Elephant Bud

Jasper these are the flip day photos... countdown is on... definitely a week ahead of last time....:weed:
NIce...I opened my second flowering room today stuck all the tall ones in their.The light mover is nice but brings the room down to much for a few of these ladies.I think the light mover would be better for clones.
welcome don i wanted the europhia aswell but didnt feel like spending a g on them.I ended up getting the sale deal on the europhia fantico rapido.These took off right off the whopp and are doing great.
I have looked and looked and looked and finally I find a report from someone growing BC Genetics and with some few exceptions, the report was not a total bash fest.

I read all of the feedback on their strains, really was hesitant, but like Kama and others wrote, I have the $$ for the genetics and if I get hosed I get hosed, so I jumped in.

I got everything and more. I am just sprouting Purple Elephant and Euph Rap Fanta, and Thumper and still trying to make up my mind what else to try from Freebies. Green Crack and Vampire on the way....

It is nice to see a thread without the hating. That is sickening. If I get burned and it this is not as advertised, so be it... and I will even fess up and say I was a bonehead if I am wrong, but man if you have not even ordered from them, how can you be so hateful... :confused:

Sorry for the rant, but it was frustrating to read this when I have had NOTHING but 100% as advertised and promised. Rock on Jasper.... I would like to tap on to your thread maybe once I have plants worth (BC plants that is) worth looking at if that is okay with you?

BTW - Anyone tried Sannies Seeds? Holy SH** - there is some potent goodies for very very reasonable prices.... www.sanniesshop.com (not an affiliate - just a mad happy grower...)


It is nice to see a thread without the hating. That is sickening. If I get burned and it this is not as advertised, so be it... and I will even fess up and say I was a bonehead if I am wrong, but man if you have not even ordered from them, how can you be so hateful... :confused:

I dont want to come across as a hater but to answer your question its a simple matter of long term track record which this place has none of, add that to their presentation(desperation) and prices.

If you have the spare money good luck to you and I honestly hope the genetics live up to some of the hype. Its just when you can buy genetics from quality Dutch breeders who have been doing it for decades at a fraction of the cost........

People just like the idea of something 'new, special, amazing' I guess.
NIce...I opened my second flowering room today stuck all the tall ones in their.The light mover is nice but brings the room down to much for a few of these ladies.I think the light mover would be better for clones.
welcome don i wanted the europhia aswell but didnt feel like spending a g on them.I ended up getting the sale deal on the europhia fantico rapido.These took off right off the whopp and are doing great.
do you work for bc seeds or do you really believe you bought a strain that will produce 34% thc if you do why didn't you buy indica 50 50% thc wake up stop feeding these rip offs
Dutch genetics are great and all, but where are all the new connoisseur buds coming from? the states and the northern states ( canada) says a dutch genetics grower.....
From what I've read Green Crack is a clone only strain, so buying seeds from a company that claims to have seeds for it kinda scares me. Though I suppose if you had the strains required to produce green crack you could make GC seeds, but I'm guessing you might not get the exact GC phenos as it's an F1. I've got a sample bag of it, but from what i hear it only lasts an hour, so I'm not real excited or sure why anyone would pay so much for an ounce, but I haven't tried it yet either, so who knows. I'd definitely see who is giving out free samples before I'd buy seeds for it or a bag though, even if they were cheap. Short lived highs usually give people headaches (the reason I haven't tried it yet).
Mad Mick Hey mother fucker like the start of thread says No haters
this guy is pretty much the only dude cooking this plant up with a level head
hats off to him at least he's not a bullshit artist. read the thread and take your no help ways and jam them up your ass
this guy got nothing to do with bcseeds and I know they are 50/50 bank but this dudes not all bcseeds I wanna suck yo dick and shit
Happy New Year
madcatter looking good
Dr. Greenhorn yup thats elephant
Heres some more pics
1-7 are pics of a girl that is budding from bottom up.it has bud sites on the bottom and the top just grew a foot or so and has a few hairs
8-9 Is a pic of a girl i had to bend she got to close to the light under the mover...she has now been moved to a room with more clearence.
10-12 are update shots on the one Dr. Greenhorn reposted.Four day diffrence
Is looking like to me that these elephants budd from bottom up.The bottom is budding better than the top so far.

your leaves look like they are curling a bit. did you go lite on nutes when they are first in bud?
Mad Mick Hey mother fucker like the start of thread says No haters
this guy is pretty much the only dude cooking this plant up with a level head
hats off to him at least he's not a bullshit artist. read the thread and take your no help ways and jam them up your ass
this guy got nothing to do with bcseeds and I know they are 50/50 bank but this dudes not all bcseeds I wanna suck yo dick and shit
you are living proof you dont have to have a long neck to be a goose i saw your so called crop and if you think you are going to send your kids to collage from that then they are going to need a scholarship your right you do need help here some help for you put it in the bin you do not know what you are doing
you are living proof you dont have to have a long neck to be a goose i saw your so called crop and if you think you are going to send your kids to collage from that then they are going to need a scholarship your right you do need help here some help for you put it in the bin you do not know what you are doing

Your showing yourself to be a reall asshole man, let the guy do his grow, some of us are excited to see it, maybe we are smart enough for ourselves to see if this is a starin worth the cash, maybe we are happy to accually see something rather then hear about it. If you don;t want to see someones grow just fuck off and keep it to your self, why try and come on his grow journel and diss him, thats a prick move, just keep it to yourself.
you are living proof you dont have to have a long neck to be a goose i saw your so called crop and if you think you are going to send your kids to collage from that then they are going to need a scholarship your right you do need help here some help for you put it in the bin you do not know what you are doing

Your showing yourself to be a reall asshole man, let the guy do his grow, some of us are excited to see it, maybe we are smart enough to decide for ourselves to see if this is a starin worth the cash, maybe we are happy to accually see something rather then hear about it. If you don;t want to see someones grow just fuck off and keep it to your self, why try and come on his grow journel and diss him, thats a prick move, just keep it to yourself.
From what I've read Green Crack is a clone only strain, so buying seeds from a company that claims to have seeds for it kinda scares me. Though I suppose if you had the strains required to produce green crack you could make GC seeds, but I'm guessing you might not get the exact GC phenos as it's an F1........QUOTE]

It does state that on the site that it was clone only and it is not true GC I reckon. Got it at sale price, so figured worth a try. Not sure I would have been first to venture at full price. As someone else noted, indeed it is something I have not been able to find else where, so novelty and such. I grow for myself and if I pay too much, well a lesson learned.


let the haters hate! the best revenge is success! grow on my dude! :mrgreen: im gettin elephant,green crack and trainwreck x northern lights in 2 weeks!
I have looked and looked and looked and finally I find a report from someone growing BC Genetics and with some few exceptions, the report was not a total bash fest.

I read all of the feedback on their strains, really was hesitant, but like Kama and others wrote, I have the $$ for the genetics and if I get hosed I get hosed, so I jumped in.

I got everything and more. I am just sprouting Purple Elephant and Euph Rap Fanta, and Thumper and still trying to make up my mind what else to try from Freebies. Green Crack and Vampire on the way....

It is nice to see a thread without the hating. That is sickening. If I get burned and it this is not as advertised, so be it... and I will even fess up and say I was a bonehead if I am wrong, but man if you have not even ordered from them, how can you be so hateful... :confused:

Sorry for the rant, but it was frustrating to read this when I have had NOTHING but 100% as advertised and promised. Rock on Jasper.... I would like to tap on to your thread maybe once I have plants worth (BC plants that is) worth looking at if that is okay with you?

BTW - Anyone tried Sannies Seeds? Holy SH** - there is some potent goodies for very very reasonable prices.... www.sanniesshop.com (not an affiliate - just a mad happy grower...)



No prob bud im glad to see that im not the only one out there.Im not worried on being burned from them ive seen bcseed grows and there buds look dank...I have no way of testing to kno if they hit there % in thc.But im not worried as long as its good ill be happy.I kno im the only guy around here thats trying these and that alone makes me happy @ least i kno my stuff will be one of a kind.. my Euph Rap Fanta is doing great better than my elephant.ill post a few pics of them on my next update for you.Feel free to show your girls.I havent tried the sannie shop.I have placed a order today @ potpimp though...any order placed from them you get 50 free beans.The black rose ...all purple genes.Any time i see a deal that intrestes me i buy.I will be honest though my potpimp order was the cheapest order i have ever purchased.I only bought 2 packs totaling a 100 and that includes delivery.I dont have room to start any of my new strains.Except for some green crack expecting mine tomm or thurs. my money didnt show up till monday due to all the holidays...One thing i like about bcseeds is there delivery they are the quickest seedbank for me.And thats with sending my money.I recieved my attitude make up order today as well for those that kno what im talking about.They may of messed up but promply replaced the beans at no cost to me and i kept the ones they sent me by mistake overall was a good deal.I seriously need to stop buying more seeds.
I dont want to come across as a hater but to answer your question its a simple matter of long term track record which this place has none of, add that to their presentation(desperation) and prices.

If you have the spare money good luck to you and I honestly hope the genetics live up to some of the hype. Its just when you can buy genetics from quality Dutch breeders who have been doing it for decades at a fraction of the cost........

People just like the idea of something 'new, special, amazing' I guess.

Yea is kinda nice just knoing i have money like this to throw around.Ill try from any seeds company out there that i think i can trust...But how can you judge a seed company with no physical proof of them.Have you personally grown any of their strains?I was over the price before i even sent the money in mail...Ill continue buying seeds from differnt breeders and companys because im a open minded kind of guy.Im willing to try new things...Even if that means taking a chance...
and sorry i missed your first post
I only lurk these forums but I couldnt help myself.

Boast is an understatement when you look at their descriptions and website, they act as if all their strains are superior and reek of being try hards.

No offense to you Jasper but until some seasoned board members, on any forum for that matter, grow out any of these strains they should be taken with a grain of salt IMO. On other forums too there have been some grow journals posted by first timers, for this strain and others, never any seasoned board members.

If your not a company rep make some seeds and send them to some of the vetran members to grow out or something.

Anyway good luck with your grow, still interested to see how these come out :razz:

Sorry for not being a seasond moderator or even a seasoned grower.Sorry for being a newbie and Sharing what im proud of.Please show me a link to these other grows ive yet to see one and ive looked.And I am making seeds but like fuck if im goin to give them to a guy i dont even kno so his journal will count.I dont care what you think about my seeds or even if you watch.I hope my journal helps people out there like me and that are intrested in new things.Ill be my own judge...I kno i have alot of users like you that disbelieve...But at least most people have a little of respect and just keep there opinions to them selves....Im just a guy that believes i can grow the shit i buy if not better.So i may of jumped on a over priced seed pack but get over it ive been back there way 2 more times after that....
Man i just saw about that green crack last night when i was on thier site, looks very interesting

Ya i picked up 2 packs of these.Green crack comes around my city often.I wanted to try bcseeds version.

QUOTE=Indoor Don;3617794]Your showing yourself to be a reall asshole man, let the guy do his grow, some of us are excited to see it, maybe we are smart enough to decide for ourselves to see if this is a starin worth the cash, maybe we are happy to accually see something rather then hear about it. If you don;t want to see someones grow just fuck off and keep it to your self, why try and come on his grow journel and diss him, thats a prick move, just keep it to yourself.[/QUOTE]

Im glad i can help enlighten these for ya budd....Dont worry bout it if a guy wants to hate.Ive been over the fact that peole are goin to hate...I dont care but is just respect to keep there opinons to themselves.Some people just like being disrespectful.Makes one wonder how they were brought up.Some peoples children i tell ya. Keep watchin