Calling all L,S,T ers


Well-Known Member
Well, although I don't lollipop anymore (only the first grow), I do trim off any leaves that end up pushed down into the dirt or even really blocking air circulation or watering access. The last photo in my post above shows this (I'll repost it since it's on a previous page), if you look at the bottom branches. So what I do now is tie down the branch, then trim off whatever is shoved down there. No lollipopping for me, but I do trim whatever gets in the way of the pot while I'm tying. Which comes to very little trimming.



Well-Known Member
heres some pics of my plants their 23 days old, i bought one week after they were cut, one plant seems to be a bush as the other is a bit smaller cuz the soil its in, but any wasys heres the pic and when do u think i should stat to flower:weed: also their not the best pics i only have a phone cam


Well-Known Member
This is where my first grow was the day I flipped to 12/12:

Looks pretty comparable to where yours are now. What size pots? Mine were 3 gallon pots.

They look developed enough to flip if you feel they're ready. If you want them to be larger, then veg longer. Sorry to not be able to say anything definitive, but it's really up your wants and needs... how much grow space you have vs. how large you desire them to be, etc. Some people are simply impatient and flip to 12/12 sooner than they "should" or need, others veg longer and therefore have larger plants/yields.

If your grow space and patience allow for it, then veg 'em bigger. ;) If not, they do look mature enough in your photos to flower now. :D


Well-Known Member
thanks, mine are in 5 gallon buckets, my room should be big enough for some huge plants, im gonna flower under a 600 watt hps, so the light will only penetrate about 3 feet give or take a few in. i want a big yeald to but dont want to veg to much longer, so i will make my desision here in the next week or so, and they are mature i can see pistils just cant take a pic cuz its to hard, it seems like theirs alot of underneith growth that doesnt get much light


Well-Known Member
Trust me, they still get plenty of light. ;) It doesn't appear that way, because they're of course shaded by the foliage above them. Think of an apple tree... you'll find many large, beautiful, delicious apples on the very bottom branches, in all that shade. The more the fan leaves get direct light, the more your buds will develop; including the lowest ones.

I've been doing "progressive" harvesting, for two reasons... (1) My activities are very limited due to severe chronic pain, and I don't want to chop more than I can trim. (2) Some buds will finish developing sooner than others, and I don't want to harvest what needs to "bake" more. So harvesting what's most mature first breaks a large job into smaller ones, and allows the less mature buds to finish doing their stuff. :mrgreen:

I was wondering if your containers were 5 gallons. They just looked quite a bit larger than my 3 gallon ones are. So I'd say that they're quite most likely grown out more than mine were when I flipped to 12/12. Just go with your "gut" and switch the light cycle when you decide you're ready. :D


Well-Known Member
Sorry, Mongo don't do pix - ever!

But let me tell you how I do LST. Instead of drilling holes in the pot and tieing (and re-tieing!) with string, or, whatever - I use these little suckers:

They come in all different sizes and they are cheap! I just clip a few of these around the rim of the pot and "Voila"!!! They hold tight and you can reposition them real easy.

You can either clamp the string right on the edge of the pot, or do like I do. I hold the branches down with little "Slings" made of "Twist-ties" that attach to the binder clips with little "S-Hooks" that I make out of various lengthes of paper clips. It may sound a little complicated, but I assure you, it's easier than shit!


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, they've got those at the $1+ store next to my house, a pack of 50 for $1. :mrgreen: I do use twist ties, but also use these and paper clips. They work great, and are indeed very easy for repositioning. :D


Well-Known Member
ya im usin 5 gallon buckets and i agree with u on the cutting the mature bud and letting the rest ripen up more


Well-Known Member
Well, although I don't lollipop anymore (only the first grow), I do trim off any leaves that end up pushed down into the dirt or even really blocking air circulation or watering access. The last photo in my post above shows this (I'll repost it since it's on a previous page), if you look at the bottom branches. So what I do now is tie down the branch, then trim off whatever is shoved down there. No lollipopping for me, but I do trim whatever gets in the way of the pot while I'm tying. Which comes to very little trimming.

Ok..... Now THAT shit is dope! I WANT a plant like that! DAMN! That would be absolutely PERFECT for my grow space! How exactly do you go about doing that???

Oh, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!:bigjoint:


Active Member
Master Kush from seed - 11/05/2009:

Same plant three days ago (two months):

there. LST. :D PS - that plant is 19" tall from the soil surface to the tip of the tallest bud.. The tallest bud makes up 10" of that 19" :)


Well-Known Member
Master Kush from seed - 11/05/2009:

Same plant three days ago (two months):

there. LST. :D PS - that plant is 19" tall from the soil surface to the tip of the tallest bud.. The tallest bud makes up 10" of that 19" :)
Hey sick shit bro! If you don't mine me asking, did you "trim" or "prune" or whatever the hell you wanna call it, the botom leaves of your plant? My plant has SO MANY bud sites! I'd rather just cut the small one's off tho to end up with BIG BUDS like yours! Any input would be grately appreciated! There are pix of the plant earlier on in this thread. If you'd take a look and let me know what you think I'd love you! haha

So I'm really just wondering if I SHOULD or SHOULDN't cut off some of the lower branches in the MASS bush that I have growing...?


Well-Known Member
(For reference only...)
Well, although I don't lollipop anymore (only the first grow), I do trim off any leaves that end up pushed down into the dirt or even really blocking air circulation or watering access. The last photo in my post above shows this (I'll repost it since it's on a previous page), if you look at the bottom branches. So what I do now is tie down the branch, then trim off whatever is shoved down there. No lollipopping for me, but I do trim whatever gets in the way of the pot while I'm tying. Which comes to very little trimming.

Ok..... Now THAT shit is dope! I WANT a plant like that! DAMN! That would be absolutely PERFECT for my grow space! How exactly do you go about doing that???

Oh, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!:bigjoint:
Hey sick shit bro! If you don't mine me asking, did you "trim" or "prune" or whatever the hell you wanna call it, the botom leaves of your plant? My plant has SO MANY bud sites! I'd rather just cut the small one's off tho to end up with BIG BUDS like yours! Any input would be grately appreciated! There are pix of the plant earlier on in this thread. If you'd take a look and let me know what you think I'd love you! haha

So I'm really just wondering if I SHOULD or SHOULDN't cut off some of the lower branches in the MASS bush that I have growing...?
OK... I topped above the second node for four main "colas" and then tied them down as they grew. (I end up with six to eight "dominant" colas, several "lesser" colas, quite a few good-sized nuggets, and very few popcorn buds.) While tying, I trim off the very bottom leaves that are being shoved down into the container. So my trimming is minimal; just what needs to be out of the way for good air circulation. Below is a photo of some plants in flower at different stages; it's a bit more shadowy than I'd like, but you can still see that there isn't much at all trimmed down below.

BTW, you get big top buds without removing the smaller ones. I've done it both ways, and the colas were just as big and fat without lollipopping as they were with doing it... I ended up with +/- another ounce dry by keeping the lower buds intact and the trimming down to a bare minimum. :mrgreen:




Well-Known Member
Katatawnic did u say u untie every thing when in flower except the counter tie or how do u do it


Well-Known Member
I leave them tied at least until the vegetative stretch during flower is finished, and longer if possible (i.e., ties not in the way of watering, etc.). I've found it's best to leave them tied as long as possible, all the way through if you can, because it doesn't really make any sense to position them prostrate and then undo it... defeats the purpose of tying them otherwise. ;)

When I top first I don't need a counter tie, because the main branches are being spread in opposite directions, so the trunk won't get pulled off balance. LST without topping is when you need a counter tie. (I do it both ways, currently depending on my mood more than anything. Soon I plan on doing a side-by-side with clones from same mother, one topped and one not, so I can see which turns out better and find my permanent preference.)


Well-Known Member
ok i heard people untie when they flower and i didnt understand, and i have a prob with watering to its very hard to get around the plant specialy with nutes i need a watering tube, and i would like to see the one topped and one not when ustart to do it


Well-Known Member
Yes, it can indeed be a pain watering/feeding with the ties in place. Usually I water a section, turn the pot a bit, water a section, turn the pot, and so on. I've got a small grow though (five in flower currently, but I'm pretty sure one is a male, so it'll likely be four tonight). However, leaving the branches tied all the way till harvest does ensure much healthier lower buds, and almost guaranteed for those lower buds to be larger and more potent... from my experience so far, that is. ;)


Well-Known Member
ok thanks, i also have a small grow only 2 plants but i plan on letting them veg longer so i have bigger yeild i figure why grow 6 normalones when i can grow to big ones and get same yeild if not more and its less work and money to do