GA3 water soluble tablets i use
once (break the tablet in half to create about
200ppm in a 80ltr tank [once]) I use at first sign of flower set (usually around 2wk of flower) &
in combination with Rock Juice and other "heavy" in Auxin & cytokinins type hormones ie; NAA,IBA, IAA like
Plant Starter or rooting powders. Differing cytokinin:auxin ratios change the nature of organogenesis. If kinetin is high and auxin low, shoots are formed; if kinetin is low and auxin high, roots are formed.
What Im after is Lateral bud development, which is retarded by auxin, and promoted by cytokinins. Cytokinins also delay the senescence of leaves and promote the expansion of cotyledons.
"GAA increases the thickness and internodal length of the stock which is an UNWANTED ATTRIBUTE most of the time. The terminal nodes are weak, branching is suppressed, and the roots develop poorly also."
At the time I use GA3, I also introduce i suppose "confusing hormones" such as the Auxin and Cytokins at higher levels. This way I am inducing a
BONSAI effect. This essentially stops my plants form getting much bigger, and concentrate on development of the flower set that exists, strength of stem, further development of the root zone & Lateral growth.
Plant Starter from Multicorp from BUNNINGS - is a liquid form of IAA, and NAA. And the only two active ingredients.
So this is needed at that 2-3 wk stage (also) to stop the GA3 from stretching.
This goes into tank at around the same of 50ml in 80ltr tank at WEEK 2or 3 into flower. But also used in minute portions such as 5ml to 80 ltrs during veg, along with superthrive which im sure you know is a B1 Thiamine only half dozen times over veg period.
LAFEMME - is a rip, though it is NAA. it has no other "special" things in it, go with a $4 bottle of Plant starter. (unless you folia often then stick witha more pure format)
THIS ALL HAPPENS APPROX week 2 or 3 of flowering. At this time the PK 13-14 gose in aswell

& a single dose of concentrated fish emulsion such as charlie carp or Seasol, which has also p[roven to increase the Cytokinins & kinetin levels . (BUT STINKS INDOORS for me, but ladies luv it)
I have tried many many many many methods and different things with these NATURAL COMPOUND and HORMONES. I have ruined alot of plants and found ALOT NOT to work for MY needs. ( I WANT FAT ROCKS )
Everyones SYSTEMS are different !!! environmental factors plays a big part also (ie; carbon, H2o, etc) As well as what MEDIUM is being used as a buffer.
These types of methods WOULD NOT WORK in soilless enviro', IMFAO should only be used if you have a buffer ie; soil or or semi buffer such as coco . Other wise you will get unwanted results !(and SHOULD NOT be used unless the rest of your system is dialed in)