Cheese Journal (2nd grow)


Active Member
wen u wer at the 40th day of 12/12 was yurs proper bud or like mine because my last grow was proper bud on the 40 th day and they wer fat buds


Well-Known Member
i wud say they were whole colas by then but they did fatten up towards th end u be ok mate they dont look stretched


Active Member
yer thats a decent price i pay 11 quid a bag i dont no how many litres they r but i would go for them thats good

i think i left my pk13/14 to late i put it in on the 5th week of 12/12 my blue cheese i grew before this i put my pk in on the 2nd week the buds come out quick on that

im gonna give it 2 weeks pk then 2 weeks overdrive then 9 days flush

wot food do u use m8

have u ever used overdrive before


Well-Known Member
no m8 i use vitalink a and b 2 part grow and bloom , and formulex for young ones, although i will lay off the formulex nxt time due to troubles this time round.
do u have to use coco specific nutes for this medium? like the canna coco range? overdrive is where it pushes a few extra weeks flowering at the end isnt it, never used it but new products always worth a read up:)
i have prob at mo,, my ffin roots are growing out of side and bottom of pots big time, the pots are 6litres and plants only 1 ft at tops, but root growth is silly big fat white roots, need to transplant tomorrow but having to jump frm rockwool to either coco or soil.


Active Member
no i dont think so u should be ok using other nutes with the medium its supposed to be good shit the coco
yer the overdrive is worth using it swells up the buds in the last 2 weeks even no they fatin up heavy anyway
i use the canna nutrients and dr hornbys big bud and overdrive thers a picture of my food on page 3

i dont like to transplant i just put mine straight into 16 litre pots if i was u i would go with the coco m8 its good


Well-Known Member
judging by your plants m8 id have to agree, these blocks need to be soaked before they sweel up, will that not make the medium too wet for transplant? guess im asking is how wet do u have ya coco wen u pot up?


Active Member
dry as a bone mate i just set my pots n trays and that up get all the pots filled with coco put the pots in the trays and turn the tap on the barrel and fill the trays and leave them to soak up that way

i no people do soak it before they put the cuttings in but that works for me

mr west

Well-Known Member
ai ai mr west thought it wudnt be long before we seen ya in this thread u cheese monster,, wat u grwin at mo bud
Ello mate, Im growing aswell as cheese and psychosis, 2x querkles and 2x deep purples from tga seeds. Shmoking psychosis and jack the ripper at the min, happy days:bigjoint:


Active Member
sounds good west i havnt heard of any of the other three i was thinking on doin blueberry or haze next time thers some killer haze about wer i live i love it now

im smoking blueberry haze now its potent,puts u down m8

do u get all yur plants from seed.....what is better seed or cutting ?


Active Member
alright cap mate been checkin out your grows, lookin good lad. im growin cheese and the b cheese aswell, im usin the canna range. iv been lookin at that overdrive, and noticed you used it with the big bud. im using boost and pk an im thinkin about usin the overdrive for the 2 weeks. are you from n.west


Active Member
yer man

nar i dont use the big bud with overdrive i use the overdrive last 2 weeks before flush an the big bud from the 2nd week of 12/12 till the start of overdrive

wer do u live


Active Member
yer man

nar i dont use the big bud with overdrive i use the overdrive last 2 weeks before flush an the big bud from the 2nd week of 12/12 till the start of overdrive

wer do u live
I was going to ask you about using the overdrive with the canna range. while i was waiting for a reply from you i stumbled on this
the question you asked on this site has just answered mine. how far are you with the cheese now, im 38 days with the b cheese stinks like fuck and 33 days with cheese startin to smell nice. gona stick around and find out how things get on, mabe help ech other out since were both on our 2nd cheese grow. you said you got had off with your last crop, what happened there.

oh yeh i live very close, later lad


Active Member
yer its all good usin the overdrive with the canna shit havnt u got any pics of yur cheese ive got a bit to go me its took long to kick into flower

some more pics goin on later


Active Member
r the seeds worth using because ive been told u get some shit weed from seeds wots that psychosis about m8 is it potent does it give a good yield

mr west

Well-Known Member
Psychosis is a cheese cross super skunk and yes its potant and tastey. Yields about the same as the cheese cut

mr west

Well-Known Member
some of the cheese seeds out there are worth a try, of the ones ive grown out ghs and homegrown fantaseeds both do a good representaion but urd need to grow a few seeds to get the right pheno to keep