are grow hut tents fireproof? or resistant?


Active Member
Anyone ever have a fire or know anyone thats had a fire or bulbs burn up in there tent? kinda new this whole thing, got a tent also kinda nervous of running the lights all night. is that mylar fireproof? let me hear some stories!:fire:


Active Member
Anyone ever have a fire or know anyone thats had a fire or bulbs burn up in there tent? kinda new this whole thing, got a tent also kinda nervous of running the lights all night. is that mylar fireproof? let me hear some stories!:fire:
Damn 66 views and not any advice? Did i ask a stupid question or does no one have any knowledge on this?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i've not heardof fires that have been caused simply frlom things being hot, only from shoddy irrigation, electric wiring shorts and that lot.

i'd have thought it would be clearly market on the tent or packaging whether it complies with fire regualtions etc.

but in short no i've never heard a single horror story myself about burning a tent down.


Active Member
thanks bro i appreciate it.people have told me the tents are fireproof and yet i never seen or read that they are on the packaging


Active Member

nothing is fireproof
something are just very fire resistant

generaly speaking anything flexible is flamable


Well-Known Member
im gaunna check my tent package and see, i'll be back later. but being nylon i would imagine they are just fire resistant and not fireproof.


Active Member
a friend of mine has three tents and running 3 600w hps with no problems, if we was to know it would set alight, the mothering law would be sleeping above the room!
all tents tents ive seen are fire resistant........ and thats why u have a dis board with a RCD breaker in case of any problems with the wiring and short circuits!!!!


Well-Known Member
i run a 600 and 400 hps in the same tent (4' x 4' x6.5') and ive never felt that any heat from the tent walls although i think i mite just run my hand over the top coz if heat build up is gaunna occur anywhere it'll be up there.


Well-Known Member
just back from sorting my plants( pruned the fuck outta them ,only two weeks to harvest yeeefuckinhaaa)and i put my hand at the top of my tent and it was cool no heat build up at all and that was 11hours with 1000watt hps so i wouldnt worry about it catching fire as long as all your electric are good.


Active Member
i would have to agree that its not fire proof. Picture your house on fire and you running into your grow tent for would look something outta the no not fire proof, fires from grow ops are result of faulty/shotty wiring, bad placement of irrigation in approximate location of electrical...just generally being neglectful....any other thoughts?