what to do with a hermie


Well-Known Member
why is everyone talking about reusing the seeds I stressed them when I transferred them they all hemred a little bit it looks like a very very healthy plant im growing them under a 600 watt hps im using nutes no nute burn they look really good just have a couple of balls but still have pistils im just wondering if the weed will still be good and yield they look really good just a couple of balls


Well-Known Member
all I want to know if I will get bud production god why is everyone talking about resusing seeds Im just grwoing some weed that were femm seeds in the begging and got stressed still look amazing and still have pistils


Active Member
all I want to know if I will get bud production god why is everyone talking about resusing seeds Im just grwoing some weed that were femm seeds in the begging and got stressed still look amazing and still have pistils
If you have a seperate place to put them two then all means got for it but if you dont they will deff pollinate to the other so i wouldnt take the risk.

The bud will have seeds and sinc eits has seeds it wont be as poitent as if it didnt. thats all about ino

good luck, if you do it let me know how it turns out:bigjoint:


Active Member
well i quess now you know when you get hermies fucking throw them fukers away. they just cause problems and really is not worth it. sorry for your loss. yull still get buds just not as good and not as much......


Well-Known Member
yeah well im growing it pretty damn well lol i have a good setup its just I just stressed them a little and thats what happend they didnt hermie that bad though. they still look pretty good.


Active Member
if the seed came from sum funk ittle still be funk........, hope you didnt plant a mids/regular seed that would suck all this for sum reggi lol
I guess keep em, but the answer to the qaulity is they won't be as big of buds, or as potent. Still quality smoke, but alot of people make hash with hermie buds. It ain't gonna be swaag though.


Well-Known Member
oh thats good to hear I know it was going to be really good well until the hermies. but now I guess it will be pretty good. lol


Active Member
I guess keep em, but the answer to the qaulity is they won't be as big of buds, or as potent. Still quality smoke, but alot of people make hash with hermie buds. It ain't gonna be swaag though.

DEFF NOT SHWAG DUDE. LOL, but then agine depends on the quality of the seed


Well-Known Member
u might have a light leak if its happenin to that many, usually a transplant isnt as stressing as it seems, unless u reaallllyy fuck it up. id say move em to a different room so they dont pollinate, and smoke the bitches when ur low on dinero