need some help


Active Member
alright heres the deal. im way new to the growing weed thing. i have some knowledge but not a lot. i learn by doing and less by reading and such. i planted some seeds about a week ago in some soil and put them under 24 hour light and a 12 hr water cycle. they have started to sprout and are about two inces tall. im not totally sure on what the next important thing to happen is or what is the next important thing i need to do. pretty much trying to find out what the next step in growing these babies are. any help or advice would be great.


Well-Known Member
alright heres the deal. im way new to the growing weed thing. i have some knowledge but not a lot. i learn by doing and less by reading and such. i planted some seeds about a week ago in some soil and put them under 24 hour light and a 12 hr water cycle. they have started to sprout and are about two inces tall. im not totally sure on what the next important thing to happen is or what is the next important thing i need to do. pretty much trying to find out what the next step in growing these babies are. any help or advice would be great.
Alright here's the deal. Try reading more and doing less, you'll get better results that way!


Well-Known Member
what is the extent of your project??

in fact just get some mild ferts to mix in your water and superthrive put a couple of drops in every gal.

but first read the basic growing facts in the forum once youve studied we can better help you help yourself


Well-Known Member
Hydroponics is the cultivation of plants in nutrient-enriched water, with or without the mechanical support of an inert medium such as sand, gravel, grow rocks or rockwool. Is this what you are doing? We need details. As much as possible.


Active Member
i have them in solo cups with tiny rocks in the bottom with regular potting soil on top. they get watered every 12hrs with regular water that has been sittin out ofr 24hrs. they have grown to about 3-4 inches with 3 in each cup. under flourecent light for 24 hrs. in a warm room with air circulating.


Active Member
make sure the cups have holes in the bottoms so they can drain. Don't drown them. Time to plan your transplant to 2-3 gallon pots.


Well-Known Member
1 seed per pot is all do not add more then 1 per pot and switch the light cyle to 18horus light 6 hours dark plants only need 18 they can not obtain anymore .and lower the lights as close to the plants as possible


Active Member
watering every 12 hours sounds like a lot. just make sure the soil stays moist i guess but don't water again until the soil feels dry when you stick your finger in it. that's what i do.