can anyone anwser this,


Well-Known Member
i have my medical marijauna card and live in oregon, i dont own my property so i cant grow outdoors during the summer so i was wondering if it was legal to hike up in the woods somewhere and grow outdoors for the summer and keep all the plants to the legal limit any info would be great i really want to grow outdoors:weed:


Well-Known Member
I have been wondering the same thing and the only answer I could come up with is if its state land you can if it federal you cant
but I have no proof of that for sure just hear say. so still in the same boat as you are


Well-Known Member
That would be considered a guerilla grow and they are illegal, even with your personal medical use card.


Well-Known Member
That would be considered a guerilla grow and they are illegal, even with your personal medical use card.
are u sure cuc ive been reading alot on here and in journals where they have their card and still grow out in the woods and keep the leal limits, anyone els on this i just need to know for sure 100 percent:weed:


Active Member
That would be ill advised...its illegal and that's the type of stuff that's getting are lands closed off to the public. As sad as it is too many people ruin it for us all. If you go that route, you'll have to do it like any other illegal op, be quiet, be sneaky, and don't leave a mess.
Fuck yeah you can. Guerilla Growing is on the rise!
Free sun, free soil, free water, free air conditioning, freedom!
1) Always travel alone. Any grow op too big for one guy to handle is a bust. (No dogs either, they are loud and some shed hair.
2) For obvious reasons, never reveal location. No security = you know.
3) Never stay past sunset. The use of flashlights is strictly prohibited.
4) Have an alibi for being in the area. Carry a fanny pack with binoculars and a bird map. If questioned, claim birdwatching. See rule 3. Hard to do at night. Stargazing???
5) Spread seeds sparsely, a patch of herb just looks un-natural and can now be easily spotted from above.
6) Never photograph yourself with your crop. Duhh.
7) Duct tape works awesome to cover soles of shoes, limiting tracking capabilities.
Always plant next to and downhill from a water source. You will not be able to lug water to your location. Seasons will change the amount of water available so plan accordingly. A stream in winter becomes a river come spring.
9) Watch where you park! A cop who is suspicious will not go searching for you, rather he'll post up playing Solitaire and wait for you to come to him.
10) Be clean. Never leave trash or other toxins anywhere. Anything behind for that matter. Respect Mother Nature and you will surely be blessed.

I'm getting excited for outdoor season to roll around...

I'm sure there are hundreds of other tips from fellow, I mean...Guerilla's, so please post!
Good Luck in this new year!


Well-Known Member
Fuck yeah you can. Guerilla Growing is on the rise!
Free sun, free soil, free water, free air conditioning, freedom!
1) Always travel alone. Any grow op too big for one guy to handle is a bust. (No dogs either, they are loud and some shed hair.
2) For obvious reasons, never reveal location. No security = you know.
3) Never stay past sunset. The use of flashlights is strictly prohibited.
4) Have an alibi for being in the area. Carry a fanny pack with binoculars and a bird map. If questioned, claim birdwatching. See rule 3. Hard to do at night. Stargazing???
5) Spread seeds sparsely, a patch of herb just looks un-natural and can now be easily spotted from above.
6) Never photograph yourself with your crop. Duhh.
7) Duct tape works awesome to cover soles of shoes, limiting tracking capabilities.
Always plant next to and downhill from a water source. You will not be able to lug water to your location. Seasons will change the amount of water available so plan accordingly. A stream in winter becomes a river come spring.
9) Watch where you park! A cop who is suspicious will not go searching for you, rather he'll post up playing Solitaire and wait for you to come to him.
10) Be clean. Never leave trash or other toxins anywhere. Anything behind for that matter. Respect Mother Nature and you will surely be blessed.

I'm getting excited for outdoor season to roll around...

I'm sure there are hundreds of other tips from fellow, I mean...Guerilla's, so please post!
Good Luck in this new year!

like i said if its ilegal its a no do and i wouldnt have to worry abot some of ur rules cuz it would be legal
like i said if its ilegal its a no do and i wouldnt have to worry abot some of ur rules cuz it would be legal
Then, obviously you would have to own the property.

u have to own ur property or if u rent u have to ok it with the landlord wich in most cases is a no
Does this answer your question?

i dont own my property so i cant grow outdoors
I must've misinterpereted 'hiking into the woods somewhere.'


Well-Known Member
ya cuz i cant grow in my back yard i know that and i just needed to know if i could grow in the woods legaly cuz i am not sure on that

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
if u own ur land its ok to grow outdoors but if u dont own and rent u have to ok it with the landlord and in most cases its a no:weed:
Bottom line: it's "illegal" to grow cannabis ANYWHERE in the U.S.A. Now, that said, certain MM States grudgingly allow certain grows, but Federal law still trumps. The hated Obama has quietly decided that MM is ok, and directed his legal minion, Eric Holder, to back off the high profile raiding of State sanctioned MM dispensaries. But, it's still illegal, and there is no way in hell you are going to get a grow on without the possibility of getting compromised. If thats a problem, then don't grow. Happy New Year..........BB


Well-Known Member
i can gorw i just ewant to know if i vando it in the woods legaly cuz i cant n my back yard cuz im in the city


Well-Known Member
i can gorw i just ewant to know if i vando it in the woods legaly cuz i cant n my back yard cuz im in the city
It is the individual card holder that is legal to grow anywhere YOU are living, weather it be indoors or out, only where YOU LIVE. But to just go claim a spot on any ol' piece of property federal, personal or state is illegal.


Well-Known Member
ok thanks brasmith, ya i cant grow in my backyard cuz theirs a shop light next door that lights up like 2 or 3 differnet back yards


Well-Known Member
You should be able to grow indoors. Those lights should not keep plants from doing their natural thing out side, bet tomato plants would veg and then flower in that yard.


Well-Known Member
well i am growing inside but want to do outside this coming summer, and yes the lights will effect them if its in the dark period at night anything brifgter then the moon will ruin the light cycle and stress the plant how would a plant flower under constant lightin their would be no total darkenss theirs no way i cando it