Cool cab 24 days in...


Well-Known Member
wow...that's some nice....congrats girl ! very very nice....I can hope to have cola like that in a couple of months! ciao!


Active Member
:clap:Thanks...Cant wait to taste test...wish I could smoke you all out !!!! Couldnt have done it without everyones help.:clap:


Well-Known Member
Amy next grow try hygrozime, I had 2 male plants and the roots were tangled with the females. When I cut the males there were roots still in the resovoir that can't be removed. Hygrozime turns dead roots in to food for the healthy plants. It works great.
Good luck


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Should I send Flora Nova a pic? LMAO...
Ha ha, I used the same nutes for my first grow cause it came with the cabinet. Since then I have switched to DNF, Dutch Nutrient Formula, It is clear and great stuff, no clogging the lines and no goopy mess on the roots and around, lol.
Nice job on the harvest, keep on growing, :peace:


Well-Known Member
very cool wet drying nylons in that bathroom...ahahahahaha...just drying bud! I love it! that one cola is sure a sweetheart! excellent! very excellent!


New Member
I use DNF also. Its great stuff and its also organic. Double bonus.

Now I know why I haven't heard from you in a while AMY. You have your stash. :mrgreen::blsmoke:

You did a great job. Cool pics.

Are you going to do another grow soon?
Ha ha, I used the same nutes for my first grow cause it came with the cabinet. Since then I have switched to DNF, Dutch Nutrient Formula, It is clear and great stuff, no clogging the lines and no goopy mess on the roots and around, lol.
Nice job on the harvest, keep on growing, :peace:


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Well heres some more pics...of the harvest. Still havent cut it all down yet...gonna let it go a little longer. Thanks for the nute info. The Flora did clog the lines...gross glob of crap in there...Ill make the change.
Hey amy, good job on the cool cab harvest. Besides the nutes, what else would you change? Did you use the cloning shelf? I changed my tub to a rubbermaid one with only 5 holes instead of the 14 in the lid they give you, lol. Ran the lines around basically the same, cut notches in the side of the handle and made like a flap to be able to lift it without having the lift while lid off to add water. The nutes helped that gunk, no more gunk with the DNF, lol. I also glued one of the jugs they gave in it, cut the bottom off and glued in the bottom of the tub, poked holes on in it. I put all the pumps in there to keep out of the roots, but yet water can get in there. Just and idea if you had the same problem with the roots getting into the pumps, lol. :mrgreen:


New Member
Check the Chiceh out. She's intelligent, humourous and as cute as a button.
I don't have a clue about this cool cab but you sound like you really experimented with it to your advantage.
Very creative chiceh.:clap::clap:
I really like the DNF nutrients and am glad to see others having successful results.
Hey amy, good job on the cool cab harvest. Besides the nutes, what else would you change? Did you use the cloning shelf? I changed my tub to a rubbermaid one with only 5 holes instead of the 14 in the lid they give you, lol. Ran the lines around basically the same, cut notches in the side of the handle and made like a flap to be able to lift it without having the lift while lid off to add water. The nutes helped that gunk, no more gunk with the DNF, lol. I also glued one of the jugs they gave in it, cut the bottom off and glued in the bottom of the tub, poked holes on in it. I put all the pumps in there to keep out of the roots, but yet water can get in there. Just and idea if you had the same problem with the roots getting into the pumps, lol. :mrgreen:


Active Member
HaHa...your right...Ive been loaded since I pulled em, annnnnd...I made hella good bonus!!! I was impressed with the cool cab but for the price it stinks!!! My holding res dont even work so I got to adjust the float. I took the cloning shelf out cuz I was flowering my big ones and there was too much light leakage to deal with at that moment, mounted the light to the top of the cab. I upgraded my air pump and added a 4 way gang valve, so now Im gonna add 3 more bubble wands, making 4 total, that should help. Also just like you, Chiceh, Im upgr4ading to a rubbermade res with 4 holes. Also Im not gonna have all my wires and cords coming from one side of my tank just looks messy so Im gonna clean that up a little. And also Im gonna add a neat little drain valve at the bottom of my tank and raise it up about 2 inches so I can hook a hose up and out the door to drain easily. Im hoping to be up and running again within a few days. Tomorrow is shopping day...YaY! Also this grow Im gonna impliment the Hygrozyme and the DNF nutes cuz those Flora Nova ones worked but it was a real pain in my ass when the lines got clogged. And for anyone interested in my hash results...I used the 8 piece Bubblebag set and they were worth every penny, I got enough product from one batch to pay for YaY! Bubblehash. Glad to hear people missed me while I was in my "Purple Haze" !!!!bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie