Mazari fems. 350watts CFL's


Well-Known Member
still looking very good there mate!

do you mind giving me a little run down on how to go about re-vegging plants please.

like where to cut and what to leave in place and if it takes longer and stuff



Well-Known Member
Yea i was wondering the same, how long does it usually take for you to get the plants to re veg?

Buds are gettin nice and fat :weed:


Well-Known Member
looks like the be ready in a week ... and i hate reveging thakes over a monthto see any improbement... but is worth it , dont belive those who say that the plants loose potency after a few harvest, thats bs... it just takes for ever...kinda like the same time it takes for a clone to root and veg enought to be introduce to bloom... like the myth about cfl didnt work ,ten years ago noone belive in it not even me...


Well-Known Member
I agree with greenlatern. It does take awhile, but i grow perpetual so i always have room to throw one into veg. My buddy reveged 4x from a Diesel. It was awesome smoke each time. They look short, and stocky enough to be perfect:) Good update!!


Active Member
A bit late, But nice thread! Those plants look fat and skunky!:bigjoint: Especially for cfl. People that know how to use cfl's get the results as showen. :peace:


Active Member
looks like the be ready in a week ... and i hate reveging thakes over a monthto see any improbement... but is worth it , dont belive those who say that the plants loose potency after a few harvest, thats bs... it just takes for ever...kinda like the same time it takes for a clone to root and veg enought to be introduce to bloom... like the myth about cfl didnt work ,ten years ago noone belive in it not even me...
Hi greenlanter, I'd say you summed it up, the pros and cons of revegging :-) In the time it takes to turn a harvested plant back to veg again (3 weeks average) you can have a new seedplant established or clones rooted. But as you also say the potentially bigger second harvest with no loss of potency is the trade off :-) And yes, I remember 6 -7 years ago other experienced growers being adamant that it could not be done!

del, cheers for looking in mate :-)

fditty: Yes I have heard that 4/5 times is the limit, but thats amazing in itself. Most I have done is 3x.

CFL outdoor: Thanks for looking in, welcome :-)

tam, quick explanation for you mate, I'll see if I have pics of some of my revegged plants to post here.


Canna plants respond to changing light cycles; if after harvest you switch the cycle back to 18/6 (some say 24/0 but 18/6 works well for me, never failed yet) the plant will respond by gradually reverting back to veg mode. generally it takes around 10 to 14 days for the plant to BEGIN to respond during which period any buds left on will continue to swell and ripen off normally, after about 21 days you will see new green shoots appearing from the bottom upwards. You can trim off any buds left on at this point and it is VERY smokable ;-) You will notice how swollen the calyx have become at this point and trichs will have turned amber. Those little buds can be potent as hell, take my word for that. If you think the THC has degraded at 100% amber you need to try this :lol::lol:

So, at 3 weeks shes back to veg mode but still throwing out some pistils, this is normal. Now watch her begin to explode with new leaf growth, first twisty, or straight edged thin blades, then triple blades then 5 again. 3 to 4 weeks from switching back and shes bursting back into life again from 5/6/7 new shoots dependent upon how you trim them at harvest.

When you harvest, leave as much of the low down 'popcorn' buds on as this is where your new growth will come from. I plan ahead and never trim away this low stuff if I plan to reveg later.

By 6 weeks from switching back you have a vigorous plant with loads of strong new stems to flower from. So its back into 12/12 again and watch her go this time!

Anything I've missed? Oh, you can repot or add a layer of fresh soil or just leave her, I've seen them revegged 3 time in the same pot/soil with great results. Just plain water through veg as she uses all the remaining nutes in the soil. Even if your plant looks on its last legs, lost all its fans etc it will STILL come back as a healthy green plant again..... for me that is the miracle of revegging a plant :bigjoint:

Hope this helps? I'll try to find a few pics to illustrate.

edit: This is one of my reveg plants (Kush) at 3 weeks from harvesting & switching back. You can see if you look closely all of the small bright green new growth all over her. You can also see how the popcorn left on has swollen and ripened off ready for picking!!

I'll add a few more later.



Well-Known Member
so if you re-veg is there a certain way to trim when harvesting?
This was in his last post on the previous page?

"When you harvest, leave as much of the low down 'popcorn' buds on as this is where your new growth will come from. I plan ahead and never trim away this low stuff if I plan to reveg later."


Well-Known Member
Yeah that was a briliant explanation my friend + rep 4 u.
But I think revegging is out of the question for me as I lollipopped them so I only have a few popcorn buds left that I missed.

Any way when I come to harvest I will keep all of that in mind and give it a shot.

Thanks MS

ps. The weater has been frezzing the last week as I'm sure u wil know and apart from the leaves yellowing the plants are looking and doing great!!! I expect it's down in the minus's up in that loft!!!


Active Member
tam, revegging is good if you just want to keep a couple of very stable plants going and you're not a big user because you really have to give them 6 weeks total between flowerings and in that time you can get a fair sized new plant ready. That said I might just keep this thread running now through a reveg of two of these :-)


Right, due to supply issues I decided to take the 4 main tops of of 'Clarissa'..they are hanging to dry. The rest of her continues under 12/12 to finish all of the lower buds off.

Heres a couple of quick pics of Nigella and Aggie today, with Marcie the Golden Retriever inserted for an idea of scale :lol:

You can see that I have trimmed all of the 'bad' leaf away from Nigella now to let her finish off...... basically just bud on sticks now!




Active Member
.....And on the subject of REVEGGING... heres one I prepared earlier :bigjoint: Just found this in one of my past threads, Marcie again for scale!

Thats a Northern Lights reveg. Believe me, it was just a 6"stump with one or two tiny bits of green left on when I planted it in the garden in May, couple of years back. By August she looked like this, and by October I had cut close to 10oz (dry) from her and it was beautiful stuff.... shared it with a few mates who could not believe it was UK outdoor grown bud. Got one of her in full bud somewhere.

Just to prove that reveg works! INdoor strain, flowered and harvested indoors then stuck straight into the ground. I did not feed that lady AT ALL over 4 months, the soil is very good here.


Well-Known Member

wow that plant is a monster!!! get some pics up of her flowering. and some of the buds that are drying out.

thats given me an idea now i will plant mine out side like that and just start some new seeds indoors when these are done.

lets hope it warmed up a bit by then

thanks again and +rep for that beauty



I read through your journal and it serves as inspiration for my current grow. You've done a great job and looks like you will be rewarded soon! As you can see I am new here, and while I by no means am trying to jack your thread, I come to you with a question that I hope you could shed some knowledge on. Right now, I have 3 plants about 5 weeks into veg under approx. 200w total of 6500k cfls. Temps, ventilation, nutes, ph, and soil are all doin great. They're healthy and ready for 12-12. Thing is, I am going away for buisness for seven days and have not decided how I am going to deal with keepin them alive while I am away. My question to you is, I understand that it is beneficial to leave the plants in darkness for up to 36 hrs before switching the lights to 12-12. (Read that it prepares for flowering/jump starts growth?) So, would it be permissible to give the plants a solid watering and leave them with the lights off with the fans on in their box for a week while I am gone? My main reason for this is that I do not want to risk a fire by leaving my lights on a timer while I am gone even though they are CFLs. Would this week of darkness before coming back to start 12-12 pretty much gaurantee herms? Thanks alot


Well-Known Member

I read through your journal and it serves as inspiration for my current grow. You've done a great job and looks like you will be rewarded soon! As you can see I am new here, and while I by no means am trying to jack your thread, I come to you with a question that I hope you could shed some knowledge on. Right now, I have 3 plants about 5 weeks into veg under approx. 200w total of 6500k cfls. Temps, ventilation, nutes, ph, and soil are all doin great. They're healthy and ready for 12-12. Thing is, I am going away for buisness for seven days and have not decided how I am going to deal with keepin them alive while I am away. My question to you is, I understand that it is beneficial to leave the plants in darkness for up to 36 hrs before switching the lights to 12-12. (Read that it prepares for flowering/jump starts growth?) So, would it be permissible to give the plants a solid watering and leave them with the lights off with the fans on in their box for a week while I am gone? My main reason for this is that I do not want to risk a fire by leaving my lights on a timer while I am gone even though they are CFLs. Would this week of darkness before coming back to start 12-12 pretty much gaurantee herms? Thanks alot
i dunno i would have thought a week is a bit over the top doesnt sound good to me.

maybe only have a few bulbs left running just to keep them happy.

any way im sure MS will be here in a bit.


Active Member

I read through your journal and it serves as inspiration for my current grow. You've done a great job and looks like you will be rewarded soon! As you can see I am new here, and while I by no means am trying to jack your thread, I come to you with a question that I hope you could shed some knowledge on. Right now, I have 3 plants about 5 weeks into veg under approx. 200w total of 6500k cfls. Temps, ventilation, nutes, ph, and soil are all doin great. They're healthy and ready for 12-12. Thing is, I am going away for buisness for seven days and have not decided how I am going to deal with keepin them alive while I am away. My question to you is, I understand that it is beneficial to leave the plants in darkness for up to 36 hrs before switching the lights to 12-12. (Read that it prepares for flowering/jump starts growth?) So, would it be permissible to give the plants a solid watering and leave them with the lights off with the fans on in their box for a week while I am gone? My main reason for this is that I do not want to risk a fire by leaving my lights on a timer while I am gone even though they are CFLs. Would this week of darkness before coming back to start 12-12 pretty much gaurantee herms? Thanks alot
Hello ccb, and thank you for the comments :-)

I have been thinking about your problem, asking myself what I would do in that situation! To be honest I'm really not sure, I have read of plants going 2/3 day of darkness, sometimes we all have to leave them for a few days, but 7 days ........ I don't know. I'd start a thread in the 'indoor' section posing that question, others must have found themselves in that situation before.

Just to pick up on your anxiety around fire/timers. I have had these running in my family home for 12 years now and have never had a problem, and I am extremely aware of electrical safety. if it was me I would reduce lighting to a minimum (say 100watts - ish) and use a good digital timer while you are away. 7 days after a good heavy watering will be fine to be left.

Hope this helps in some way?


