Perception is reality


Well-Known Member
Perception is reality. Our perception is part of what shapes who we are, how we feel about the world and our fellow human beings. The things we read, see and are taught, all are part of our perception. It's how those things are perceived which dictates the emotion we attach to said perception.

The schizophrenic sees an angry mob screaming and throwing things at him. It's a hallucination but to him at that moment during a psychotic episode the mob is REAL! A lot of schizophrenics are labeled "paranoid schizophrenics". Well wouldn't you be paranoid if you had angry mobs screaming at you for no apparent reason? :-P


Well-Known Member
i don't actually disagree with any of that but it's a limited view on a hugely complex subject....

e.g. when you stick a straight pencil in a glass of water it looks like it's bent. is that reality?


Well-Known Member
i don't actually disagree with any of that but it's a limited view on a hugely complex subject....

e.g. when you stick a straight pencil in a glass of water it looks like it's bent. is that reality?
Of course it is. If you believe the pencil to be bent, then it is. You could argue the point forever but to some it is reality. Humans knew the world to be flat at one time. It does look flat when you're standing on it. ;-)


Well-Known Member
yeah alright i see what you're saying. sort of 'in the eye of the beholder' type of thing. dunno if that's quite my reality though haha


Active Member
well..... no

perception is not reality. ok well..... ok you can percieve reality. but that doesnt make what is perceived reality....... ok jus a sec

to say that perception is reality would suggest anything outside the available senses is nonexistant.

its the 3 blind guys that find an elephant
one feels the tail and thinks its a snake
one feels the leg and thinks its a tree
one feels the side and thinks its a wall

i guess one could say perception is subjective reality

but then reality is just a way of saying anything that didnt happen yesterday wont happen tomorrow.

but i mean at this point we have to get into alot of really heady shit.

like the old riddle

if we know through our senses and our senses are imperfect then how can we know anything
or if we dont know through our senses then how do we know
or if we do know through our senses then how do we perceive abstractions like truth and justice


when you look in the mirror, are you the original, or the reflection, and is their anyway to know for sure.

reality is an abstraction, being somewhat negotiable and open ended. perception is subjective.

to somebody thats never heard, sound is not a part of reality.
blind people dont beleive in color
and black people dont beleive in the blind (im just shittin with yall, and no im not rascist)

lets settle on

the subjective interpretations of our individual perceptions provides the framework for what we perceive to be reality


Well-Known Member
the subjective interpretations of our individual perceptions provides the framework for what we perceive to be reality
i'm all for that too but it's too big a subject to be able to summerise all of it.

we know our senses aren't always correct but we do rely on them.
our perception of sensations are also not always correct.
it's entirely possible that reality as we 'know' it is entirely an illusion and none of us truly exist, vaguely matrix style.

it's a right big pickle when you're baked anyway, mind blowing shit haha



Well-Known Member
Perception is reality. Our perception is part of what shapes who we are, how we feel about the world and our fellow human beings. The things we read, see and are taught, all are part of our perception. It's how those things are perceived which dictates the emotion we attach to said perception.

The schizophrenic sees an angry mob screaming and throwing things at him. It's a hallucination but to him at that moment during a psychotic episode the mob is REAL! A lot of schizophrenics are labeled "paranoid schizophrenics". Well wouldn't you be paranoid if you had angry mobs screaming at you for no apparent reason? :-P
Perception is the interpratation of what we take in through our senses. That interpretation is unique to each and every person. I may perceive something totally differently to you, I, however cannot speak of your perception of something with any degree of accuracy as I am not you.


Well-Known Member
Perception is the interpratation of what we take in through our senses. That interpretation is unique to each and every person. I may perceive something totally differently to you, I, however cannot speak of your perception of something with any degree of accuracy as I am not you.
Excellent point Woo. Think in terms of the other senses and how those play a role in our realities. :weed:


Well-Known Member
when you look in the mirror, are you the original, or the reflection, and is their anyway to know for sure.
Sure. Make the mirror.
If you know the properties of light, and you know the reflectivity of silver, and apply it to glass, then you know that light passing through glass, reflecting off the silvered back, and passing through the glass to your eyes is creating an image of yourself.

If you were the reflection you'd never be able to reach out in front of you and scrape the silver off the back of the mirror :P


Well-Known Member
this is a good discussion for woodstock.hippie

Cogito, ergo sum

But I have convinced myself that there is absolutely nothing in the world, no sky, no earth, no minds, no bodies. Does it now follow that I too do not exist? No. If I convinced myself of something [or thought anything at all] then I certainly existed. But there is a deceiver of supreme power and cunning who is deliberately and constantly deceiving me. In that case I too undoubtedly exist, if he is deceiving me; and let him deceive me as much as he can, he will never bring it about that I am nothing so long as I think that I am something. So, after considering everything very thoroughly, I must finally conclude that the proposition, I am, I exist, is necessarily true whenever it is put forward by me or conceived in my mind.


Well-Known Member
There is alot of controversy on this as its the oldest ponderings of human existence. But remember:
Nothing exists
Even if something exists, nothing can be known about it; and
Even if something could be known about it, knowledge about it can't be communicated to others.

There is alot of investment in assumptions, and assumptions are made in order to fit theories. Theories are made to underpin a pattern of predicability in the world that surrounds us, so the theories we make are part of the system that created their need. So enclosing, why am I explaining myself?



Well-Known Member
There is alot of controversy on this as its the oldest ponderings of human existence. But remember:
Nothing exists
Even if something exists, nothing can be known about it; and
Even if something could be known about it, knowledge about it can't be communicated to others.

There is alot of investment in assumptions, and assumptions are made in order to fit theories. Theories are made to underpin a pattern of predicability in the world that surrounds us, so the theories we make are part of the system that created their need. So enclosing, why am I explaining myself?

nothing exists is true, maybe

each living thing perceives on a personal level and there is no independent way to validate the perception

so the perceptions could be false in that they don't necessarily reflect reality

or, perhaps there is no reality. all there is, is perception.l

however, the ability of living things to survive in nature emphatically validates the utilitarian nature of perception, thereby giving more credibility to an object reality.


Well-Known Member
Wow. If that all was not enough it takes TIME for what we sense to travel our nerves to our brain. We all lag behind.


Well-Known Member
other senses? I only have 5, which do you want me to think of?
Yes Woo we only have 5 senses but most people automatically think of our strongest sense when we talk perception, and that is sight. Think of how hearing or touch affect our realities. What about how we learn? Don't we have to listen in school? Which is a big part of how we learn. An earlier post mentioned how a pencil appears bent when passed behind a glass of water. Before someone taught you that the pencil wasn't actually bent you probably thought that it was bent (although you probably don't remember learning that). We may be taught that things are different than they appear but you probably had to read or hear that at some point. :bigjoint: