I'm a realy happy puppy btw, I just watered and looked over the plants real good. Only 3 leaves had any signs of spider mites and I didn't see anything alive. I clipped the leaves and put them right into a cup of water just in case. I also didn't see any strange and unidentified damage that I think were from gnat larvae. And I didn't see any more white fly shit, although I now have lady bug shit all over the plants. lol
The lady bugs have also moved off the plants for the most part. They were in the carpet for a while and now they're on the beams that the lights hang from and they've found a new fascination with the metal chains that the lights use to hang. I'm guessing there's still some pests up there, probably mites. But I don't think mites lay eggs off the plants, so I'm a happy puppy.
I'm still adding another 1500 lady bugs tommorow just in case. The rooms pretty big, I'm only using a small part of it.
One new problem though, kind of off subject. Some of the leaves, especially new leaves had the tips starting to curl under. No discoloration, just tips curling under.
I figure it's gotta be heat, light, or underwatering. I don't think it's heat since it's 70 degrees at the tops of the planters under the lights. It could be light (I have two 400w HIDs about 28" above the tops of the plants) and it could be underwatering (I usually wait till I see the leaves start to droop before watering).
Anyone know which one it probably is, or if there's something else it can be?