Buds stetching???


Active Member
I am almost one month into flowering, woke up this morning to a huge growth spurt.
The small buds on my plant seemed to have stretched an inch or so overnight. So much so that I can see stem in the middle, which I couldnt see yesterday.

Is this a normal thing??? The bigger buds showed a little bit of this but not nearly as much. I posted a pic that kinda shows the
spaces between the bud.



Active Member
from all i know yes buds will streatch as they fill out more and more like two or three weeks befor harvest i have a big push to fill out


Active Member
from all i know yes buds will streatch as they fill out more and more like two or three weeks befor harvest i have a big push to fill out
cool, I hope this is my case. I got this plant to grow pretty much horizontal and the shoots on the lower section are stretching.
Might even trim off a couple that a giving me fits setting the lights where I want.

Thanks for your help