young marijuana not growing, dying, withering and turning yellow PLEASE HELP!!


but what do i do with the lil ones then? its the only grow space in the house, will having them on 12/12 really fuck them up? xx reply soon xx


to hell with it, they could be whatever, im gonna put it on 12/12 for my big plant and see it as an experiment, ill show you guys what happens to the lil ones on 12/12 asap xx


Well-Known Member
it wont fck em up snipes they will prob stay in veg for a week or so ne ways jus grow faster, then flower wen they ready themselves, just makes 4 a smaller finished plant thats all go for it if its the only room in the house it wont hurt:)


it wont fck em up snipes they will prob stay in veg for a week or so ne ways jus grow faster, then flower wen they ready themselves, just makes 4 a smaller finished plant thats all go for it if its the only room in the house it wont hurt:)
cool, will do, ill still put up some picks so u guys can see what happens anyway, gonna take some picks tomorrow of the flowering plant, it could do with being bit bigger, but i'm not sure, ill show u guys the picks and u can tell me if its actually the right time to go 12/12. i love u guys x


the two small plants on the left have been topped, all plants are on 12/12 lighting, so its all up too fate now, big female is doing really well, looks healther than it does in the photo. will upload pics in a week to show you what has happened to the small plants x


Well-Known Member
nice 1 m8 they look healthy.:) do u lift the smaller plants up to the light or do u keep them that distance away?


what you dont see is the cfl's which are below the hid, closer to the small one's their still growing up but not radically, growth seems normal if a bit slow, i could lift them up if necessary? i did the topping right didnt i? how long before i can tell its worked? xx


Well-Known Member
when i fimmed it took about 2 days to show fresh nibs but 9 days before any substantial leaf growth reappeared. it looks like u fimmed nt topped yeah?
they do look a little stretched mate try lifting them till they only 2ft from hps light if nt closer then with the cfls as well shud do i t a treat. otherwise u will end up with tall plants that have lots of little nugs rather than plants wit nice buds.xx
I know this for sure, when a plant gets real stressed it takes like a week before they start to grow again, sometimes sooner sometimes later... I also had a heat problem and and I think it may have shocked my plant... try a air cooled reflector before you invest in new lights, should solve the heat issue...


I know this for sure, when a plant gets real stressed it takes like a week before they start to grow again, sometimes sooner sometimes later... I also had a heat problem and and I think it may have shocked my plant... try a air cooled reflector before you invest in new lights, should solve the heat issue...
dont those cooltubes take two fans to them tho? i cant do that with this setup. eventually ill switch to high output cfl's


Well-Known Member
cool tubes just av 1 fan m8 an extraction fan sucking the air out, a normal fan blowing air round the room will do then :)


a cool tube needed for my hid costs about £60 and i would need to get a new fan, longer tubing, and another clip on fan for £6- i was thinking instead of this getting a 250w cfl (red and blue) for a 100% for a cost effective cooler alternative to the hid? im already using some cfl's and could have both on in the room? this would still be more than enough for cupboard growing surely!? let me know, heaqding to amsterdam on tuesday so will need to use the cool cfl's over the period im away, with the hid on the soil drys up in about 8 hours. i think i put the lights on 12/12 too early, so its on constant again, as soon as i saw signs of it being female i put it on, i need to wait till the big leaves start turing brown or something? im not really sure, need some guidence. peace xx


Well-Known Member
That could really mess up the small ones. They most likely wont flower and with just shock them.. as for the big one. Its pretty early to flower but go for it if you want


Well-Known Member
ahhhh.. there's more pages!? since when? sorry im a bit high right now.. but keep it up and plant in bigger pots


hey prebs, turned the 12/12 off, what should i move into bigger pots the small ones or the big one? what u thinkin on my cfl idea? xx