Increase Baseline Energy Allowance


So I was introduced to the concept of baseline energy allowance when I flipped the 1000w HPS on and my next energy bill shot up from 160 to 600.
My baseline is 390 kwh a month. If I calculated it right, having the hps on 12 hours a day for 31 days is around 400kwh, not to mention the veg room, fans, dehumidifier etc. So just with the 1000w I'm going over my baseline.
How do you guys do it? just in electrical these guys are going to cost me almost 1 grand.
Does anyone know of a way to get the power company to increase your baseline allowance?


Well-Known Member
So I was introduced to the concept of baseline energy allowance when I flipped the 1000w HPS on and my next energy bill shot up from 160 to 600.
My baseline is 390 kwh a month. If I calculated it right, having the hps on 12 hours a day for 31 days around 400kwh, not to mention the veg room, fans, dehumidifier etc. So just with the 1000w I'm going over my baseline.
How do you guys do it? just in electrical these guys are going to cost me almost 1 grand.
Does anyone know of a way to get the power company to increase your baseline allowance?
There isn't much you can do to lower the draw of the lights. I have a 200sqft grow room with 2x1000. My dimensions would allow me to triple my 4x8 tray. But since I have one tray I feel my set up is terribly inneficient.

I have to cool this large room. Not to mention I burn through more Co2. I'm boxing in one end of the room with two sided plastic and a zipper door. I'm basically turning my room into a room just big enough for the trays and gear. A larger grow tent I guess. Now I'll use less A/C, lower Co2 etc.

My bill went from $300 to $960. I fucked up and need to fix it fast. dehumidifier might not run as long either.

Downsizing the grow area to just the basics.

Oh, I'm very curious about the power consumption of a chiller. I saw a two hood, two heat exchanger set up and the exhaust temp of the exhanger at the end of the lights was 58f.

No AC needed.


I'm surprised nobody replied either. 1000kw a month of my bill is in the 4th tier. Fucking $.39 dude. I too get only 390kw.
I think I had 790kwh in the 4th tier, at .44$. Its unbelievable. I guess they lower your electric baseline in the winter assuming you heat your house with gas.
I just don't see how people can run more than 1 1k without having thousand dollar bills.


Active Member
What is this baseline you guys speak of? Ive never heard of this before. My bill charges $.07 for every KWH until i go over 800, then it drops to $.05 every KWH. Mine drops as I use more. Is this not the norm? or am I in heaven? cuz my bill has never been over 200 with a 1000w and all the ventilation and such


Active Member
What is this baseline you guys speak of? Ive never heard of this before. My bill charges $.07 for every KWH until i go over 800, then it drops to $.05 every KWH. Mine drops as I use more. Is this not the norm? or am I in heaven? cuz my bill has never been over 200 with a 1000w and all the ventilation and such
Same in the uk, the more you use the cheaper it gets. good thing as im over 1000kwh/month


Active Member
gonna have to have a good explination for wanting to go over ur baseline. kinda nerve racking. you would be suprised at how much the little things adsd up, like running shorter extension cords and digital ballast with ceramic bulbs perhaps and proper timers. As far as the chillers go for power consumption, it should say on the chillers data plate. Total watts or amps.


In California the more you use, the more it costs. So you get allotted, in my case, 390 kw hours a month. If you go over that, you get 100kw hours at lets say 120% your base kw price. My base is 11 cents. Once you go over the second allotted amount, they raise it up to 200%, so 22 cents a kw hour. You get 100 kw hours at that price, then up to 300%, so you are paying 33 cents a kw hour. Last tier is 44 cents a kw hour, and I had 790 at that level. So if you use a ton of electricity, unlike anything else you buy, it gets more expensive in bulk.


Active Member
wow, sorry to hear that. glad i dont live there. After I go over 800, the price goes down, to a flat rate


Well-Known Member
If you're in California, you need to check into whether or not you qualify for the CARE program. Your bill will drop substantially once you do. By more than half.