Sun Pulse DIGITAL Lamps


Well-Known Member
They've been in Maximum Yield and Urban Garden advertising the last several months, and they're specifically made for digital ballasts because of the frequency they operate on, but even in my area they aren't many people I personally know that have any experience to share from grows with them. I'm not normally one to "jump on the bandwagon" when it comes to this sort of stuff, but the science behind it makes a whole shitload of sense to me. The 1000W Halide bulb comes in a 3K spectrum, which according to Sun Pulse, is a more desirable spectrum for plants than traditional HPS (EYE Hortilux Super HPS) bulbs (2.2K). Much of the "light" a traditional HPS lamp, according to Sun Pulse Labs, is transferred into nothing but HEAT. IMO, experienced growers know EXACTLY what I'm talking about here. Also, since traditional bulbs are operating in fixtures, and powered by ballasts (sometimes digital, sometimes not) using higher frequencies than the bulbs are made for DRASTICALLY decreases lamp life. This, also, will inevitably make using these new types of bulbs a huge reason to do so.

Lumens (or luminosity) is a much different thing than brightness, and is just something used by humans to try and describe into simplified terms, how much light is being "put out". Plants see light differently than humans, and therefore spectrum is much more of importance. This is precisely the concept Sun Pulse is zeroing in on here. I recently bought 2 of these, and having used Hortilux Super HPS bulbs for years, will have a tangible result for you all very soon as evidence- either way it works out. I promise to be impartial in my analysis, but it would sure be nice to hear from anyone else that's already using them.
i have these bulbs in my spinning lights in my flower room should be flippin my babies to 12/12 this week so we'll see how they do. im running 8 400's and 4 600's all mixed spectrum 3k - 10k.
i have these bulbs in my spinning lights in my flower room should be flippin my babies to 12/12 this week so we'll see how they do. im running 8 400's and 4 600's all mixed spectrum 3k - 10k.
Wow, you're using the 10K's too?!! Going all out I see. Can't wait to hear your results.

I've been debating whether or not to put one of the old Hortilux Super HPS bulbs in one of the fixtures just to see the difference in results, but I'd hate the fact that I'd most likely be getting "less" from one side of the room than the other. Should I jump on the grenade just to educate myself with a true trial run, or not? I'll need convincing on this.
After viewing riu for quite some time I finally decided to post, especially in regards to these lights.
Two grows ago I grew out some lemon haze, and ended up cloning the more sativa pheno. I was running a 400 w hortilux hps on a lumatek ballast w c02 and had good results but nothing to really compare to. After about 4 months my bulb blew, and I returned it to my local grow shop and they offered to exchange it plus 20 bucks for the sun pulse bulbs, as they are designed for digi ballasts.
After recently flowering the clones from the previous lemon haze with the sun pulse 3k all the way through flower I noticed some major differences. The plants didnt stretch nearly as much under the sun pulse and I ended up having much denser buds, especially for a sativa. Another major trait I noticed was a major increase in trichome production, even though I didnt switch to the 10k for the last part of flowering. In terms of yield I ended up with roughly the same on both lights, however the quality of the bud was much nicer on the sun pulse. And if these bulbs last as long as theyre supposed to, with minimal color shift, Ill most definately continue to use these.

And green escape I too want to see the results with all the bulbs in the spinner!
Oh yah I forgot the temps of the bulbs seemed to run alot cooler. I ran my reflector about 10-12 inches off my canopy with no signs of heat stress!
After viewing riu for quite some time I finally decided to post, especially in regards to these lights.
Two grows ago I grew out some lemon haze, and ended up cloning the more sativa pheno. I was running a 400 w hortilux hps on a lumatek ballast w c02 and had good results but nothing to really compare to. After about 4 months my bulb blew, and I returned it to my local grow shop and they offered to exchange it plus 20 bucks for the sun pulse bulbs, as they are designed for digi ballasts.
After recently flowering the clones from the previous lemon haze with the sun pulse 3k all the way through flower I noticed some major differences. The plants didnt stretch nearly as much under the sun pulse and I ended up having much denser buds, especially for a sativa. Another major trait I noticed was a major increase in trichome production, even though I didnt switch to the 10k for the last part of flowering. In terms of yield I ended up with roughly the same on both lights, however the quality of the bud was much nicer on the sun pulse. And if these bulbs last as long as theyre supposed to, with minimal color shift, Ill most definately continue to use these.

And green escape I too want to see the results with all the bulbs in the spinner!
Thanks for the feedback. This is exactly what I've heard they do....not just through the website, but from people in the horticultural/greenhouse industry also. So far, I've noticed almost jungle-like foliage growth, but I have had to deal with some stretch. The stretch I've found out, was MY fault though because I had the damn irrigation timer/rez pump set to come on TWICE instead of just once. :wall: At first I didn't realize what was wrong, because I'm never in the room at that hour, and previously had been dealing with slightly warmer temps and a vastly different, and very thirsty strain. Now that I've got the thinning done, and the lights, irrigation dialed in it should be all gravy. So far, I'm pretty damn impressed. We will see.
ryder347 what watt bulb are you running it that close
I highly doubt it could one of the 1000's. That's what I use and there's no way I could have them that close without light burn. Mine are about 18" away , but I use a mover. Most likely 600's is my guess.
Ok i was just wondering becuse I have 2 growzilla hoods on a light rail 5 Im setting up with 4 nextgen 1000w ballasts and 1 3k & 1 6.4k sun pulse per hood was thiking of running both bulbs for the full duration of both phases of growth. replacing the 3k the last 2 weeks with the 10k. What do you think? would you mix the bulbs like this to get a fuller spectrum?
Ok i was just wondering becuse I have 2 growzilla hoods on a light rail 5 Im setting up with 4 nextgen 1000w ballasts and 1 3k & 1 6.4k sun pulse per hood was thiking of running both bulbs for the full duration of both phases of growth. replacing the 3k the last 2 weeks with the 10k. What do you think? would you mix the bulbs like this to get a fuller spectrum?

If I had the money I would for sure do it.

On the sunpulse site they compare spectral graphs, hps compared to THREE Sun pulse bulbs in a hood. Being the 3k, 4k, and 6.4k combined. The beauty of mixing all the the bulbs is that the new provided spectrum matches the suns natural light nearly perfectly, thus providing for awesome growing conditions. You should get minimal plant stretch in flowering and really tight buds. And for the 10k, the trichome production should be through the roof, since the plant creates more resin in response to a rise in uv light. I would however just replace the 6.4k light with 10k rather than the 3k. Plants chlorophyll synthesis still occurs in the red zone, and Ive seen many plants pack on in the last two weeks. But again thats all theory, and I would love to see your results!

And if you already knew some of that info, sorry for preaching to the quire.
They've been in Maximum Yield and Urban Garden advertising the last several months, and they're specifically made for digital ballasts because of the frequency they operate on, but even in my area they aren't many people I personally know that have any experience to share from grows with them. I'm not normally one to "jump on the bandwagon" when it comes to this sort of stuff, but the science behind it makes a whole shitload of sense to me. The 1000W Halide bulb comes in a 3K spectrum, which according to Sun Pulse, is a more desirable spectrum for plants than traditional HPS (EYE Hortilux Super HPS) bulbs (2.2K). Much of the "light" a traditional HPS lamp, according to Sun Pulse Labs, is transferred into nothing but HEAT. IMO, experienced growers know EXACTLY what I'm talking about here. Also, since traditional bulbs are operating in fixtures, and powered by ballasts (sometimes digital, sometimes not) using higher frequencies than the bulbs are made for DRASTICALLY decreases lamp life. This, also, will inevitably make using these new types of bulbs a huge reason to do so.

Lumens (or luminosity) is a much different thing than brightness, and is just something used by humans to try and describe into simplified terms, how much light is being "put out". Plants see light differently than humans, and therefore spectrum is much more of importance. This is precisely the concept Sun Pulse is zeroing in on here. I recently bought 2 of these, and having used Hortilux Super HPS bulbs for years, will have a tangible result for you all very soon as evidence- either way it works out. I promise to be impartial in my analysis, but it would sure be nice to hear from anyone else that's already using them.

I was also considering these as a replacement for my EYE Hortilux Super HPS 1000 wt bulbs. Have used them for quite a few years now, but recently decided to switch to electronic ballasts as the old magnetic ones I have were just too old of a design to be effiecient. rep+

i want to start by saying you spelled chior like a queer :lol:

just messing, im the king of spelling mistakes.

anyway, im going to play devils advocate for a sec...

i havent found all 3 of their light spectrums yet... i have a feeling the MH bulb they make IS better than a stock MH bulb.

the bulbs lasting a longer time, and running briter.. thats the definate bonus of this light


before you all turn into parrot sales guys...

the graph in the link i quoted above makes me NOT want to buy this light... period.

the place that they are bragging about it making energy... is in the green spectrum.

class, what color are plants?

green sherriberry!

and why si that?

because they reflect all green light, which is why you can use a green bulb in a grow room and they still think its dark.

and class, why dont plants want blue light during harvest?

because over the last 10 million years, in autumn, the sky gets orange.

and if plants required blue light during harvest... darwinism would have killed of that plant a long time ago...

so they are evolved to take what nature gives them.

a typical hps... gives ALL of its energy into the EXACT spectrum a plant needs for budding... period.

their graphs, to an educated person... is an insult to their product. it lacks in the oranges and reds.... period.

now as far as uv making crystals? this is correct... its how pot plants protect themselves in the wild from uv, so giving them it, will make them defend theirself, because uv is actually harmful to plants just like it is to us.

your magic bulb is 6 in one, half dozen the other. Its got its perks but also has its cons for hps applications.
my final analysis is this, and lets see if time and tests show otherwise...

the bud grown with this magical light... will get you higher, and taste better because it has more thc.

for comercial growers, who are worried about weights and yeild, an eye hortolux will still be your best bulb.

personal use... this new digital bulb

selling by weight... hortilux bulb.
haha i suck at spelling, and i definately agree with you. its not a magic bulb, and infact they want you to use all three of their color spectrum bulbs to replicate their graph.However hps do produce much more light in the red and orange than what is needed

And at 120 a piece seems like theres better ways to spend your money. I guess one could solve this by just running a dual set up w mh and hps, or just use a mh for the first couple weeks of flowering, preventing a massive stretch.

The benefits are less strecthing and increase in trichomes and not having premature lamp failure in a digital ballast.

Negs are less bud.

To be honest had my hortilux hps not blew, Id probably still be using instead of sun pulses.
oh and sherriberry, are you in mi? Just wondering, cuz if so we should exchange some clones some time. Ive got super lemon haze, sativa pheno, and haze pheno, a-train, and im currently doing a seed run with god bud and the purps.