Hair test help


Hi to all, I"m new and i will need help
Next week I will be hair tested and i haven't smoked in 25-28 days. Any tips how to pass this test.


Well-Known Member
Don't know any way to beat a hair test, other than to not have hair, others may but my understanding is stuff stays in hair forever and they can tell by where it is at, how long ago ya smoked.
ive seen ads for shampoos idk if they work never need it personally.but u can google it.i know u cant shave ur hair off tho!theyll grab ur pubes!!u cant take the test that way huh?better offf tryin bleach than shavin ur body.


Active Member
ay brotha your fucked there is absolutely no way around this test....any hair from any part of your body will give a 5 year span of what you have way no how


Active Member
this is what police departments and federal agencies use and now more and more employers are beginning to think about...It tells no lies and from what ive read and heard theres no way around it..some shit about it being trapped inside of your hair follicle for good...Im stoned right now but if you google it youll see what im referring to...


Active Member
I have a cousin big pothead.He passed a hair test with bleach soak in bleach.Don't have a high thc you should pass!
You my friend are fucked. Roomie had a hair test to be a chemical engineer at Johnson & Johnson. If you try shaving your head not only will it arise suspicions, but they'll simply take it from another part of your body (ie. armpit, pubes, etc). If you have NO hair at all or you manage to 'beat' it with some sort of chemicals (which would more than likely only cause it to come back as inconclusive rather than a false negative) you will either not get the job (which was the case @ Johnson & Johnson) or they'll try again in a few months when your hair grows back.


Well-Known Member
I used the shampoo once, forgot the actual brand or specific name, but it worked for me. I did however double-dose it, washing my entire body with it, in case they plucked from somewhere other than my head. I do remember it being expensive though, I think it was about 40 dollars for a packet of the stuff, but it did work. Good luck!