Anyone here not a fan of green passion?

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Active Member
hey pj does that mean you have lost your jounal for the sea of green please say no as i am wanting to have a look p.s does any one know of a good thread for how to make hash and not the type with dumplins (u.k thing)


Just some idiot
The douche won't even delete our pics and/or grow journals. So I had all these pics on an unsecure web site, he should do the right thing and delete them for us. His reason for not is that it would ruin the continuity of certain threads. Guy is not to be trusted, he is also a master PJ I said something about the site not being secure and bam I was banned and the post was deleted. It cracks me up cause some new memebers have started threads asking why all the big contibutors were being deleted, he simply states "drama" funny thing is the memebers are asking the right questions but he says drama and they offense to anyone but apparently the drama has left this site since he left...hint hint. The other sad thing is he was not secure at all, he's on myspace with his pic and everything, so it's not very secure but better than it was.


Well-Known Member
ummm no i kept all my journals on my hard drive. I also have updated pics now. the grow is coming along well. I am trying to move to the next level and fully understand the importance of identifying awesome traits and establishing mothers and clones.

Hit me up anytime and I will share............


Mr I Can Do That For Half
anyways you slice video or GP at one time while here was aperson I respected and thought was a good person and I was sad he was leaving but now after a short stay at his site that ended in a life ban for asking about chnaged posts and to have the posts under my name removed and having him end with threatening to turn all posts pictures and registar info over to the police Id slap the shit out of him .Why would you post your familys pictures on my space with a site like he runs? the enemies he makes? and his dumb ass license plate number shown lol.Those who go to GreenPassion are actually now people you cant trust as they are security leaks and non trustable.Fuck Video and GP...wait for the launch of coming soon! the fletch alter ego web site of fun


New Member
So long as this is where it stays and nobody takes it to the next level. VM was heavily influenced by roseman who had a bit of money behind him. All VM ever really did to this site was ban babygro. This led to him losing his mod' status, which doubtless led to a bit of animosity towards the site. also the fact that he cut n pasted a lot rather than trying to push the growing community forward with actually trying to find out the truth, led to him losing a lot respect from members that knew better. There is a lot of misinformation on the web. Just because it says it on paper, it doesn't make it true.

This allowed roseman to manipulate VM, and together they built a plan to start their own site and steal members from RIU. To do this they needed to create disruption on the site... I think its no secret that I'm easy to wind up, so they used hempie and az grow to create disruption with me. This led to a few members departing here, because if i sense animosity in a post i will respond with some of my own.

They proclaim themselves to be hippies, plenty of :peace: and love... they fail to realise that TRUTH is the most important thing, as TRUTH is everything.

Leave them to their little world of falseness. What concern is it of ours...


Well-Known Member
jeez that was an awsome summation, kinda laid it out like a who done it from start to finsh,

.......meanwhile as the dreaded rosmen was trying to bring video in his clutches, the true villain was exposed bilking Mr roseman of thousands of dollers and his own pride as a man in the process, after that video could never relent, never! unless to risk his new found wealth and ill gotten riches nothing could defiy him from his new found power, so he begins to read books and study history of previous totalitarian regimes the likes the stalin before him & third riche, slowly....slowly but surely, he bagan to perfect his oppressive ways and techniques banning and threatining as he went.......

which now leaves us at this present state of mutually assured destruction with this new oppessive website. Let us be vigilent, let us not fear, fear itself....



Just some idiot
So long as this is where it stays and nobody takes it to the next level. VM was heavily influenced by roseman who had a bit of money behind him. All VM ever really did to this site was ban babygro. This led to him losing his mod' status, which doubtless led to a bit of animosity towards the site. also the fact that he cut n pasted a lot rather than trying to push the growing community forward with actually trying to find out the truth, led to him losing a lot respect from members that knew better. There is a lot of misinformation on the web. Just because it says it on paper, it doesn't make it true.

This allowed roseman to manipulate VM, and together they built a plan to start their own site and steal members from RIU. To do this they needed to create disruption on the site... I think its no secret that I'm easy to wind up, so they used hempie and az grow to create disruption with me. This led to a few members departing here, because if i sense animosity in a post i will respond with some of my own.

They proclaim themselves to be hippies, plenty of :peace: and love... they fail to realise that TRUTH is the most important thing, as TRUTH is everything.

Leave them to their little world of falseness. What concern is it of ours...
Roseman has nothing to do with GP, it was VMs baby, in fact VM stole money from him. Also this is not hearsay it is something I know. In fact Roseman was banned. It's no biggie but us guys that were there know what happened. Me and PJ got banned for trying to be honest with the people on there, the site was not secure. I apologize for calling him names yesterday but he put all of us in danger, and then lied about it....he's the manipulator. I'm not trying to get into a pissing match with anyone just wanted to place the blame were it belongs...VM not Roseman. Once again I apologize for my behavior I should know better than to air dirty laundry in public, us guys that got burnt have no one to blame but ourselves for being duped. All I'm gonna say.

Once again I apologize and meant no disrespect to RIU members especially you skunk, I like you, you seem nice and you help tons of people.


New Member
No problem. i forgot the part about VM ripping off roseman... maybe it's because me and roseman never got on.

Panda' that was very funny. I still can't stop laughing.

Yeah roseman... he told quite a few lies about me though... and he tracked down VM's address in the first place...

There was a lot of manipulation going on, and at one time VM and Roseman were a team.


Well-Known Member
yea but was rosman tellin the truth when he said he has nothing to do with Stealth Hydro. I spent $250 on that thing before I met roseman but like a million people on here bought on his touting it and it basiccaly sucks, i think he was gettin paid off that no doubt. so he aint squeeky i dont think
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