Hey SL2, just read through and I'll be ROOTing for ya (sorry, bad pun) Had to laugh at your wee accident. How about transplanting a 3 gallon pot to a 4 gallon pot, and dropping the root ball (it was like watching my intestines falling to the ground - haha) But the girl is alright now - luckily enough (combo of being stoned and hung over - not good)
Hello DST, nice of you to stop by my journal. Damn you actually read all that
I sure need someone to rOOt for me! That was funny
lol I cant imagine repotting a 3 gal. I would have died if I dropped that one
I was a little tongue-hanging-numb when I knocked mine over but thats when I like to mess with them
My mind runs faster than my body
Good move with the cups^^^ nice suggestion from Mr Garcia indeed. I am using black pots for this, I have tried a few diff techniques for germinating (everyone has their own it seems.) and have failry decent luck. I do prefer getting the root to pop first, then putting them into soil (also helps with them growing the right way I think)
I got the clear cup idea from Jerry. I follow his grows. No fancy equipment or big grow area, just good technique and common sense and Jerry grows some nice bud! I think you are right because one of my Sharksbreath root grew up and died from air exposure. I just dont like handling the little seed bitches! lol
As Tom 420 said, lights closer to the seedlings (it's suprising what light seedling can take) but I guess that's history now.
I left them in my clone dome too long. It made them stretch too much. Ill just bury them deeper on the up-pot. Its all GOOD!
Finally, good darts with the construction, very impressive. Can you come over and build my new veg bos for me (I hear you are looking for work -lol)
Thanks brother. I appreciate that. I grew up build things. Started working as a helper in construction for a family member when I was 13 back in the 70s. Only way to keep me out of trouble
I would love to build one for ya. But we got to go BIG! Lets do a whole room...NO cabinet! lol You should see my grow room design. It has a separate germination / veg room, a flower room, an equipment/supply room and a drying room. It has it all, ac/heat, co2, complete exhaust and ventilation, water and sink in equipment room. I think you would like it
Talking of work, I am not exactly doing a lot at the moment spending my time reading your journal, lol, but I am also recovering from a 19 hour drinking session so taking it easy today(weddings - you got to love them, if only for the grog!!)
I love them as long as there are not mine
lol I going to go check out your threads
later DST