Boomer's 2400w Sour Grape GrowOp w/ ScrOG & CO2

What will I yield per 600w HPS lamp?

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Well-Known Member
thanks for the support guys and the photoshoot compliments haha. still trying to find time to do another one.

ive been prepping to make the hash this weekend. came up with a pretty nifty contraption to make my workload on mixing the bubble hash in water easier.

im about to head out and meet up with my buddy that runs the collective. hes at on eof his grow locations and got me 6 rooted sour grape clones ready to transplant. so me and the lady are makin a trip out there and coming bak to transplant tonite. ill get new pix up tonite. maybe ill take the time to show a step by step transplant for any newbies who mite be watching. or for sum criticism and sugestions against my methods.


Well-Known Member
I heard you talking of this contraption earlier. I am interested. I was thinking something similar involving my a cheap blender I have in my house. Then I could get the orbital motion too, and in a gallon bucket, no spill overs. I want to make the hashomatic 9000 with a permanant tube for siphoning and other features, Definitely the gumby method as reference. I think it would be cool to do a step by step of the hash making. Especially including exact weights before/ after, exact time periods, pics of each stage, and a solid reflection of what you would do differently next time.

Damn Im lit. Looking forward to see your six new children......


Well-Known Member
scribed. I've seen your name around and just checked out your past grows, excellent work my friend :clap:

I wish I was as clean and organized as yourself.


Well-Known Member
I heard you talking of this contraption earlier. I am interested. I was thinking something similar involving my a cheap blender I have in my house. Then I could get the orbital motion too, and in a gallon bucket, no spill overs. I want to make the hashomatic 9000 with a permanant tube for siphoning and other features, Definitely the gumby method as reference. I think it would be cool to do a step by step of the hash making. Especially including exact weights before/ after, exact time periods, pics of each stage, and a solid reflection of what you would do differently next time.

Damn Im lit. Looking forward to see your six new children......

ya i think itll give me sumthing to do and make me follow each step and document it for everyone and myself. especially for next round.

wickchowd- welcome aboard friend hope u enjoy this grow as well. skim thru my previous grows in my signature if u want. but im hoping to exceed my expectations with this grow once we get everything rollin.


Well-Known Member
ive been browsing around on RUI and cant seem to even find any deidcated threads for making hash or even bubble hash. i searched around for threads but nuthin promising so ill prob do a detailed update in this thread but do a seperate thread just for making the bubble hash. i just dont which forum

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
ive been browsing around on RUI and cant seem to even find any deidcated threads for making hash or even bubble hash. i searched around for threads but nuthin promising so ill prob do a detailed update in this thread but do a seperate thread just for making the bubble hash. i just dont which forum
The 'Advanced' forum...


Well-Known Member
I like the youtube video on the gumby method....... I imagine you have seen it

thanks bro i checked out the video. its a cool lil homemade setup but i already picked up the 5 5gallon bubble bags with micron screens. id be concerned about the siphoning method cuz it mite waste out precious trichs and small resin glands. i know the concept was to let the bucket sit undisturbed but with the bubble bag methods nuthin is wasted and u get 5 diff quality concentrates outta it instead of moxing it all together in one ball. but i appreciate the link and for those of u following maybe u should scope it if u dont have bubble bags or want to use the butane method.


Well-Known Member
yesterday i met up with my buddy to grab the 6 new sour grape clones and we met at the grow house and got to see his setup and sample sum curing sour grape he grew. it smelled just like grape juice and tasted very fruity. def sum of the best smoke ive ever had and it wasnt all the way cured yet. so im stoked to get this show bak on the road.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
yesterday i met up with my buddy to grab the 6 new sour grape clones and we met at the grow house and got to see his setup and sample sum curing sour grape he grew. it smelled just like grape juice and tasted very fruity. def sum of the best smoke ive ever had and it wasnt all the way cured yet. so im stoked to get this show bak on the road.:bigjoint:
feels good once you get everything under wraps and get back at it. post some pics of the new ones when you can :-)


Well-Known Member
feels good once you get everything under wraps and get back at it. post some pics of the new ones when you can :-)

ya i know wat u mean brotha. im just tryin to keep chill about everything cuz u live and learn mistakes happen whether i had anything to do with it or not. i only ever blame myself cuz if u rely on others its ur fault they fail and fuk ur plans up. so i learned and am ready for watever mite be next... i hope haha.:wall:

pix coming soon its gonna take a while cuz im doin the transplant tutorial and the hash making tutorial all today and uploading and writing and takin gpix and notes is gonna be amission. got the gf coming over to help out tho

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
psh mang i had so many anxiety dreams and nightmares while doin my outdoor grow; always trippin balls waking up in a sweat thinkin i got jacked for everything. lol i dont need powdery mildew dreams...

but thanks b!

I know how you feel, try it guerilla style.:blsmoke:

bummer about the fungi


Well-Known Member

I know how you feel, try it guerilla style.:blsmoke:

bummer about the fungi

id love to grow guerilla except its illegal and not really tryin to add any more risk as a medical patient im already legal and stayign perfectly within my perimeters of the law but even those rights may be infringd by ignorant piggies who step foot on my farm.
i still miss my outdoor grow tho


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear things are starting to roll again.

I'll be here for the long haul. :bigjoint:

ya me too just tryin to get this first round knocked out and sum more notches on my belt ya know.

workin hard today on transplant and bubble hash makin


Well-Known Member
ya me too just tryin to get this first round knocked out and sum more notches on my belt ya know.

workin hard today on transplant and bubble hash makin
I'm cleaning out the attic so I can make space for a veg space. Get some clones going while my big one finishes.

You know what's funny, my little 4 gram soil SG plant smoked better than the giant hydro one did. I sure wish I could have done better with her. At least you know to grow SG more like your buddy says.

Looking forward to see how the hash making works out. I want some bags too, but every extra dollar I get I want to spend on the grow space.