Well-Known Member
Thanks man, but that's the problem. All I can find is enlarged photos of these things. I can't find any pics or description of what they look like to the naked eye and I can't seem to get one under my microscope. At least not anywhere but the rim of my planter which is black. For some reason all I see under the microscope when I look at one on the rim is black. Don't ask me why.on the left, common green aphid; on the right, adult whitefly. lower pic is enlarged adult whitefly, female on the right. females are always larger, should be your number one target...
enlarged juvenile whitefly/larvae stage:
adult fungal gnat- sex undetermined, as with whiteflies, the females will be larger.
fungal gnat juvenile/larvae:
I'll go in there and take another look, maybe I'll get lucky.