My thoery for big fat females !


Well-Known Member
Ok, I want your opinion on mine and theories you have. Here is what I understand;


The entire plant contains several hundred known chemicals/hormones/vitimins etc But the sexual expression of cannabis is determined by its genetic makeup, and by its metabolic temper, Which is regulated by the male enzyme andrase and the female enzyme gynase.

Environmental & atmosphereic conditions (light, nutrients, soil and water) are keys and may suppress or induce the formation of the dominant enzyme, and allow the opposite sex to express itself partially (hermaphroditism) or completely as a THC bleeding beautiful lady.

Transition of female cannibis plants from the vegetative to the flowering phase is associated with a rise in Phos and cytokinin level, while that of male proceeds at a decreasing cytokinin level with an increase in Nitrogen uptake.

The activity of cytokinins, avalablity of Gibberellin and level of PHOS are all IMO associated with an enhancement of the female enzyme gynase and produce female tendency.


Here is some of my research
Interesting. Have you done any research into how well products like "The Stimul8r" fro C.A.P. work? This is what the ad says, "Stimul8r liquid nutrient additive contains extremely potent plant phyto-estrogens to deliver impressive growing results in indoor and outdoor crops. With Stimul8r, plants can experience accelerated growth rates as well as increased mass and fruit yields with superior node development."

I'd be game to try it.
intresting, its a PGR. Im always intrested in results from any PGR.

Let me know what you find. I had some trouble finding out much on it myself. Great thread in your sig by the way. :leaf:

At the moment, I use Dutch Master Gold line nutes, with their ADD .27 supplement, and Floralicious Plus from GH. From the information I gathered, the ADD .27 is PGR as well. This will be my first complet run with it though, so we'll see how it goes. Also, I changed to Sun Pulse 3K lamps instead of the traditional Hortilux Super HPS bulbs too. Can't wait to find out what happens.
Show and prove to who? Anonymous internet posters? For rep points?? Lol. Not everyone out there wants to show their grows with the whole world. Props to those that do though. :)
im just saying if you can get some fat bytches grow some, then show some, then teach some - theres people that grow pumpkins the size of cars if this can be done with bud i want to know how - i beleave it can be -like this guy said its all in the science it just has to be unlucked -im just saying stop thinking and start growing i want him to be right and make it work so i can replacate
im just saying if you can get some fat bytches grow some, then show some, then teach some - theres people that grow pumpkins the size of cars if this can be done with bud i want to know how - i beleave it can be -like this guy said its all in the science it just has to be unlucked -im just saying stop thinking and start growing i want him to be right and make it work so i can replacate
I hear what you're saying. Let me make it a little more simplified. You want him to do all the research, spend all the money on test trials vs. controlled ones, show you pictures all along the way, and do it for nothing more than a couple little green nothings on the right side of his screen? Correct? Lol. Come on man, don't bash this thread and inject something other than disbelief. Who knows, this could very well be the thing that sparks you into a new trade knowledge/business and makes you millions! I've seen the science on PGR's on youtube, and it's no BS. Shrinking this complex science down is done by those with acute scientific training, and lots of attention to detail. Most likely, far beyond the average scope of the typical poster on this site.
I hear what you're saying. Let me make it a little more simplified. You want him to do all the research, spend all the money on test trials vs. controlled ones, show you pictures all along the way, and do it for nothing more than a couple little green nothings on the right side of his screen? Correct? Lol. Come on man, don't bash this thread and inject something other than disbelief. Who knows, this could very well be the thing that sparks you into a new trade knowledge/business and makes you millions! I've seen the science on PGR's on youtube, and it's no BS. Shrinking this complex science down is done by those with acute scientific training, and lots of attention to detail. Most likely, far beyond the average scope of the typical poster on this site.

i think you get me all wrong
im all for this, im just not for reading
and yes i want him to do all the research ITS HIS IDEA
he brought it up not me, when i clicked on this thread i thought i was going to see hulk sized nugz
why wouldn't he do all of it and post pics of the muntant sized buds
i want him to win talk talk talk read read read i want to see it

im not bashing, i just want to see big fat female, i already said i beleave it is possable
agreed. always the threads on speculation and maybe this and someone said this and blah blah.

if you're interesetd to see what this is like, then do it, put a couple o plants aside and start putting the research into practical use.

if the OP didn't want anyone knowing about his new make-me-a-millionaire theory and such, something tells me he wouldn't be putting it up on the web.
I have done plenty of practical , you should of just asked.
Anyone who knows me, knows I don't just talk .
And in fact came up with this about a year ago.... here are some results for you ;)

What I was looking for , is someone who has the experience and knowledge to CHALLENGE it , and give just scientific reason why.
wow, that looks like a rather full garden, one on the left just looks to be toplling over :lol: good man for putting your theory to practice, but i'm afraid i don't think i can challenge you on the scientific level
yeah look gr8
at the risk of sounding like a hater they dont look crazy big
not the fat bytches i was hopeing to see after reading theat theor
but its still a gr8 grow
Skunk #1 " Yep that fell over .... too top heavy ;)

The other in that photo is Lemon skunk [H]
yeah look gr8
at the risk of sounding like a hater they dont look crazy big
not the fat bytches i was hopeing to see after reading theat theor
but its still a gr8 grow

Not necessarily about size. But density , weight, and most important this is about the sexual expression of the plant. Which IMO brings better buds all round :)
Photos do not do them justice... here is better idea .


Some of the smaller guys but still thick and dense ! (these are hanging up )
Keep working on it-----rome wasn't built in a day!!!-----lol....

It was over a year ago I started the original thread, its been awhile since I even looked at it, thought it would be good topic... and opportunity to tear it apart, so I could maybe refine it a little.

Fuck me some one got a dictionary for christmas.

Or is it that some one needs one, google is great;) ? NO disrespect :wall: