hotsxyman911's guide to making cannabutter.


Active Member
now i know there is prob already posts on here how to make cannabutter but i just wanted to share my way, not saying any other way is the bad way im just wanting to share how i make it, i make cannabutter for dispenseries in california so that is just a little about me.

shake and/or cuttings.
strainer, coffee press, or cheese cloth
container to strain butter into
measuring cup (optional)

So you start off with your crockpot and however much butter you want to use according to how much herb you have to use. I tend to measure out how much herb i have before i melt my butter, but i use about 60-70 grams per pound of butter, if you want it super strong like most of you stoners do than do that but if you have 40-50 grams than use that for moderate strength.

Set the crockpot to low or keep warm, i prefer keep warm but if low is all you have than use it!

Start melting the butter, btw the butter has to be 100% butter or you wont get good results and you will get what is called "waste water" at the bottom of the cup after it is all done. So use 100% butter.

Once the butter is melted put in the amount of herb needed as said above, and make sure you stir the herb so that all of it is soaking in the melted butter.
Wait about 2-5 hours, the more time soaking in the butter the better, so you do it accordingly sometimes i let it stay in there stiring occasionally over night so it is really strong.
After the time has passed get your jug that you are going to be straining into and place your strainer onto it.

Scoup out the herb and place it into a strainer and press the herb until you cant get anymore butter out of it, than throw the herb away. once you have done all that this is how it should look,

(this part is optional) pour it into a measuring cup and than pour it into a hot/cold cup,

put some aluminum foil onto the cup and than place it in the fridge till it hardens.
and after it hardens it should look a little something like this.

the butter on the right is done and hard the one on the left is still new and fresh.


Active Member
well tell me how you like it and please tell me =] and btw i dont use water becasue i dont like getting that waste water at the bottom of whatever you pour your butter into


Nice thread!!

Looks a lot easier than most methods I have seen. Beets stirring on the oven every 15 minutes for 6 hours.

How does this extraction compare to the others in as to how much thc is extracted? Do you feel you get the most out of your trimmings doing it this way?

Thumbs up to you! Looks like you will be busy baking for a while!


Active Member
actually using a crockpot controls the heat and you if you set it to low/keep warm its the closest if not exact temp that activates thc so it will absorb into the butter without burning the butter and since you dont use water with my way when the butter hardens you dont get any of the "waste water" crap that you cant even use for cooking. and always remember the longer you let the pot sit there on low or keep warm the more thc get absorbed into the butter. idk about you gnome but i dont sell my trimmings becasue that really isn't that good of smoke so i just make butter out of it that way if you have enough for 1 cup of butter which is 50-70g of trimmings dried than you can sell that 1 cup of butter for over 100$ or you can bake whatever you want, cookies, brownies, and sell those and make over 100$ trust me =]


Active Member
yeah but i actually give measurements of stuff i use, you dont. also i dont use water becasue i dont want that waste water shit you get when you let the butter harden in the crockpot so i just use strictly butter and i also melt it in the crockpot not the microwave so it isn't the same and it shouldn't remind you of it, considering everybody but me uses water and that is how mine is different. plus i have pictures by the paragraphs. but thanks for commenting anyways. =]


Well-Known Member
in retrospect i shouldn't have thread jacked... my bad, thats a dick move.
but i will say: y not a microwave? y no water used? and are you suggesting using 60grams of trim, buds, what?

I have only gotten high from dispensary edibles/butter ONCE, and that was 'butter brothers' pastries out of Berkeley. they're usually so weak, of course this is not a judgement of your butter, how would I know?

rep for ya for my meddling, lol. :peace:


Active Member
hey im not going to hate on your thread because your way is like mine or mine is like yours i should say but there is some small differences thats why i decided to post mine =] and thats what the forums are for, posting new ideas on way to do things and inform people on your ways of doing things. but im not taking anything personal or getting mad =]

God's Balls

Active Member
in retrospect i shouldn't have thread jacked... my bad, thats a dick move.
but i will say: y not a microwave? y no water used? and are you suggesting using 60grams of trim, buds, what?

I have only gotten high from dispensary edibles/butter ONCE, and that was 'butter brothers' pastries out of Berkeley. they're usually so weak, of course this is not a judgement of your butter, how would I know?

rep for ya for my meddling, lol. :peace:
Phreakygoat, come down near the border and eat some of my girl's eddies. They'll knock you on your kush, guaranteed. :sleep:

Nice recipe regardless of where it generated. We use a similar method. Just more plant. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I'm picking up a crockpot today. I have several hundred grams of high quality trim. This looks like a great way to go.


Well-Known Member
Well, I had more than trim lying around:bigjoint:. I'm cooking two lbs of butter with 70 grams of primo bud. Ground up, low setting, no water, my new 18 dollar crockpot.

Let me understand this; canna butter will get you high without further cooking right? So I could test it on a cracker say to gauge its strength and know if I'm in the right ball park for a second batch or whether to adjust. I have a lot of material to work with :bigjoint:

I'm picking up a crockpot today. I have several hundred grams of high quality trim. This looks like a great way to go.


Active Member
yeah pretty much, you are using only bud or trimmings? because if you are using 70g of pure bud that is a waste, it sells for more than just a cup of butter would thats why i only use trimmings, but its up to you and yes you can put it on toast or cracker but the best way to tell how potent it is is making brownies and eat accordingly, if you live in southern california you are going to see my products in dispensaries under the brand name "Baked Goods" so look for it =].


Well-Known Member
yeah pretty much, you are using only bud or trimmings? because if you are using 70g of pure bud that is a waste, it sells for more than just a cup of butter would thats why i only use trimmings, but its up to you and yes you can put it on toast or cracker but the best way to tell how potent it is is making brownies and eat accordingly, if you live in southern california you are going to see my products in dispensaries under the brand name "Baked Goods" so look for it =].
It's a strain I grew that didn't turn out well. Ugly looking and foul tasting but rips your head off. not marketable as is.

I don't want to bake with it to test it. You didn't understand the question. I want to gauge its strength so I can possibly combine it with MORE butter if it's very strong, thus extending it further when I DO cook with it. Get it?


Active Member
yeah i get it and yes you can do that just after the butter hardens just take whatever you need from it, if its too strong you can say if the recipe calls for 1/2 cup of butter use 1/4 cup of cannabutter and 1/4 cup real butter. you know? but first try it full dosage and see if you get blown from it thats how i test mine.