1st grow, very very LOW BUDGET


Hey all, DD here, Ive been reading your forums for a while, probably should have before I planted, anyway, heres 2 pics of my baby....

they are in a closet about 3feet tall by 2feet wide, foil on the walls, 2 18" flourecents about 3-4in from top of plant one is a WARM light and one is a FULL spectrum light, I also use a incandecent above those strictly for heat ( the plant never sees the incandecent)

In my haste I used MIRACLE GRO soil with fertilizer beads mixed into it, made about a 50/50 mix with sphagum peat moss....

This plant is between 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 weeks old, Im posting because Im a huge n00b that needs help, and I have been seeing alot of other grows that are about 20x the size of mine at this age.

Any help/advice is greatly, I mean greatly appreciated!!

The pics are a bit blurry, but you can still determine size, and also if you look closely, you can see that the outer edges of the lower leaf looks a bit off...
can anyone confirm if this is nutrient burn or not?

sorry bout the size of the image, wouldnt let me use the "for forum" links

Thanks all, I plan on being here for a while!


Well-Known Member
Hey, DD. You've hit that plant with nutes WAY too early, man. You might have to go as far as moving it to some new dirt. You'll have to move the soil immediately surrounding it too. if you used the pellet Miracle-gro, than it will continue to feed fertilizer to the soil. No nutes yet!

You also should take the tin foil down. Foil "crinkles" and creates sharp points of light that can burn holes in the leaves. Paint your walls the brightest flat White you can find.


Hey, DD. You've hit that plant with nutes WAY too early, man. You might have to go as far as moving it to some new dirt. You'll have to move the soil immediately surrounding it too. if you used the pellet Miracle-gro, than it will continue to feed fertilizer to the soil. No nutes yet!

You also should take the tin foil down. Foil "crinkles" and creates sharp points of light that can burn holes in the leaves. Paint your walls the brightest flat White you can find.

problem is... money is tight, you think it would be possible to filter all of the little miracle grow beads out of the existing soil and be good?
Also, Ive known I shouldnt have used this stuff a day after I did it, so Ive mainly been watering the plant via misting it with a spray bottle, which seems to work fine, only time I get the crusty leaves is when I water the soil, maybe I can just get by on the spray??


Well-Known Member
hey man, yea its pretty stunted, but it could b worse... the pic i added are of my plant. first pic wus day 45... second is this morning 3 months exactly, so dont b to discouraged, it can turn around quick :) but yea it looks like nute burn to me... and stunted probly from so much nutes right from the get go.. i would go get some soil that has very little nutes. i used black gold soil i got at fred myers for $3. look around and you'll find some cheap soil that will work. IMO stay away from miracle grow products, they work for some people but i believe there just horrible for cannabis


Well-Known Member
hhmmm you might b able to get by on just misting, never tried or heard of it, but clones rely on just misting so i guess its possible


Well-Known Member
When you water the soil, your(kinda) fertilizing the plant all over again. You might be able to nurse it through just watering every couple of days, and foliar feeding it(spraying the leaves) the rest of the time. Just remember to give it ONLY WATER.


yeah I learned real fast not to mist it with miracle gro, killed 10 babies in a day, Absolutely subtlechaos, the water I use is regular tap water that has been set out for a few days to let any chemicals evaporate out of the tap water, am I correct in doing so?


Well-Known Member
oh and a pretty cheap/easy way to get reflective walls without painting is to just cut a bag of doritos so the shiny side is pointing towards ur plants, tape to ur walls. its more reflective then tin foil


Well-Known Member
Just use distilled or filtered water. No nutes... then take down the foil, and paint the walls.

@jumboswisher: Sweet idea... Makeshift Mylar! I like that!


Well-Known Member
Just use distilled or filtered water. No nutes... then take down the foil, and paint the walls.
paint costs money... as the thread name says, hes on a very very low budget. theres other cheaper just as effective things to do. it recycleing to =) haha idk i tend to use alot of make shift things to grow lol


the foil isnt much of a worry right now as the flourecents are about 3 in from the pot all light goes directly south to the plant and the only real thing the foil is helping with at this point is keeping the cold walls of the closet from absorbing all of the heat, the foil is basically to deflect heat to keep a constant


Well-Known Member
well wut fixed mine was i transplanted into new soil/pot/grow room i used black gold soil and it has worked great for me. maybe you should get different type of soil, and smaller pots. its pretty important to have a seedling ina small pot so it can get a good root mass, its harder for it to do that ina big pot, and small roots = small plant


Well-Known Member
thers nuttin rong wit MG soil. u jus have to noe how to use it. i veg my plants 5-6weeks w/o any nutes. mattter of fact i dont use veg nutes at all unless i intend to veg for a longer period of time. u jus messed up cux u fed it way to young thats why its not growin


Well-Known Member
yeah but he did a 50/50 with sphagnum moss

gonna lead to disaster, ph of sphagnum is 3.5 and it's gonna hold water

Most MG comes in around 5.5 ph cause of the added nutes

the advice to move to a different soil is sound in this case

No I'm not an MG hater :bigjoint:

All of you need to come play my new game


Well-Known Member
i didnt say try different soil cuz it MG soil, i dislike it myself but i kno tons of people that it works great for..its just not workn out to great in that soil so why not try something different...


Well-Known Member
i didnt say try different soil cuz it MG soil, i dislike it myself but i kno tons of people that it works great for..its just not workn out to great in that soil so why not try something different...
and i agree wit u if sumthin aint werkin for ya then try sumthin else. but reason why i said that is cux i c so many posts wit ppl sayin how they shoodnt have used mg soil now it killed ther plants and in reality its the growers that did sumthin for the plants to b how they are. like riddleme sayed in his other thread git a grow under ur belt and u will know much more insted of bitchin and complaining bout mg soil killin the plants wen in fact its the growers mistake


Well-Known Member
i didnt say try different soil cuz it MG soil, i dislike it myself but i kno tons of people that it works great for..its just not workn out to great in that soil so why not try something different...
Hey Jumbo never said anything bad bout MG, your advice was spot on, no prob

He has built in nutes and a really low PH to contend with 50% sphagnum would hurt any soil