Active Member
do you work for bc seeds or do you really believe you bought a strain that will produce 34% thc if you do why didn't you buy indica 50 50% thc wake up stop feeding these rip offs
No im a Canadian contractor.I tend to make a decent living.Is why i dont mind throwing money around in search of strains that will please me.You kno budd...Im actually intending on trying the 50/50 strain...I just though ill wait for it to go on sale.It just hasnt went on sale yet..If you havent realized it by now i dont hesitate to buy something if i want to try it.Ill be my own judge on my beans,With saying that Why Are You Even Here?I dont go in to your journals and cut up what your growing....maybe i would now.But all you got are 2 posts of google closing your site down.Please if your gonna watch keep quiet until you have something to hate on