right on. First I use GH three part with the hard water micro and straight un dechlorinated from the faucet tapwater. I have no probs at all and growth is good. I have never noticed algae nor do I think there will be. The floods are breif and the water is well churned and oxygenated. Plus I ooxygenate the res.
DO u add air stones in ur res? I would have to keep my res aerated, with some of the goodies I use.
I also use some h202 once in a while.
I grow from seed and clone. So far in ebb and flow I have only grown in rockwool. I place rapid rooters into the four inch cubes.
If by Rapid Rooters, u mean those Super Starter Plugs(rubberized peat moss, i think is wat the hydro guy told me they were), that's all I use, besides Hydroton or soil. But I start in those plugs. I won't use Rockwool cause those Starter Plugs are GREAT! U don't have to treat them, or condition them. No pH issues with those. Can u not use them throught ur gro? Why not just put them into Hydroton into ur conatiners?
I am doing mine in one gallon nursery pots and no matter how I work it I can always only fit 14 of anything into a turbgarden. I dont recomend more.
I prefer faster floods. So I am waiting until the roots grow out of rockwool, about two to three weeks and then placeing hydroton under the cubes. When this gets over a three inchs I will increase the floods to once every two hours. I have started the plants in hydrton once. I used small level of hydroton for the first week. Then I added more every week when the roots poked out. IT worked brilliantly and I am doing that in the future. So I have grown in other than rockwool. This time I was out of hydroton and has some rockwool laying around so I used that. Rockwool is cool with GH, no ph probs, GH buffers like astronuats,
but rockwool wil grow algae like crazy if you dont cover the cubes.
I plan on gettin me some GH for some testing, along with Humboldt Nutes. I I already have Liquid KoolBloom, and Floralicious Plus. But I use Dutch Master Gold, and it just doesn't go well with other products.
I am vegging and keeping donator plants in ebb and flows. Then I plan to flower in five gallon buckets with 10 inch netpot lids. Using drippers on stakes and return hoses back to the res on the bottom. I saw this working for a lot of dudes.
Another strategy that I am using is too use a four inch cube and when is full place another four inch cube underneath. This has given me a huge plant! In flower It is great. I however am not sure about all that rockwool to buy. I saw a case on CL for 50 bucks once. Lol. Just wait it out. CL always dleivers
I know you want a pro white system. But I found a 2x3 cment tray at lowes for 10 bucks and a 27 gallon sturdy black and yellow tote thing that is perfect for reservoirs. That is 10 bucks. Add a 10 dollar eBay botancare ebb and flow ficture and a 20 dollar eBay pump and some dollar peices of Lowes tubing and you are set.
Eventually I will probably, in the future, build a few different DIY systems. I would like to try a DIY Aeroponics, Drip, and so forth. But for now, I'll get a "real" system. and I can always sell it on craigslist for almost what I paid for it, around my way. If I pay $300, and get 1 grow out of it, and sell it for $250, I will feel like I got my $50 worth.
The best part about ebb and flow for us first year growers is moving plants around. Well for all growers but it sure is fun to examine yur girls when you feel like it.
I might use my 3x3 to flower. But i want some legal medical trees, so I got to figure out how to use five gallon buickets on a table. Drip is the only sure way I can think of. Ecept a top flood. Lol.
I don't understand why u can't/ or are debating the use of a 3x3 to get medical trees. Please explain. And yes, I also agree that the only way I could think of a 5 gallon on a flood table is drip method.
At this nursery they flood all their plants on tables in dirt. Five gallons and on too. But soil is diferent that fast and clean hydro.
Well are u talking about what I mentioned earlier(in my last post, right over this one)? This Ready Gro stuff that Botanicare puts out. It actually comes with the Turbogarden(where I'm ordering it from). And it's the same stuff that's in Sunshine Organic Soilless Mix. I didn't know u could flood with soil. Probably sounds stupid, I know, LMAO! Just Kiddin ppl!
If you got the money the turbogarden is nice. But if it is tight then make it yurself dude. I built a 1.2x2.5 tray and it is nice but I did not see the 2x3 cement trays too. Very sturdy. The only real reason to buy the botanicare is the channels on the bottom. When using cemnt trays the water can pool. Nothing serious. but perfectionist is Botanicare. It would only really matter in rockwool.