Intake help?


Active Member
Ok this id probably a dumb question but I'm in the process of planning a stealth cabinet grow and I was wondering about intake and smell coming out them.

I know you need to put a carbon filter on exhausting the smell. But will the smell leak out the intake or since the air is getting sucked from the intake the smell will not leak through that part?


Active Member
Ok this id probably a dumb question but I'm in the process of planning a stealth cabinet grow and I was wondering about intake and smell coming out them.

I know you need to put a carbon filter on exhausting the smell. But will the smell leak out the intake or since the air is getting sucked from the intake the smell will not leak through that part?

lol well if your ducting is properly attatched to ur cab there should be no leakage. make sure everything is air tight. , in my experience., smell does not leak out the intake.
and make sure you FILTER YOUR INTAKE AIR as pests, mold spores, and other harmful particles can land in your buds and be grown right into them
! you dont want to smoke the shit thats in the air !!!:bigjoint:


New Member
As long as you create negative pressure in the cabinet, no air or smell will leak out of the intake. The way to create negative pressure is to have more power to your exhaust than to your intake. This is not quite as simple as matching CFMs, as your carbon filter will create a pressure loss and reduce the CFM capacity of your exhaust fan.

If you let us know a little bit more about your set up and/or goals, I'm sure we can give you some good ideas.