1. jeff... think this through past step 1... A few miles high structure... what kind of base do you think would be needed for something like that? It would be the largest manmade structure. Good luck getting a plane (or even a few planes) to take down a single one. I've considered the risk/safety precautions, trust me buddy.we have now officially entered the twilight zone.
1. yes, great idea. that way when the terrorists fly planes into our "gardens" the whole world will starve...seriously...this has got to be a troll or i want to know what you grew that made you think that even makes sense.
2 the garden of eden? you cannot be this stupid. AGRICULTURE, THATS HOW THEY ATE BEFORE WALMART FOOD CENTER WAS INVENTED...
dude, seriiously...stay in school bud. you have a long way to go...
2. You said farming was started a couple hundred years ago... you're retarded. Farming was started a couple THOUSAND years ago, 8,000 years ago, in the Fertile Crescent. 12,000 years ago in southeast Asia...
But nevermind all of that... lets just keep fighting over all the resources..