3600 Watt Dutch tables (Jamaican Pineapple)

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
They look fabulous, and I can spot a couple of 'keeper' phenos that have really started packing on the mass faster than the others. You didn't take any cuts of these before you flowered em did ya? I know them came from seed. What's your plan for the next round, genetically speaking?


Well-Known Member
Now the show is really starting. Cant wait to see these girls packing on the weight. Are you preping all of your dwc equipment yet?


Well-Known Member
Thanks fuzzy, haven't seen you in here for a bit. Yeah the Big Bud is from AN.

Yep cookies for all....

dood...im serious! hahah and buzzin! but ill make the mob dood. i got sum peoples n ontario! havent seen him in years now that i think aboutt it. but if not u got a spot in cali CROP.;-)

Now the show is really starting. Cant wait to see these girls packing on the weight. Are you preping all of your dwc equipment yet?
the show has been playin fer weeks! and ive been watching the whole thing.


Active Member
Nice eye D.C! I too noticed a few keepers, what are your thoughts on cloning in flower? I have never been a fan... My next genetics are open to suggestions but I am looking at ordering Power Plant from Sensi Seedbank or an other good producing Indica preferably, I also have a few friends with Og Kush, Thunderfuck and Critical Mass..

Yeah Integra I am happy these girls have slowed on the growth and started budding much more the past little while, long flowering strain though :sleep:...
Oh have I been getting ready for dwc alright!.. I'll post some pictures but the air pump is every growers dream pump and the stones where 12.00 each after my discount! x50! ugh.. They are ceramic so completely washable and you could be rough with em if you wanted to, but the best part is they give off the finest air bubbles for ultimate O2 generation...

** JAN 6 2010** The girls drank 50 Gallons of a 60 Gallon Reservoir in a day and a half!?>?! does that even sound right? I checked for leaks for over an hr and nothing, they drank it! the pH was at 6.7 so they defiantly drank a butt-load in a short amount of time. It stumps me though...

The dehumidifier even took out nearly a full Tupperware of water out of the air in that short amount of time... All signs point to the plants consumed it but I still have a hard time believing it.



Well-Known Member
Looking like some nice equipment. I was debating trying those ceramic stones out, but I thought they were a little pricy, since I like to use them like you. would probly want 8 per tub so at my price, that would be a whole lot.(20-30 total) As far as genetics, Have you heard of Sannie's K.O. Kush? Average yield, super potent indica with a 7-8 week flower. Beans are cheap and the reviews are great. That and a few of his other strains are gona be my next set of genetics.


Well-Known Member
Just came back. Sick airpump and stones. One hell of a project going here. Nice AC. what are the specs on that guy? Really like the dutch tables......


Active Member
They are pricey, the fine air bubbles thing is what really got me.. I've never heard of Sannies K.O Kush, sounds good, I like the 7 - 8 weeks part.

Integra - Have you done dwc in a 2.5 gallon bucket yet? I just bought 14 of em with giant 1inch thru-hulls, massive tubing and a 100G res. I can't wait to piece it together. Just thought I'd ask incase ya might have any usefull pointers, I was thinking of putting my thru-hulls on the bottom of the buckets so when I elevate em I will get absolutely everything draining back and flushing when I need to. How come I never see that done?

Thanks Wonderblunder, I am stoked on going back to good old DWC. Tables are fun too but Dwc is the cats pajamas..


Well-Known Member
Looking forward to watching. I think I need to run DWC eventually. Nothing like that frothy nutrient solution covering those roots....... Thats next.........


Well-Known Member
Hey looking good in there, what a huge grow - be interesting to see what kind of weight you pull from this! Now that your buds are filling in - don't forget the occassional closeup for those of us that love bud porn!

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Thanks Wonderblunder, I am stoked on going back to good old DWC. Tables are fun too but Dwc is the cats pajamas..
I thought they were the bee's knees?! lol

I wouldn't clone from anything as far into flower as your girls are. Unless you're ready to set it and forget it for about 2 months. If you have the time/space/patience/etc maybe you should take some cuts off of a few of the heavy producers that are further along. You did grow out a rather large population to select from. That is definitely worth taking advantage of if you can.


Well-Known Member
Hey looking good in there, what a huge grow - be interesting to see what kind of weight you pull from this! Now that your buds are filling in - don't forget the occassional closeup for those of us that love bud porn!

I 2nd that on the bud porn!


Well-Known Member
I've never heard of Sannies K.O Kush, sounds good, I like the 7 - 8 weeks part.

Integra - Have you done dwc in a 2.5 gallon bucket yet? I just bought 14 of em with giant 1inch thru-hulls, massive tubing and a 100G res. I can't wait to piece it together. Just thought I'd ask incase ya might have any usefull pointers, I was thinking of putting my thru-hulls on the bottom of the buckets so when I elevate em I will get absolutely everything draining back and flushing when I need to. How come I never see that done?
Yeah, Sannie is a breeder out of Holland that is only known by few. On my old site, there was a guy growing exclusively his strains and they always looked so fantastic. This made me do so research on him. Which if you look, he has grows of almost all of his strains on Open Grow. If your interested, feel free to check up on him some, here's a link to the K.O. Kush....

And I still use 2.5 gallon buckets for all of my mothers. I have always had them set up as stand alone buckets, and have never done recirculating, but that will change eventually. The only thing I can say, is use the 3.5" heavy duty net pots instead of the 5" ones every one seems to use. It gives the roots that much more room to grow and saves a lot of work dealing with such small amounts of hydrotron. On a grow your size, that could shave off a hundred dollars or so and save you a few hours. As far as the drain on the bottom, I had the same thought, but I think most people dont do it because its a minimum benefit with a whole lot of extra thinking in the initial setup. Easiest thing I could think of to make it work would be making u shapped brackets out of wood for each bucket to rest on, making sure its tall enough to have room under the bucket for the elbow. thats not a whole lot of extra work, but I can see it discouraging some. im sure there are other way to elevate the buckets as well, thats just the first one that poped into my head that would be cheap and easy.

This is my White Widow mom at 3 ft tall with the root ball filling out the entire 2.5 gallon pot. You can see there is not need for the bigger netpots, even for mothers.


Active Member
This strain smells so exotic! it smells more like a pineapple then pineapples do themselves...

And I have albino bud on only one of the plants, no chlorophyll... I have looked it up and it is sort of a freak occurance, in any case I can't wait to smoke it.. should be amazing, unfortunately its too far into the table for me to smell it...

Here are some more up-to-date shots as well as some close ups.

Integra - Nice mother bucket buddy. I will post some shots of the dwc buckets I am making so everyone has an idea, but with the 1inch thru-hulls on the bottom of the bucket you still have a quarter inch or so left in the buckets at all times because of the thru-hull being so fat . As you mentioned already I plan to build wood boxes with a few holes for thru-hulls & hosing so I can make the boxes just the right height, milk crates would work but the ceilings are low in the dwc room . "too much labor time spent on growing" not in my vocabulary.....


d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
This strain smells so exotic! it smells more like a pineapple then pineapples do themselves...

And I have albino bud on only one of the plants, no chlorophyll... I have looked it up and it is sort of a freak occurance, in any case I can't wait to smoke it.. should be amazing, unfortunately its too far into the table for me to smell it...

Here are some more up-to-date shots as well as some close ups.
Crop - I'm sure your 'albino bud' is just light-bleached (heat-stressed) bud. That's why it's only at the very top. This happened to me a lot in the past until I finally put the light up higher. Maybe you're running a little bit more light than what they can take. If I would have been running 3600 watts of power like you instead of 400w, mine probably would have been bleached completely white too. They'll smoke fine, they'll just be a little fluffier than usual. Here's a pic of one of my past 'albino buds':


d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Oh and here's how they got like that. Look how close they grew to the cooltube. This is basically why I switched to growing in a tent. My old armoire just didn't have enough vertical to it. This was my 2nd grow. Well 3rd if you count the 1 red-headed stepchild White Widow plant that I started with. :dunce:



Active Member
Thats the thing though D.C the tops are fine, this is on the lower part of only one of the 41 plants... I'll point it out.. It is really odd though, I dont doubt its related to some sort of problem or other but it looks cool, lol.

I have had 3600 watts on plants only 8 - 12 inches and they turned into maybe 100 very healthy Footballs (no joke in size) it was amazing! I wish that laptop didn't get stolen, I lost a shitload of pictures to some junkie. yikes!.. My lights are cooled entirely by a MaxFan 1450CFM Exhaust fan (same concept as a jet turbine) if I pull the shade back the tiniest amount it whistles in there like a marina on a windy night, long story short the lights are super cool, I can touch the glass for a while with my thin little latex gloves on with not much heat its pretty trippy.... But I am still moving them up a little tomorrow just because I do agree that they like it a little
less intense, especially this strain.

Aside from the light burn nice buds D.C


d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Thats the thing though D.C the tops are fine, this is on the lower part of only one of the 41 plants... I'll point it out.. It is really odd though, I dont doubt its related to some sort of problem or other but it looks cool, lol.

I have had 3600 watts on plants only 8 - 12 inches and they turned into maybe 100 very healthy Footballs (no joke in size) it was amazing! I wish that laptop didn't get stolen, I lost a shitload of pictures to some junkie. yikes!.. My lights are cooled entirely by a MaxFan 1450CFM Exhaust fan (same concept as a jet turbine) if I pull the shade back the tiniest amount it whistles in there like a marina on a windy night, long story short the lights are super cool, I can touch the glass for a while with my thin little latex gloves on with not much heat its pretty trippy.... But I am still moving them up a little tomorrow just because I do agree that they like it a little
less intense, especially this strain.

Aside from the light burn nice buds D.C
Thanks, although those plants really look like shit compared to my more recent grows. Yeah I had my cooltube exhausted hardcore too and that was what I got. It wasn't really from excess heat, cause mine ran cool too, but rather excess lumens I think. It's referred to in the industry as 'heat stress' though even if it's not always due to heat. I think it's just too bright for em. But if it's further down the plant and the buds above it are unaffected, then hell man I don't know maybe you do have some albino bud after all! I didn't think there were too many albinos running around down there in Jamaica though... ; P