Ansterdam trip ?


Active Member
I am currently in the first process of my first grow but believe it or not have never tried cannabis. Before I go too far or too expensive in this experiment I thought I'd take atrip to Amsterdam to find out how it would work for me. Trouble is I would feel a real nerd not knowing where to go or what to do so if anyone on this forum is planning a trip to Amsterdam or lives there and is willing to show me the ropes I would love to hear from you.
The reason I'm trying to grow is that 3 years ago my wife died of cancer and a medical practioner recommended during her illness she tried cannabis and it greatly relieved her pain far more than conventional medicine but I didn't try it myself but now is the time

Dr High

Well-Known Member
That sounds terrible my friend!! I would like to take a trip to the dam!! pm me, ill tell you more info in my futur trip. Peace


Well-Known Member
i think your gonna like it...
so you want to go to amsterdam just learn to grow? ..honestly you can learn everything you need to know from this one site alone.....but i have to admit amsterdam is the bees-knees!! Used to live about an hour away from there

Dr High

Well-Known Member
no i think he meant that we would like ot chill out in the dam cuz he never tried cannabis:)


Well-Known Member
no i think he meant that we would like ot chill out in the dam cuz he never tried cannabis:smile:

hmm..ok cool have fun


Well-Known Member
There must be some place you can get some marijuana where you live to try.. Awfully expensive way to try a few tokes of MJ..Plane ..meals and motels once you get there. Not to mention whaty you spend in the coffee shops/bars..
If you haven't smoked you have zero tolerence..You have no clue how it would affect you or if you would even like it.. A Few hits off the smoke in Amsterdam and you'd be ready to :sleep: :eyesmoke:...If your a long time smoker then sure Amsterdam is the place to go but you sure don't sound like its your kind of place.. Try it at home first..


Well-Known Member
There must be some place you can get some marijuana where you live to try.. Awfully expensive way to try a few tokes of marijuana..Plane ..meals and motels once you get there. Not to mention whaty you spend in the coffee shops/bars..
If you haven't smoked you have zero tolerence..You have no clue how it would affect you or if you would even like it.. A Few hits off the smoke in Amsterdam and you'd be ready to :sleep: :eyesmoke:...If your a long time smoker then sure Amsterdam is the place to go but you sure don't sound like its your kind of place.. Try it at home first..

exactly what i was trying to get at......if youve never been around cannabis, then dont go straight to amsterdam to get familiar with it....research online, smoke some js, and if you enjoy it....plan the i said in a earlier is the shit, but like gardenandcats mentioned, one rip of some high quality for zero tolerance=goodnite.


Well-Known Member
Hey smokinjs, just to let you know, there is a 'quote' button at the bottom of each post that lets you quote what a person previously said. You should try it out some time. It makes life much easier.


Well-Known Member
There must be some place you can get some marijuana where you live to try.. Awfully expensive way to try a few tokes of marijuana..Plane ..meals and motels once you get there. Not to mention whaty you spend in the coffee shops/bars..
If you haven't smoked you have zero tolerence..You have no clue how it would affect you or if you would even like it.. A Few hits off the smoke in Amsterdam and you'd be ready to :sleep: :eyesmoke:...If your a long time smoker then sure Amsterdam is the place to go but you sure don't sound like its your kind of place.. Try it at home first..
Not for me :mrgreen: Just a train ride away. Mmm, I love the dam.