U.S and Britain close emabassies in Yemen


Well-Known Member
The U.S. and Britain have closed their embassies in Yemen, obviously in response to the failed bombing of a Northwest passenger plane bound from Amsterdam to Detroit on Christmas. No word on when they will reopen. What does this mean for the "War on Terror" and should Yemen be concerned about missile strikes?:peace:


Well-Known Member
I believe that airstrikes will soon follow.............unfortunately I think most of the bad guys will have long since vacated their training camps. Perhaps we shouldn't tip our hand.:wall:


Well-Known Member
We've already attacked certain spots (terrorist camps) in Yemen via pilotless drones.
Those strikes aren't getting much press and what have the results been? Are we about to begin a campaign in Yemen? :leaf:


New Member
Those strikes aren't getting much press and what have the results been? Are we about to begin a campaign in Yemen? :leaf:
I heard about the drone strikes this morning on one of the morning shows. I think it was on Meet the Press. The consensus was that yes, Yemen will be the new front on the war on terror, as el quida (sp) is amassing there.


Well-Known Member
I heard about the drone strikes this morning on one of the morning shows. I think it was on Meet the Press. The consensus was that yes, Yemen will be the new front on the war on terror, as el quida (sp) is amassing there.
Yemen has been problems for a long time. The Cole bombing happened in 2000. Our embassy has been attacked numerous times. I just hope this doesn't distract us from the task at hand in Afghanistan and Pakistan. I think I remember hearing about some drone strikes several years ago in Yemen where some high level al qaeda were killed. I wonder how nervous this will make the Saudis?:weed:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
what's to discuss? there is an al-quaeda presence there, so we either take the smart option, and open our eyes, or it'll simply be afghan somewhere else.

france have also closed their embassy in yemen.

there are still news stories every week in the UK about how the Irish dissidents are still going yet aren't doing anything the citizens of ireland actually want (basically fighting their own selfish fight) and this is how many years after the Army slaved to eradicate them?

getting rid of these terrorists, well it's just not gonna happen the way "we want it to"

jeff f

New Member
I wonder how nervous this will make the Saudis?:weed:
hopefully very vervous. i was on a long drive yesterday, 14 hours behind the wheel in sleet and snow....yes, it sucked.

anyway, i heard about the strikes on the radio. they said they hit 2 camps and 4 suicide bombers on their way to blow up an embassy.

hats off to obama. hopefully he keeps the pressure up on these assholes. somehow though, i think he will probably stop short of where we need to be. i have a sneaky suspicion the heat just got to high around the detroit attack and this is just window dressing.

does this make obama a warlord? a conservative? a hawk? it has to be driving the left madd. :lol::lol:


Well-Known Member
what's to discuss? there is an al-quaeda presence there, so we either take the smart option, and open our eyes, or it'll simply be afghan somewhere else.

france have also closed their embassy in yemen.

there are still news stories every week in the UK about how the Irish dissidents are still going yet aren't doing anything the citizens of ireland actually want (basically fighting their own selfish fight) and this is how many years after the Army slaved to eradicate them?

getting rid of these terrorists, well it's just not gonna happen the way "we want it to"
I think there is a lot to discuss here. This is a known haven for al qaeda and a hotbed for Islamic fundamentalism. The U.S. was just attacked by a man who was trained and supplied in Yemen. Granted it was unsuccessful. They either can't or won't kick the terrorists out, soooo.................:joint:

hopefully very vervous. i was on a long drive yesterday, 14 hours behind the wheel in sleet and snow....yes, it sucked.

anyway, i heard about the strikes on the radio. they said they hit 2 camps and 4 suicide bombers on their way to blow up an embassy.

hats off to obama. hopefully he keeps the pressure up on these assholes. somehow though, i think he will probably stop short of where we need to be. i have a sneaky suspicion the heat just got to high around the detroit attack and this is just window dressing.

does this make obama a warlord? a conservative? a hawk? it has to be driving the left madd. :lol::lol:
I'm not real hopeful that Obama will get too tough with Yemen. Yes, hats off to him for this tidbit. I'm certain that some on the left are beside themselves.:lol: I hope it doesn't become a protracted engagement like Afghanistan. I would rather see us, in cooperation with Yemen, send the terrorists a strong message: "If you are training here in our country, you will be hunted down and killed.........that simple." Won't happen I know but what the hell, it's worth hoping for.


Well-Known Member
This morning I saw in the news that the U.S. re-opened it's embassy in Yemen.

Obama just said in a live speech that no more detainees would be sent to Yemen due to the security situation in that country. Gee, ya think? :dunce:


New Member
From what I have read, the Yemen military is taking steps. That's a good sign.

Time for Obama to wake the heck up! That Nobel is like an anchor around his neck.

He fell for it..... nooby noob noob.


Well-Known Member
From what I have read, the Yemen military is taking steps. That's a good sign.

Time for Obama to wake the heck up! That Nobel is like an anchor around his neck.

He fell for it..... nooby noob noob.
I was listening to the news while I was driving yesterday and they had some analyst talking about this situation. According to this guy Yemen is the poorest country on the Arabian peninsula so they don't have much in the way of resources to fight these guys. It sounds like they are taking steps and are willing to get al qaeda out of their country. Evidently the police and military have little control outside of the major cities there. The country is quite moutainous and remote, perfect breeding ground for these terrorists. My frustration is why all of a sudden? We have known for some time that Yemen had problems with extremists. I realize we just had an attempted attack from a guy who was trained in Yemen but it sounds like politics to me. We can only hope that Yemen cooperates fully with us so we can get these scumbags without having to ignite another conflict in a region which already sees us as the big bully or what the hell ever. Sounds like a perfect job for specail operations forces. bongsmilie


New Member
Yemen is smart enough to see what happens if they go along with Al Queda.

We need to see a bit more seriousness from our President. Instead of focusing inward (health care, spending sprees), he needs to be focused on the threat that can take everything away from us.

Commander in Chief first.


Well-Known Member
It is quite interesting to see the intensification of the POTUS's public pronouncements regarding the diaper bomber and the connection to Yemen. Obama's initial remarks were tepid and truly pathetic...closing the embassy even temporarily was a bad move...treating the diaper kid as a criminal is an even bigger miscalculation.
I commend the use of drones, and wish he would be much more aggressive in their application.
We will all soon see if he can be a commander in chief.
A successful attack in the US will terminate his presidency..and I suspect he knows this.
Time to toughen up!


Well-Known Member
It is quite interesting to see the intensification of the POTUS's public pronouncements regarding the diaper bomber and the connection to Yemen. Obama's initial remarks were tepid and truly pathetic...closing the embassy even temporarily was a bad move...treating the diaper kid as a criminal is an even bigger miscalculation.
I commend the use of drones, and wish he would be much more aggressive in their application.
We will all soon see if he can be a commander in chief.
A successful attack in the US will terminate his presidency..and I suspect he knows this.
Time to toughen up!
Good points Wavels. There is an obvious ratcheting up of the Yemen connection in the news lately. It's been almost 2 weeks since it happened and it is still being reported as if it's major news but they don't seem to really say anything. Does anybody else feel this way? And I totally agree that Obama needs to realize what a successful attack would do to his presidency. Bad for business for sure. bongsmilie


New Member
Janet Napolitano, the head of the Department of Homeland Security, of which
the TSA is part, made the rounds of morning television news programs on
Monday, backing away from her initial stance that the system had worked in
averting attack.

This woman needs to resign her post. Obama had better get serious about security. Al Queda is deadly serious about killing us.


Well-Known Member
What do you want them to do? Invade Yemen? Al Quaeda will just move to another country. Sooner or later we will have most of our population spread across the middle east in command posts.

The govt. of Yemen is pro America. The boondocks of Yemen is not controlled by the govt but small tribes.

It's like Mexico being pro america. But say the drug cartels starting attacking America. The Mexican govt wouldn't be able to stop them. What do we invade Mexico?

Instead of sending whole armies, the US should focus on small anti-terrorist cells to strike on al-quaeda when they pop up .


Well-Known Member
What do you want them to do? Invade Yemen? Al Quaeda will just move to another country. Sooner or later we will have most of our population spread across the middle east in command posts.

The govt. of Yemen is pro America. The boondocks of Yemen is not controlled by the govt but small tribes.

It's like Mexico being pro america. But say the drug cartels starting attacking America. The Mexican govt wouldn't be able to stop them. What do we invade Mexico?

Instead of sending whole armies, the US should focus on small anti-terrorist cells to strike on al-quaeda when they pop up .
Oh don't worry, they already are my friend. Special operations forces have been in Yemen for years. They aren't very effective without good intel. Where islamic extemism is concerned, that is very, very hard to come by. :wall:


New Member
Intel is only deteriorating with each passing day. Now that the Democrats have made it very public that any operative is legally culpable, there won't be any initiative to garner tricky info.

It all adds up folks. You can't gut the CIA & Co. and then expect to gather intel that's worth anything.

Clinton did that and we got 9/11 because of it. We are walking down the very same path again....