MY First Indoor Hydro (Ak-47)


Hey guys just looking for some input. I think im all set but here is my first hydro grow some ak-47 its 7 weeks into flowering. i also have a northern lights plant with 5 main colas all the size of the ak's biggest one. i could not get a good pic cuz my HPS messes with my camera and the plant is to big n bushy to move out of the room.

Tell me what you think, Thx DeboE



Well-Known Member
I think you are going to have some very lung expanding, throat scratching, head exploding, makes you cough up a lung....ONE HIT WONDER. In about 6 weeks!

My last AK-47 grow got harvested around day 70...maybe a few days before but it was close to 70. Then the cure really didnt start happening until about the 3 week mark (in the jars). Thats when it started to look and smell really good ;)

:joint: ~Boneman


thx guys and yeah im pretty excited to cut her down each day it gets better and better. My soil grown northern lights is AMAZING and im expecting about a 6oz harvest ill try and get some pics, but i cant move her cuz i have her branches tied up to hooks because the buds pulled the branches wayyy down due to weight issues ( which i'm NOT complaining about ;) ) but yeah thx for the responses

P.S-- BONEMAN u really think it has 6weeks left? i was thinking like 4 but idk the trichomes aren't getting amber yet so we'll see.



thatswhatim thinking. your ak looks very nice also hope you get to enjoy a lilttle taste for new years.. Merry x mas

Freda Felcher

Well-Known Member
Just chopped one of mine! Serious AK47, on day 75 of bloom under a 600w HPS, soil pots. Been flushing now for a week and a half. Trich's are about there, cloudy with a few amber, but not quite so i let the other plant live. Here is a few pics of my plant before and after harvest. Your plants look great and actually look further along than what mine did then!



Real nice freda im taking mine down a week from today.. real excited for the ak but my prize yield will be my northern lights both shall be chopped soon