Help! Losing all my leaves!


Well-Known Member
I am having a problem with my girls. Shortly after I switch them over to 12 and 12 the leaves start turning yellow and soon die off. By the time it is time to harvest I no longer have an big older leaves. I am growing in 2-3 gallon pots. I use Promix with dolmitic lime and I use fox farm nutes...all 6. I use 1 gallon of nutes. per week, but a lot of time it takes longer to dry out. I tried flushing every other watering when I started noticing problems so I did't overfertilize. Any ideas on whats goin on or any suggestions?:wall:


Well-Known Member
Are you switching to high-phosphorous bloom foods when you go 12/12? I see a lot of people change from veg to bloom nutes right at 12/12, and then lose their leaves. There's not enough nitrogen in those things to support the stretch phase.


Well-Known Member
wat soil u using?? i had the same problem due to a salt build-up but if u flushed already, its probaly not that. but r u using any nutes? if so wat kind and how much??


Well-Known Member
I am growing in 2-3 gallon pots and using Promix with with dolmitic lime. I use Fox Farms nutes-all 6 of them. 1 gal. nutes per week, but a lot of the time it takes longer to dry out. When I started having problems, I flushed every other watering.


Well-Known Member
I am growing in 2-3 gallon pots and using Promix with with dolmitic lime. I use Fox Farms nutes-all 6 of them. 1 gal. nutes per week, but a lot of the time it takes longer to dry out. When I started having problems, I flushed every other watering.
why is this? I am going through the exact same thing with pro-mix and organic food.
please keep us informed! i have had this same prob for 3 grows now, only mine get so bad in veg it takes ALONG time to recover . when they do recover i put them in flower and within one week the leaves start dyin way premature.
I have been talkin to some of the better soil guys on this forum and one guy says Pro-mix and organic food does not mix.

how much FF do u use? do u use "big bloom" with every feeding?
big bloom is not a bloom food and should help us with "building the soil food web"

also when u start using the "solubles" (cha ching, beastie.....) in flower does that seem to help at all? because i am thinking if we are gonna stick with promix and organic food, we have to add compost or worm castings to the mix OR swith foods to something synthetic (soluble)

I have tried Earthjuice with promix and i thought that was the prob , so i switched to humboldt nutes, and it is not helping (if it is i dont see it yet)
Both of them foods are almost 100% organic same with FF , it is very close to fully organic.

I'll help u if u help me :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Instead of just using straight pro-mix.

Try mixing Fox farm Ocean forest, either half in half, or like 60/40 pro-mix

I used to use straight pro-mix and I was having huge problems ended up throwing out alot of plants because of serous problems

Since I have been using this mix I haven't had any major problems

Since using the mix I havent needed to use the grow big because the OF has enough nutes in it for veg. I just use the bloom nutes

Be careful with Ocean forest it tends to run hot IMO(nitrogen). Its also strain dependent I have had strains burn from the OF and others are fine. Some strains are just more sensitive to a Nitrogen toxicity, usally the more sativa it has in it the more sensitive it is to Nitrogen


Well-Known Member
You need to feed your plants more nitrogen, switch back to vegg nutes.

Read this
That is a very good thread, but i dont think that is his prob. The same applys with me and i am using a 3-1-3 , thats my veg rig. I think (not sure at all :-() the problem is that the promix is all peat moss so you would have to treat it like hydro and use soluble foods instead of organics OR like the other poster said add worm castings/compost into the promix to give it a good "biological system"
i really wish i could figure this one out. been doin this for YEARS and never had any probs so i thought i was good............i was wrong:dunce:


Active Member
I'm using pro-mix. Its a good medium IMO. Weak in nutes so you know what you put in it.

I also just experianced some leaf droppage, they yellowed up and fell off so I put the veg nutes right to them.(MG 24-8-16). They seem to be doing better.

I WAS using MG bloom booster 15-30-15 but just got some Jacks classic BB 10-30-20. I want to get away from Urea nitrogen while in bloom. I suspect Urea is what causes the burn. Its what UB uses and he's a ganja god imo. It has 0 Urea.

Holycow Wyteboi!! I saw your mix in the other thread, how can they have a defficentcy?? You,ve thrown everything but the kitchen sink at them, lol. I guess i'm off base here.


Well-Known Member
I'm using pro-mix. Its a good medium IMO. Weak in nutes so you know what you put in it.
that only applys to synthetic nutes as i finally figured out.
I also just experianced some leaf droppage, they yellowed up and fell off so I put the veg nutes right to them.(MG 24-8-16). They seem to be doing better.
that 24-8-16 is exactly what i just got today, i am sure that will help. have u ever used organic nutes with promix?

Holycow Wyteboi!! I saw your mix in the other thread, how can they have a defficentcy?? You,ve thrown everything but the kitchen sink at them, lol. I guess i'm off base here.
:clap: nice aint it.
i found that in someone elses post. like i said i cannot believe the things that people believe :dunce: i think there "medium" IS nutes bahahahah.


Well-Known Member
I'm using pro-mix. Its a good medium IMO.
i like it too because it has micro-nutes, macro-nutes, (not sure what those are:dunce:) perlite, vermiculite and my fav, mycorrizai < not spelled right.

So i figure if i add worm castings to my next pots then it will be perfect......for now. << but this only applies to when i go back to organics.

If you stick to synthetic nutes then i think Promix would be the best choice for any soil grower ....(that dont like to waste money, if you have alot of money then i would say use FFOF but i am not sure it would make a big difference... i doubt it.


Well-Known Member
I use 2 tbsp. molasses during buding except for last week and big bloom every time. It usually takes 10-12 days for them to dry out. I use the solubles from FF the beastie, cha-ching, and open sesame. I called FF and they said never to use more than 1/4 tsp if watering everytime w/ the solubles and they also said not to use grow big during the 2 weeks of beastie. I have enough drainage so there shouldn't be a problem with salt build up. I use TH-1 which is 81% Canadian Peatmoss, 14% Perlite and 5% vermilculite and it has two kinds of lime in it as well. On top of that I add more dolminic lime. Maybe that's the problem? It seems like when I switch over all my tips burn and by 4 weeks in, most all the big leaves are gone and the little ones are starting to turn, the bud is still good, but I know something is wrong. How do I get nitrogen without overfertilizing?


Well-Known Member
I use 2 tbsp. molasses during buding except for last week and big bloom every time. It usually takes 10-12 days for them to dry out. I use the solubles from FF the beastie, cha-ching, and open sesame. I called FF and they said never to use more than 1/4 tsp if watering everytime w/ the solubles and they also said not to use grow big during the 2 weeks of beastie. I have enough drainage so there shouldn't be a problem with salt build up. I use TH-1 which is 81% Canadian Peatmoss, 14% Perlite and 5% vermilculite and it has two kinds of lime in it as well. On top of that I add more dolminic lime. Maybe that's the problem? It seems like when I switch over all my tips burn and by 4 weeks in, most all the big leaves are gone and the little ones are starting to turn, the bud is still good, but I know something is wrong. How do I get nitrogen without overfertilizing?
If it were me, I'd simplify things. Cut back to water and Big Bloom for at least a week. Go back to Grow Big until your stretch phase is over at least - that's a high N demand period. You won't overfertilize -- it's the goofy balance with too much P way early in flower that's burning up your leaves. I made the exact same mistake last year. The FF advice to start bloom feeds right at 12/12 is bunk.


Well-Known Member
i bet 100$ that u are having the EXACT same prob as me. 81% peat moss < thats the problem (not 100% sure yet but within a day or 2 i will know if thats what we are going through.) Next problem is 10-12 days to dry up ? that is a huge problem and can build up salts bigtime , but i still think its the lack of biologicals in the peat moss................break time..........


Well-Known Member
Instead of just using straight pro-mix.

Try mixing Fox farm Ocean forest, either half in half, or like 60/40 pro-mix

I used to use straight pro-mix and I was having huge problems ended up throwing out alot of plants because of serous problems

Since I have been using this mix I haven't had any major problems

Since using the mix I havent needed to use the grow big because the OF has enough nutes in it for veg. I just use the bloom nutes

Be careful with Ocean forest it tends to run hot IMO(nitrogen). Its also strain dependent I have had strains burn from the OF and others are fine. Some strains are just more sensitive to a Nitrogen toxicity, usally the more sativa it has in it the more sensitive it is to Nitrogen
see we are all having the same prob and he just fixed his future grows by adding FFOF (worm castings and or compost will do the same)


Well-Known Member
Are you switching to high-phosphorous bloom foods when you go 12/12? I see a lot of people change from veg to bloom nutes right at 12/12, and then lose their leaves. There's not enough nitrogen in those things to support the stretch phase.
Rep+ Great advice. :bigjoint:

I am growing in 2-3 gallon pots and using Promix with with dolmitic lime. I use Fox Farms nutes-all 6 of them. 1 gal. nutes per week, but a lot of the time it takes longer to dry out. When I started having problems, I flushed every other watering.
I've seen this a lot with the FF line when using an inert medium like promix. The bloom formulas a criminally low in nitrogen and there is nothing already in the soil to help you along. Up the amount of growbig in your feed and back off the PK boosters.

see we are all having the same prob and he just fixed his future grows by adding FFOF (worm castings and or compost will do the same)
Or you could switch to a nice easy clean chemical fert. :leaf: