Anyone know of a good green house builder or any tips in buildin one?
here's a good deal on worm castings
30lbs for $13.50
at htg it's $20 for 30lb and its basically the same price at cheap hydro at $10 for 15lb. so that seems to be the best buy i can find on worm castings. anyone know of a cheaper spot?
hey man thx for the heads up bout the dc site worm casts. don't know where that planet site is out of but it was going to cost me $27 to ship from there, versus $4 shipping charge from dchydro!!! thanks again!!! btw, have u ordered from there before? how woud something like that come? (the worm castings or dirt or the like) in a box i would guess but would like to know for sure.You can get 30 lb of Wiggle Worms EWC at for $13.23. Barely cheaper, but I see wiggle worms listed at almost every hydro shop so its probably one of the better ones out there.
Its also a diff NPK than the one you had. Wiggles is 1-0-0.
hey man thx for the heads up bout the dc site worm casts. don't know where that planet site is out of but it was going to cost me $27 to ship from there, versus $4 shipping charge from dchydro!!! thanks again!!! btw, have u ordered from there before? how woud something like that come? (the worm castings or dirt or the like) in a box i would guess but would like to know for sure.
What kind of floros to get I went to walmart and home depot I didnt know what watt or type to get can someone suggest something I have $40 + rep to all good info walmart and home depot is the place where I'll be going Thanks
im looking for a spider lamp. thanks rep+ for help
Thanks Dave!Ive posted a site in the last couple of pages that has really cheap cfls, but they require a socket adapter.
For other options read this thread:
If you're growing with CFL's its a must read.