Well-Known Member
First of all congrats on a successful vegging. If you have the time, your best bet for increased yeild is to cut that girl into clones. get you some clonex, and start cuttin that girl into clones. Veg those clones another 3 or 4 weeks and flip the photoperiod on em'.

If that doesnt sound appealing, than bud em' now, lay off the chemicals for the first coulpe of weeks. During these two weeks you can utilize your time of no nutes to hit em' with some organic tea. If you dont know how organic tea is made, and your interested, I'll tell ya'

All your doing is giving your girl a broader spectrum of options to grow by. You may switch from organics, back to chemicals and find out that your girl liked her organic tea better, and go back to it. nothing wrong with giving yourself options.

Be checkin' back. Good luck, man!
Thank you everyone for the quick responses. I am probably just going to set these two into flower then and maybe bend the first plant a little so more light can penetrate. And thanks for the advice on organic teas subtlechaos. I acutally got some worm castings i'm going to make a tea out of with some organic molasses right before i set them into flower. So throughout flowering stay away from trimming unless the fan leaves are really blocking off a bud site?


Well-Known Member
leave it alone, it looks like she will be a nice bushy plant that (strain depending) should yield nice.


Active Member
I'm about to flower these two girls under a 45 watt led panel, 90w ufo led, a set of t5 3 ft tubes, and a couple cfls. I just trimmed off a bunch of fan leaves and a lot of the growth on the bottom of both of these plants, but was looking for a couple opinions on the best methods of increasing my yield. I was thinking about giving the 2nd plant a solid lollipop trim and for the 1st one tying down a bunch of the stems from the middle to open up more of the plant to light. For the lollipop technique do you cut off all the main stems on the bottom or just cut off the fan leaves on the bottom stems? Anything else I can do regarding training or trimming to increase yield before i set these girls into flower? Holla.

haha ok
I dont want to say that I invented the term, but there was a big cahoots about the term "lolly popping" Folks said it killed the plant and hurt it. na. dont believe none a that.

It is, by my definition anyways, exactly what you have already done. The only reason you would "lollipop" it today as your beautiful plant stands, is for aesthetics. I had a bunch of straggling limbs at the bottom of my plant holding nutrients and water. Nice thick, leafless limbs.. I snapped the stems and a few days later they just fell in the soil.

lollipopped on the right. "non-popped" on the left

