U.S and Britain close emabassies in Yemen


Active Member
are Catholics perverts and pedophiles ? im just asking because of their actions of a few is the entire Catholic religion a bunch of child molesters ?


Active Member
I think, raping, pillaging, mudering and burning jews and muslims classifies as some kind of terrorism are you frikken serious ?....if thats not terrosrism what is ?


Well-Known Member
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Whichever side your sympathies lie will dictate which is which. :bigjoint:


New Member
Although there are extremely more Islam terrorists than christian ones. There are still Christians terrorists what do you call the people who murder abortion doctors or blow up clinics?
Yes, that qualifies as terrorism. Basically a terrorist is not in a recognized national uniform and kills or harms innocent civilians. So yes, it does qualify.

Those are not Christians. They claim to be, but jesus wouldn't kill murder or hurt anyone like that. All this is writen.

The people who bomb those clinics or anything else of the like, are not following Christ's (Gods) words. Forgiveness and love. They do it because they think its the right thing to do.

Any more Questions....get into the word. And study history aswell. It will answer more questions than you would ever think.

Besides, that's not gods will. He doesn't want/tell us to kill people who sin against god (example...abortion) its not our place to judge peoples destiny and heart. That's Gods Job. Once again man trying to do what he wants instead of what God has said is best.
Sorry, those ppl are Christians, very much so. You can disown ur children, but you cannot deny they exist. They are Christians.....and they are following THE WORD.

Such a good word. Anyone who actually follows the word of the Bible, will end up in prison.


Well-Known Member
Yes, that qualifies as terrorism. Basically a terrorist is not in a recognized national uniform and kills or harms innocent civilians. So yes, it does qualify.

Sorry, those ppl are Christians, very much so. You can disown ur children, but you cannot deny they exist. They are Christians.....and they are following THE WORD.

Such a good word. Anyone who actually follows the word of the Bible, will end up in prison.
I usually agree with you CJ but I have to take issue with this statement. I have yet to see anywhere in the bible where it says to kill abortion doctors or blow up clinics. It's kinda like saying all catholic priests molest little boys. It seems like you are making an assumption based on the actions of a few nutjobs. You're smarter than that. :leaf:


New Member
It's the church's definition of life which drives them. if not for the christian church, no one would be getting blown up.

Bible aside, it's still church doctrine. Thankfully few modern people follow the Bible truly. It would mean prison.


Well-Known Member
It's the church's definition of life which drives them. if not for the christian church, no one would be getting blown up.

Bible aside, it's still church doctrine. Thankfully few modern people follow the Bible truly. It would mean prison.
OK, I see your point but church doctrine is paradoxical. It also says "Thou shalt not kill". Besides that, dogmatic principle shifts as times change. Some people have twisted and interpreted things to suit their own agendas. Case in point, the churches that use poisonous snakes and drink poison because there is a passage which says something about how true believers will be left unharmed. This small sect has taken something which is symbolic in nature and practice it quite literally. I don't think most people think you should actually dance with snakes and drink poison, but some do. There are all kinds of whackos with differing agends. :|

jeff f

New Member
It's the church's definition of life which drives them. if not for the christian church, no one would be getting blown up.

Bible aside, it's still church doctrine. Thankfully few modern people follow the Bible truly. It would mean prison.
IMO here is a major difference in the argument

jihadists are actively sitting around with a couple thousand buddies trying to figure out ways to blow up anything and everything....a movement

christians who kill doctors sit around in their underwear talking to themselves while making tinfoil hats so as not to disturb the "transmissions" from space...a nutjob

you cant fight nutjobs. they will always be able to pull off some stupid shit.

you can fight a movement...with overwhelming force and brutality.


Well-Known Member
IMO here is a major difference in the argument

jihadists are actively sitting around with a couple thousand buddies trying to figure out ways to blow up anything and everything....a movement

christians who kill doctors sit around in their underwear talking to themselves while making tinfoil hats so as not to disturb the "transmissions" from space...a nutjob

you cant fight nutjobs. they will always be able to pull off some stupid shit.

you can fight a movement...with overwhelming force and brutality.
Very good point my friend! :clap:


New Member
It's a mater of scale, but the definition still fits my friends.

Ppl out of uniform killing civilians with the express purpose of creating a terror.

The church being paradoxial is not an excuse for its followers to kill. Isn't that a serious red flag for the religion? How can the word of G*d end up paradoxial ..,. unless it isn't the word of G*D ... or he/she/it hates us all.


Well-Known Member
It's a mater of scale, but the definition still fits my friends.

Ppl out of uniform killing civilians with the express purpose of creating a terror.

The church being paradoxial is not an excuse for its followers to kill. Isn't that a serious red flag for the religion? How can the word of G*d end up paradoxial ..,. unless it isn't the word of G*D ... or he/she/it hates us all.
True but it's still a matter of perspective. There isn't ever an excuse to kill IMO whether it be in the name of religion or oil or dirt. I don't think the whackos killing abortion doctors are thinking of creating terror as much as they are trying to stifle the hands of said doctors. The terror aspect holds up if they are blowing up abortion clinics (which does happen). It doesn't make sense but some people are more afraid of being blown up than being shot or stabbed. I think it's important to look at the mechanism used by these extremists, I'll call them, because that is where terror lies. Not so much in the motive but the mechanism. Why are people scared of being in a plane crash? It's not like you're gonna feel anything. I love to fly but for some reason the thought of my plane crashing still frightens me a little bit. I have no fear of being shot though even though I've been shot at before. It's not logical but I think this is how a lot of people feel and the extremists know this. ;-)


New Member
It's a matter of definition. People who blow up medical facilities and kill folks ... are terrorists. They don't steal, they don't rob for gain.

It's all about the terror. It's about using the very worst tactic available to have ur own way over others.

It's cowardly and wrong, and it is a form of terrorism. By definition.


Well-Known Member
It's a matter of definition. People who blow up medical facilities and kill folks ... are terrorists. They don't steal, they don't rob for gain.

It's all about the terror. It's about using the very worst tactic available to have ur own way over others.

It's cowardly and wrong, and it is a form of terrorism. By definition.
I totally agree. Killing, for whatever reason, is a form of terror............plain and simple. Nobody wants to die a violent death. :fire:


New Member
Nobody expects to be killed for going to work, or going to a medical facility. That's not the USA I want to live in, but unfortunately, I do.

Those extreme christians and islamics have a lot in common. Neither copes well when society questions their belief systems.

If Obama came out and stripped the church's of their tax shelters and such ... what do you think would happen? Where would it end up?

It's not which type of religion is the danger, they all are. As long as it is taught to be the TRUTH (and it is), we will have religious nutjobs willing to kill innocent ppl in the name of their G*D.

It's a frightful beast we have conjured upon ourselves. We have done this to ourselves.


Well-Known Member
Nobody expects to be killed for going to work, or going to a medical facility. That's not the USA I want to live in, but unfortunately, I do.

Those extreme christians and islamics have a lot in common. Neither copes well when society questions their belief systems.

If Obama came out and stripped the church's of their tax shelters and such ... what do you think would happen? Where would it end up?

It's not which type of religion is the danger, they all are. As long as it is taught to be the TRUTH (and it is), we will have religious nutjobs willing to kill innocent ppl in the name of their G*D.

It's a frightful beast we have conjured upon ourselves. We have done this to ourselves.
I agree we are in a sad state these days. A few bad apples spoils the whole bunch. I don't think that all muslims are extremists (far from it) just as I don't think all christians are abortion clinic bombers. It's a catch 22 we find ourselves in when dealing with the aftermath. When an attack gets round the clock news coverage the nutjobs win. Unfortunately the media isn't going to stop reporting these things. :sad:


New Member
Religion produces nut jobs.... I don't pick favorites in that regard.

I condone no terrorism. Wanna fight? Put on a uniform, get organized and play ur hand. Like the big boys do... :lol: