The Products of Creationism



Boys and girls, some of you know I've been saying it for a while... I've decided to compile a list of some of the more extreme creationists they've got out there... These are people who take it all word for word, examples of racism and bigotry can be seen throughout their videos and their beliefs shape their thinking into ways that hopefully everyone here can agree are a little... special.


I have a ton more in mind, I just can't think of their youtube accounts at the moment. I'll post more in the future.

What do you think of these fine examples of "Fundamentalist Christian morality"? :o


Well-Known Member
No Posterboy for Creationist Stupidity (PCS) VenomfangX??
His account was disabled yesterday.

He committed DMCA fraud, and dprjones told him to get the fuck off YouTube or he'd be taking it to court.

Since VFX committed perjury 30 times in making his DMCA complaints, it was in his best interest to leave for the time being.

I'm sure he'll be back though.


Well-Known Member
His account was disabled yesterday.

He committed DMCA fraud, and dprjones told him to get the fuck off YouTube or he'd be taking it to court.

Since VFX committed perjury 30 times in making his DMCA complaints, it was in his best interest to leave for the time being.

I'm sure he'll be back though.
How could he have not learned his lesson with Tfoot?


Well-Known Member
How could he have not learned his lesson with Tfoot?
Because Thunderf00t only growled at him and didn't follow up with punitive action. It spooked him for a bit, but then he realized he didn't actually face any consequences. So he popped up again.

Using perjury to skirt the First Amendment deserves a swift kick in the ass, and I hope at least one of the people he targeted goes after him.


No Posterboy for Creationist Stupidity (PCS) VenomfangX??

lmao! Bet your ass he'd of been at the TOP of the list! LOL but like Morgen said, they ran his ass off youtube a few days ago. To be honest, I am kinda glad and kinda sad at the same time... Glad because that guy just ran his mouth enough! If there ever was a person you could use the term "talking to a brick wall", it was PCS. Sad because I liked watching the train wreck everytime he came out with something new and equally as crazy...

So for right now, I can't decide which one takes the title of MOST creationists, creationist. lol. I'm leaning towards Neph... but goddamn Geerup is a close second! Not to mention the 3 or 4 other ones I can't remember right now, those ones are some of the most homophobic people I've ever come across! OH OH! I just remembered one of the idiots channels!!

Fool4alifetime and his retarded cousin who is probably even MORE retarded than he is, Krazie316!

(aww, unfortunately Fool4alifetime has closed his account, but you can still type his name in the search bar and come up with plenty of other funny stuff, pwning vids and such)

But here's Krazie's

And how could I forget! Illiterate Nick!



Well-Known Member
I honestly believe that if Venomfangx had been born in the middle east he would have blown himself up in a suicide attack.

He has a "bunker mentality" meaning he "knows" he is right and the more fact and reason you pile on the more he is convinced of his own rightness. You can not reason with these types of people because there is no wiggle room, things are black or white, good or evil.

For those who are interested I emailed him a about 6 months ago about pot. I figured he followed enough of the Ron Paul type government conspiracy crap to realize what a sham the War on Drugs was. Like any good authoritarian he informed me that marijuana, like alcohol was created by Satan to tempt good Christians into sin.

I have been following this whole dramafest since Venom first started to become big (saw a Tf00t video on digg about him) and goes all the way through till today.

DPRJones also released a video on another channel, it looks like Shawn (venom's real name) is going to be facing multiple lawsuits from multiple people living in multiple countries.


Well-Known Member
lmao! Bet your ass he'd of been at the TOP of the list! LOL but like Morgen said, they ran his ass off youtube a few days ago. To be honest, I am kinda glad and kinda sad at the same time... Glad because that guy just ran his mouth enough! If there ever was a person you could use the term "talking to a brick wall", it was PCS. Sad because I liked watching the train wreck everytime he came out with something new and equally as crazy...

So for right now, I can't decide which one takes the title of MOST creationists, creationist. lol. I'm leaning towards Neph... but goddamn Geerup is a close second! Not to mention the 3 or 4 other ones I can't remember right now, those ones are some of the most homophobic people I've ever come across! OH OH! I just remembered one of the idiots channels!!

Fool4alifetime and his retarded cousin who is probably even MORE retarded than he is, Krazie316!

(aww, unfortunately Fool4alifetime has closed his account, but you can still type his name in the search bar and come up with plenty of other funny stuff, pwning vids and such)

But here's Krazie's

And how could I forget! Illiterate Nick!

That is the shit thing about the internet, no matter how fucking insane you happen to be there are always people out there willing to go "ya, that guy is right".

Here are some statements from his own freakin father about all this.

"No one in the family shares Shawn's religious views (his family is Jewish), we removed him from the house for his opposing view (he is 23 or 24)"

"Shawn's comments should be for entertainment purposes only, purely for conversation and mental stimulation. To take anything personally or seriously is a mistake, he is grossly nieave about the reality of life."

"Shawn is harmless and does not have a hurtful bone in his body, he is just brainwashed. This young, impressionable, socially rejected person has had his mind hijacked by Kent Hovind and his kind. His parents deplore losing him to this way of thinking, it is sad and pathetic that he has followers who believe his ramblings and encourage him. He has become a blind bible puncher with no comprehension of his own, none.

"I read the above statements to his mother and siblings and we are all in agreement, we only want to get help and stop him from hurting himself and others with his nieve misinformed views on religion and life.

"Shawn's heart is made of gold, his mind is not"

I am his age and while I don't rely on my parents for support (I have a house, a job and a wife) I can't imagine having to beg my father to bail me out of multiple international law suits (not to mention possible liable in the UK since he called DPRJones a pedophile).

P.S. I also felt like pointing out that Venom is not going to let anyone "get the last word" and I would be willing to bet that sock puppet accounts like these are really him.


the problem here is how the hell can he have so many loyal followers


I wonder...

Any of you guys remember the drama with that guy who murdered his classmate and then himself, I believe his name was Tony something... it had a bunch of numbers after the name... But he was making vids up and down youtube about how Christianity is the only way to salvation, VenomFang is right on all accounts, he pwns the whole entire youtube atheist community with every word, etc... That guy was like Venom's NUMBER ONE fanboy, and look what happened...

I'd be willing to bet his ass is on the verge of something just as crazy. All the warning signs are there, Shawn himself is a fuckin' nutcase beyond belief.


Well-Known Member
It's the appeal of religion itself.
You don't have to think. This fellow will do it for you, defend your beliefs for you, and all you have to do is say "Praise Jesus" and send in a few dollars now and then.
It's so much easier than questioning anything.


Well-Known Member
WOW, talk about coming full circle. I have a few relatives with some mental problems and I can tell that this is what it looks like when they realize that they are not "just fine" without their meds and that what they perceived to be reality for the past X months that they were off their medication is clearly insane.

Shawn used to take any and all criticism and accuse the person giving it to him (and on many occasions this included fellow Christians from other sects) of preaching hate. Hell he was trying to spin the counter-suits filed by people he admittedly was trying to illegally censor as an attempt to silence him. I am glad this is all over and hope Shawn gets the help he needs, I also hope his many, many followers will use this as a hint for some personal introspection.


Well-Known Member
If you think he was sincere I have some land to sell you in Florida.

It's no different than when Ted Haggard got caught with meth and a manwhore. Hands will be wrung, apologies will be made, and at the first opportunity it starts all over again.


Well-Known Member
If you think he was sincere I have some land to sell you in Florida.

It's no different than when Ted Haggard got caught with meth and a manwhore. Hands will be wrung, apologies will be made, and at the first opportunity it starts all over again.
You very well be right but for the record I never bought into his "I'm leaving" stuff in the past.


Well-Known Member
Did anyone come across tony48219. Not sure if he was one of the creationist nuts but he was certainly a very religious I hate atheist's nut. Mental problems combined with indoctrination are not a good combination as tony48219 went on to kill a fellow student and then commit suicide. Not sure if he murdered the girl, also a youtuber under the name asiamcgowan, for her religious beliefs but most likely because she was a strong minded woman and tony48219 had strong feelings on what a woman's place is in this world.

I would look at the case of tony48219 and be weary, very weary. Someone who is obviously mentally unstable like VenomfangX is probably only one bible class behind tony48219 before something snaps and he starts killing.


Did anyone come across tony48219. Not sure if he was one of the creationist nuts but he was certainly a very religious I hate atheist's nut. Mental problems combined with indoctrination are not a good combination as tony48219 went on to kill a fellow student and then commit suicide. Not sure if he murdered the girl, also a youtuber under the name asiamcgowan, for her religious beliefs but most likely because she was a strong minded woman and tony48219 had strong feelings on what a woman's place is in this world.

I would look at the case of tony48219 and be weary, very weary. Someone who is obviously mentally unstable like VenomfangX is probably only one bible class behind tony48219 before something snaps and he starts killing.

Oh yeah, I mentioned that a few posts up. Dude, that was some serious shit!

Any of you guys remember the drama with that guy who murdered his classmate and then himself, I believe his name was Tony something... it had a bunch of numbers after the name... But he was making vids up and down youtube about how Christianity is the only way to salvation, VenomFang is right on all accounts, he pwns the whole entire youtube atheist community with every word, etc... That guy was like Venom's NUMBER ONE fanboy, and look what happened...

And that's exactly what can happen when you mix ignorance with fantasy.

Though Venom(BITCH) denied ever having contact with Tony after he found out what happened. It was like he just erased him from his memory (even though the entire fucking time he was on youtube they were both exchanging PM's and comments), and he denounced that he was ever a "true Christian" because "true Christians wouldn't do such things"... Like they always fuckin' do...

That guy is a little bitch, seriously. I'm a completely non violent person, like I rarely get pissed to the point where I'll actually hit someone, but if I ever see Shawn on the street in real life, I'm not holding back.


Well-Known Member
I see, didn't notice the text under your pic of a bible.

Its quite serious when you think about it, ever heard of an atheist nutter lost control and went out murdering, according to the religious that's what all atheists should be doing anyway as they have no morals. But on the other hand how many times have you heard of a theist nutter go out a killing.

There is an answer out the to the likes of VenomfangX, coughlan666 has done some good responses to venom. And if there is an atheist out there who seems like they could loose it and go out killing then this is the one.


I see, didn't notice the text under your pic of a bible.

Its quite serious when you think about it, ever heard of an atheist nutter lost control and went out murdering, according to the religious that's what all atheists should be doing anyway as they have no morals. But on the other hand how many times have you heard of a theist nutter go out a killing.

There is an answer out the to the likes of VenomfangX, coughlan666 has done some good responses to venom. And if there is an atheist out there who seems like they could loose it and go out killing then this is the one.

I think atheists have more important things to do than go out and force their beliefs on other people, then hurt them for not accepting it as the literal truth of the universe!

All we really want is for people to think. So rare that is these days. Why think when you can have someone else do all the thinking for you?!

Coughlan is awesome! While he seems a bit extreme from any outside viewers, I think the dude definitely has his head on pretty straight. I've been sub'd to him for a long time, never seen anything that would ring an alarm bell regarding murder/suicide or something similar... (unfortunately I can't say the same for quite a few theists on the tubes...)

Then again, there are some pretty damn impressive Christians who provide some quality vids, two I can think of off the top of my head are donexodus2 and veritas48, (the latter being a bit pompous... but what do you expect right?), but DE's shit is TOP QUALITY. Just to be clear, there is a definite distinction between "Christian" and "creationist" - one see's reality for what it is, the other invents it to fit the fairy tale.