Whats the deal with cops?


So i live out in the middle of fuckin nowhere, I planned on going a half a mile from my property and planting on state property. but I'm worried about cops staking out my grow site waiting for me to come water my plant. does this ever happen like I said i live out in the middle nowhere but ive never planted before so im pretty nervous about my 1st time, lol. I have a flawless record and it would suck to fuck up my life with felony drug charges. my 20 year old brother already deals so he said if I would start planting and maintaining a few plants he could sell it for me and just give me the money. But im afraid of getting caught maintaining it, does this ever happen?

I live in FL btw


Well-Known Member
Florda is a bad state. i would water early in the morning before you go to work. The cops wont sit there all night and most likly bust it because of rats. go while its still dark in the morning and water alot. soak them because outdoor soaks up water through trees. Unless u do pots.(pots suck for outdoor unless 10+depending on the size and vigor of your plant or tree. Go and get 15-30-20. it comes in a big bag and it will cost you a hundred bucks or so.. That will last a while. I plant in wormcasting early in the year so they have available Nitrogen and micro nutes.. Then give them the 15-30-20 in the beggin of august. Once a week untill ripe. your going to have to water a 6 foot tall plant once every two days or depending on the heat FL has in the summer. How are you going to get the water to them?


Active Member
anything is possible!! heres one for ya.... how safe is this site?? I mean everybody on here talks about their grows and even keeps detailed journals of their grows!! so is there any possible way for the cops to track you and find out your name and where you live?? I think you will be ok planting on state property if you don't tell anybody that your actually growing!! you might trust someone enough to tell them and end up saying "don't tell anybody" but that person you tell is gonna have close friends to and he's gonna tell them and say "don't tell anybody" eventually it will make it down the line till the person that knows don't even know you and could care less if you gets busted or not!! this could also lead to someone stealing your crop!! I don't trust to many people and as much as I love Rollitup i'm still abit nervous about it... if you follow the rules that come with drugs (WEED IS NOT A DRUG) you'll be fine! if you don't knw the rules download "10 crack commandments" by Notorious BIG... i know your thinking WTF does crack have to do with this!! but he talks about shit like not keeping anything in your house, not selling anything out of your house and all kinds of other shit... anyways peace and don't smoke crack!! stay green my friend!!


How are you going to get the water to them?
I just planned on going there with a bottle of water, a few times a day, I work from home so I can go whenever I want. but if that kind of thing happens alot cops staking out on grow sites, (not that im growing 20 plants or anything) just 1 or 2 nothing crazy. Then I'll reconsider and forget it but if its easy with little or no risk then why not make some money (with no risk since I'm not selling it) and free weed for myself whenever I want.


Active Member
Growing to sell .. good luck. How do you get personal use and sell out of one or two plants?.. One person allready knows ...your brother.
Say you did get caught with 2 plants ... is that a big deal ? Im saying consider how big of a deal it is ? You do not want to make tracks to the plant ... let it go and see how it does on its own . Go at night maybe.


Active Member
im not from fl, but i would check state laws to see the cutt off point {IE number of plants} between felony and misdemeanor. it could be the difference of 20 yrs vs. 2 yrs in jail. be careful, be smart. dont be greedy, dont be loud, good luck


Active Member
its location location location!!!! and are you going to be planting in the ground or in pots??


Active Member
you shouldn't grow for profit man... I know you said your brother is gonna move it for you but what if he gets busted with your shit!! i dunno if it was me I would feel kind of guilty if my brother got burned with my shit!! but everyones different... either way stay green and keep growin!!