Club 600


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I apologize for the confusion but I'm not growing bagseed. I'm a couple/few weeks away from finishing this grow and my next is going to be the sativa I've been waiting to grow for months.

Again I apologize if I caused any confusion.
Nae worries pal.

I'll get in on this bagseed competition. Sounds fun. lol.

I got a hold of some of two bagseed seeds I used for my last grow. They have already sprouted and been placed in rockwool, so we'll see if they make it.
Cool. Checked my Barbagseed this morning, nadda yet.:-(

I just grew Sour Grape (clone only I think)... it is a mostly sativa hybrid that finished in 8 weeks. Can't argue with that. However, you can argue with the yeild I got.... trade off's I guess.
Whilst twisting and lst-ing my plants this morning I was thinking about your sour grape Jigfresh (not in a naughty way, honest:weed:) From your pic with all the buds off, the plant itself doesn't look that big. When it was up and growing - it certainly looked bigger to me anyway. What I said before about us pushing our plants, I really think you maxed and got the full potential out of what you were working with. As an experiment I grew two Headbands, one was topped, the other grew normally, both in the same small pots (about 1 1/2 gallon I think) both produced the same amount of weed (to within a few grams....just over an ounce cured) I still think the fruit/flower the plant produces relates to the size of the growth medium, (providing you are using its full potential), and more importantly, the strain. A couple of grows before that one, I grew only a few Headbands, but in larger pots, bigger yield per pot....but not that great a yield. Just damn fine 'erb:weed:
I agree, I'm getting about 1/2 the yield from indicas as from sativas. Currently there are two lady cane's in bloom (28 days) which I am looking foward to finishing, estimated at 9 to 11 weeks, which I guestimate to yield about an oz.

Are you growing in the exact same conditions, cof?
Again I would have thought that this comes down to the strain and how it is grown.

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The 2 flowering clones (24 days) appear to have finished their stretch without being topped at approximately 44"....I'm not exact, the lights aren't on yet. The strains that I have grow tall and slim, so I can have lot of plants without being crowded.....they only take about 1 square foot of space or less. I didn't top the clones to see if I could get fatter buds with one top instead of two.....and have three more clones that will go into the bloom room tomorrow because there is a mother plant begging to be relieved of some more babies. Obviously I like this strain.

Thank you I appreciate the info. I got a bottle of bush master in case I may need it. I'm just going to let them grow. I have my sativa beans soaking and I'll be popping them into the rooter plugs at noon.

First day of the year and my electricity was off for almost two hours last night. My lights should be on now but aren't. I haven't even had a cup of coffee yet, I'll give them an extra hour of dark before I go in there and adjust my timers.

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So who is the camera expert on this thread? My picture taking ability plain sucks and I would love some pointers.

Happy New Year to all my fellow six hundred watters.

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Damn, I didn't realise you got so many power outages in the US!!

I live in florida and it is horrible here. It rained here last night so I guess for the first day of the year, why not a power outage?

I've invested in a product from Custom Automated Products called a HLC-2e. It's a little piece you plug into your receptacle and then plug your timer and lights in, it protects the lights from trying to hot start by having a fifteen minute delay built into it. That's how often I lose power here. I see the next several days it's going to be cool here and downright cold at night. Lows will be in the thirties the next several nights. Hmmm, sounds like another good reason for more power outages. Now I know why florida is called the sunshine state. We lose our electricity so much we need the sun to see.


Well-Known Member
I thought South Africa was bad....ever thought about getting a back up generator for your house in general? Do people have them? My Mother had a place up in Boga Rotan for about 10 years, but I never visited (I guess Florida is quite a big place though so not sure if that is near you)

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I thought South Africa was bad....ever thought about getting a back up generator for your house in general? Do people have them? My Mother had a place up in Boga Rotan for about 10 years, but I never visited (I guess Florida is quite a big place though so not sure if that is near you)
I don't have the money for a generator like that. I did put two gerbils and an exercise wheel in my electric panel in case of power outages. I guess I need more gerbils, two isn't even enough to make the lights flicker.

My Malawi99 has african genetics and I have one bean soaking. I also have one jock horror soaking. They are both regular seeds which I'm hoping to cross. The malawi is supposed to have a golden appearance when she grows and her buds are supposed to be golden. I haven't had any gold bud in decades.

Edit. No Boca is no where near me. I live in central florida in a small town of thirty five hundred.


Well-Known Member
I don't have the money for a generator like that. I did put two gerbils and an exercise wheel in my electric panel in case of power outages. I guess I need more gerbils, two isn't even enough to make the lights flicker.

My Malawi99 has african genetics and I have one bean soaking. I also have one jock horror soaking. They are both regular seeds which I'm hoping to cross. The malawi is supposed to have a golden appearance when she grows and her buds are supposed to be golden. I haven't had any gold bud in decades.

Edit. No Boca is no where near me. I live in central florida in a small town of thirty five hundred.
Oh no, just got me thinking about Richard Gear, with all this hamster talk, lol. They done an experiment in the UK using cyclists powering generators for this household. Breakfast was like full on, 30+ cyclists just to power the toaster and kettle!!!...can't imagine how many hamsters would be needed to run a 600w 12hours:shock: That Armstrong kid would be knackered.

I am from the Universe we call Scotland.

I do like the Beatles, wouldn't say I was their biggest fan, I just liked the fact that this was one of the few songs that Lennon and Mcartney didn't write. Plus the fact that Octopus's collect things to make gardens...kinda like me, lol. Plus, I live under the sea naturally.....

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I got my lights back on. The power was off for almost two hours last night but I only lost about an hour of light since I'm up early every morning. My light schedule runs from six in the morning to six at night, this way it gives me time each morning to water the girls and enough time even if I get home late from work most nights I'm still home before six, so I can take a peek or three dozen before the lights go off.

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I figured I would take a few pics to start the new year off right since I had a few minutes to wait before seven a.m.

Here are the girls on the first day of 2010. I have a mutant in the bunch, it's the one with four tops. I did nothing to this girl she just grew this way. The stem is only about an inch or so tall. The purple girl is a thc bomb seed from a previous grow. I'm thinking two might be ready next weekend but the others will need that additional week. I'm hoping all will be done by the end of the second weekend of january.

The first pis is my crystal seed from my partner which was from a previous grow. She is showing her sativa heritage. Huge top cola, a bit airy.

The second pic is my mutant, another crystal.

The third pic is Jessica. An extremely sweet and sticky girl with very hard nugs.

The fourth pic is my thc bomb. She is as dark green as can be. The purple girl also in the pic is a second generation thc bomb.

The rest are group shots.


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Adding nitrogen during flowering. It appears that shot of half strength grow big I added a couple of days ago is working. The upper fan leaves don't appear to be as yellow as they were two days ago. It might be my imagination but I'm thinking not. I'll keep an eye on this and maybe tomorrow give them another shot of half strength grow big.

Thanks dst.

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Here's another of those I'm curious things for you dst. What is the weather like today in your part of the world? It's almost nine in the morning here, rainy, sixty four degrees f with ninety six percent humidity. Just another beautiful day in florida.


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It's a pure blue sky, not a cloud to be seen. It's white on my roof terrace, it's probably about 1 degree celcius (33f.) My kind of day.


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I did try to take one of the moon last night but the pic is dead