The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

I know this isn't the seed bank page but is having some nice holiday sales. Order anything and get free seeds. I ordered a germination kit to see what they'll send. It cost me me $20.46 i think was the total. Good deal for a germ kit and a pack of seeds even if it will be totally random.
sunleaves oxystone 4 " packs a punch and is a steal @ $2.25 . sicksadlittleworld turned me on to them.:clap: check out his grow to see them in action. i was impressed with the amount of bubbles, :-Phere's the link
Product Information
When powered by a high-output air pump, the four-inch Sunleaves OxyStone continuously releases thousands of bubbles to adequately aerate most large hydroponic reservoirs. Increased oxygen in the nutrient solution prevents root rot, encourages nutrient uptake and provides a welcome environment for beneficial aerobic bacteria. Super-sized OxyStone has a two-inch diameter.
Technaflora Recipe for Success Kit​
Technaflora's Recipe for Success provides a simple way to grow a thriving hydroponics garden! Comes sealed in a rectangular cardboard briefcase style package with a convenient carrying handle.
The kit contains the easy to master RFS mixing chart which is based on a one formula per stage concept, rather than a complex week-to-week program. Instructions are easy to follow.
Specially balanced formulas used for the products within the Recipe for Success kit maintain favorable nutrient reservoir pH levels, so frequent pH adjustment is not necessary. Mixing ratios are clearly printed on every label. You'll also reduce cleaning time as Technaflora’s solutions allow only minimal salt build-up.
Recipe for Success Kit includes:
B.C. Grow - 500 ml
B.C. Bloom - 500 ml
B.C. Boost - 500 ml
Thrive Alive B-1 Red - 125 ml
Thrive Alive B-1 Green - 125 ml
Awesome Blossoms - 125 ml
MagiCal - 125ml
SugarDaddy - 250ml
ROOT 66 - 250ml
Rootech Cloning Gel - 7 g
If purchased individually, this group of 10 Technaflora products would retail for $65. What a savings! A great way to test for yourself the quality of Technaflora hydroponics products.

Proceeds from Technaflora's Recipe for Success Starter Kit sales goes to the Hydro for Hunger initiative that battles hunger around the world.
Manufacturer's feeding schedule (PDF format - Lots of detail.)
Recipe for Success kit
here's a good deal on worm castings
30lbs for $13.50
at htg it's $20 for 30lb and its basically the same price at cheap hydro at $10 for 15lb. so that seems to be the best buy i can find on worm castings. anyone know of a cheaper spot?

You can get 30 lb of Wiggle Worms EWC at for $13.23. Barely cheaper, but I see wiggle worms listed at almost every hydro shop so its probably one of the better ones out there.

Its also a diff NPK than the one you had. Wiggles is 1-0-0.
You can get 30 lb of Wiggle Worms EWC at for $13.23. Barely cheaper, but I see wiggle worms listed at almost every hydro shop so its probably one of the better ones out there.

Its also a diff NPK than the one you had. Wiggles is 1-0-0.
hey man thx for the heads up bout the dc site worm casts. don't know where that planet site is out of but it was going to cost me $27 to ship from there, versus $4 shipping charge from dchydro!!! thanks again!!! btw, have u ordered from there before? how woud something like that come? (the worm castings or dirt or the like) in a box i would guess but would like to know for sure.
edit: ok after coming back and reading the post below vvv, i went back to make sure about the shipping at dchydro and figured out that i was mistaken, not sure y they add $4 to the total but my order goes from 13.23 to 17.23 after i hit the calculate shipping button, but i didn't notice the ACTUAL shipping charges in the top center of the screen WHICH WERE FRICKIN OUTRAGEOUS!!! ($56.62 was the cheapest option w/ fed ex thru them) so my bad, seems ur site is cheaper on the wormcastings after all! and ty dave for calling my attn. to that!
hey man thx for the heads up bout the dc site worm casts. don't know where that planet site is out of but it was going to cost me $27 to ship from there, versus $4 shipping charge from dchydro!!! thanks again!!! btw, have u ordered from there before? how woud something like that come? (the worm castings or dirt or the like) in a box i would guess but would like to know for sure.

Are you sure its only $4? Its $18 for me if I bought it.

I have bought two times from them, and the stuff comes in a discreet cardboard box. No mention of hydro or anything like that. They probably just put the soil/EWC in a box.
What kind of floros to get I went to walmart and home depot I didnt know what watt or type to get can someone suggest something I have $40 + rep to all good info walmart and home depot is the place where I'll be going Thanks
What kind of floros to get I went to walmart and home depot I didnt know what watt or type to get can someone suggest something I have $40 + rep to all good info walmart and home depot is the place where I'll be going Thanks

Ive posted a site in the last couple of pages that has really cheap cfls, but they require a socket adapter.

For other options read this thread:

If you're growing with CFL's its a must read.