
Ok guys, need you're help once again! after scouring the whole day on here, on google looking at ventilation and how to set it up looking at exhaust fans, centrifugal, inline, extractor fans i can honestly say im as clued in now as i was at the start of the day shits just so confusing. basically i need to be clued in on the best possible ventilation for my grow room, this is my 2nd grow room, but 1st serious grow room, the only ventilation i've been using is an oscillating fan in an open front cuboard
so anyway... the dimensions of my grow room:

width 130centimetre
height 160cm
lengh(at the widest point 120cm) my growroom isn't exactly square.

my growroom is enclosed by 3 brick walls with the only entrance at the front itll further be enclosed with a plywood roof and mylar sheeted papar covering the inside walls and plywood roof(i'll upload a picture of it tommorow) but anyway my lighting will be a 600W HPS , taking into consideration my light and room size and the need for fresh air intake aswell as stagnant air being sucked out what would be the best fan combo to do this?if i can i plan to use ducting the vent the hot air out the garage roof.. price isn't an issue but saying that i don't want the top of range most expensive item found either, i just want a basic fan capable to do the job relatively good. since i don't plan to expand on the room i don't need anything more powerful than whats necessary and is it possible at all to do both jobs(intake and extract) with a single fan and some clever setup method? another note i do plan to use some type of carbon filter in the future, but i wont be getting that for a few more weeks yet.

I have no electrical skills whatsoever and even tho i found some ventilation that looks the bizz I'm reluctant to splash out just incase its too complicated for me to set up requiring wiring into the mains or not possible to configure it how i want or just plain can't be incorporated into my setup... so guys i come to you for guidance i need pointing in the right direction, links, tutorials ,pics and your thoughts and opinions so pretty much whole shabang

many many thanks.


Active Member
Hah mate i think im in a very similar situation as you. I also have very little knowledge to ventilation, but as i understand it, it needs several components to work.

1. Air intake. If you have crawlspace setup an air pump (crawlspace is dusty/filled with bugs so place a bug killer in that area), which then by ducting will travel up to your grow-room and release the air.

2. Oscillating fans. The number of these vary by the density of your plants. Your aim is to have good air circulating and the plants should have its top leaves swaying slightly.

3. Air exhaust. Place exhaust fans in the roof of your grow area (another important note here: hot air rises to the top of a grow room, therefore its preferable to have the cold air [step 1] being pumped in at the bottom of your grow room, and the exhaust system needs to be at the top. Use exhaust fans, then with ducting you will be pumping it outside of your house. As the air exits your house, it will contain odour and heat. These can both be removed by adding in a carbon filter (like you said, you might not need it till the budding period), aswell as a muffler and so on.

I hope i helped, but if you have time check out my post and you'll see we're in very similar situations (my grow area is 195x155x180 - LWH) so we really are sharing similar problems


( << my post)


Well-Known Member
It's sad these newbies have no one to offer solid help. Maybe that's why there accounts haven't been active... Guess, good help really is hard to find... =/


Well-Known Member
Is this room already set up? If so, go ahead and plug that light in for a few hours, what are the temps in there? I suspect that cooling the light should be your first concern, 600W is a lot for a 3'x3' room.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Your going to need a 6 inch inline fan for that. That smaller the space the harder it is to control with a light like that, though it can be done. You have to remember that the fan will cool the light but the light will also radiate heat. Here is a link to a good fan. I have this type and put it in all the set-ups I do for other people. I do love my 600's too. For 119 dollars you wont find a better fan, def a quality product.


Active Member
i would try to get the largest exaust fan possible because you will most likely want it in the future . Get one 'dimmable'. Cause when you build a bigger room or add filters ,or add lights /heat you will need that xtra pull. always blow out top and suck in from bottom. I dont use fans in grow room because my exaust fan creates enough circulation. I bend my stems occasionally by hand and it works well .Plus why have 2+ fans ?


Well-Known Member
Its not that big a room. I simple bathroom exhuast fan would be sufficient. You will have to learn to wire, but it is not hard. Get wiring for dummies and purchase some lamp cord while youre at home depot. I just make my husband do it.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Its not that big a room. I simple bathroom exhuast fan would be sufficient. You will have to learn to wire, but it is not hard. Get wiring for dummies and purchase some lamp cord while youre at home depot. I just make my husband do it.

Bathroom exhaust fans, been there done that, they just plain suck! They will not do the job, especially for a 600. Not to mention they are lound and tend to vibrate. Shell out the 120 bucks for a real fan.

Nothings worse than investing in a piece of crap.


Active Member
Would like to say there are so many variations of enviroment and conditions > If someone grows in like a basement, maybe in the winter ,in a room with a high ceiling ..I can believe a ~80 cfm might work. Im working with similiar conditions only because it so cold outside.

Im learning how most people around here are pretty level headed and kind.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Would like to say there are so many variations of enviroment and conditions > If someone grows in like a basement, maybe in the winter ,in a room with a high ceiling ..I can believe a ~80 cfm might work. Im working with similiar conditions only because it so cold outside.

Im learning how most people around here are pretty level headed and kind.

Very true. I don't even have to run my fan much in the winter. But in all reality you will need it eventually. Why spend the money twice, you could always get a dimmer for the fan. Wasn't trying to attack Daze, just hate to see someone spend 25-100 dollars on a crappy fan.


Well-Known Member
To clear a few things up:

1. Bathroom fans can be very efficient in evacuating a small volume quickly and quietly. Check out the Panasonic Whisper Quiet series.

2. Inline fans are best suited for moving large volumes of air where noise isn't so much of an issue. Check out the Vortex line of in-line fans.

3. There really isn't a good enough reason to trash talk others on here, this isn't a competition ya know.



Well-Known Member
Maybe it was my mistake, by I can swear I read that someone was talking down about another set-up.