d.c. beard's Hash Berry and Super Skunk F1 Grow 400w In Soil w/ PICS


Well-Known Member
I just veg them until they are: 1) Showing multiple preflowers, and 2) are at least 16" tall. Then I flip em into 12/12. I never flower plants that have not shown sex yet, as you are correct in saying that it only prolongs the process and it also stresses the plants. I continuously pinch the faster growing top shoots on all the plants (keeping them the same height as the slower growing ones) until I put them into flower, which keeps the canopy the same height at all times (give or take a few inches). When they stretch I could LST a few of the taller branches to make a perfect canopy, but so far I've never really seen the need. When the canopy is even to within a few inches, light distribution is even and growth is more uniform.

Stretch was about 100% for the Super Skunks, the HashBerrys stretched to about 50% more of their original height.

Grow your plants until they show sex naturally, preferably under an 18/6 lighting regimen. If you do this you won't stress your plants causing hermies, your plants will start flowering earlier/faster, and you'll actually be done flowering most any indica or indica hybrid in 8 weeks flat.

Oh and Kriegs - Next time you should probably not use Miracle Grow anything, and I would start Phing my input water if I were you. They need it. There is a huge difference between 6.5 and 8.0. The harder the plants have to struggle to grow, the longer it takes to get to where you want to be. Your plants should be a lot bigger and fuller by now, and I really think the soil and the Ph is holding them back big time.

Here's a pic of my plants about 2 cycles ago exactly 30 days from seed (the canopy is uneven as hell because there were 3 different strains and multiple phenos of each at this point):
Thanks, d.c. - great info; much appreciated. I'll try to be as patient as I can. I have both time and headroom to play with. Having the bub's hit 15" gave me an itchy trigger finger for a bit.

There's no doubt my superskunks were not happy starting out in MG. They struggled early, but have really picked it up lately. But yeah, next year - no MG - at least for young plants. And hey.. I totally appreciate how nice your 30-day plants look in your pic there. I would just point out that mine are growing under MH, and while they're 9-10" tall right now, they have 9-12 internodes ('bout the same as yours in the pics, no?), where yours are more leggy. You've clearly got your system dialed in; I'm still putting it together. Point is, there's a ton of variables from one person's grow to another, and trying to pin a height difference on two selected factors from the many is a little shaky.

We'll have to debate water pH another time; I'm weary of the subject. :sleep: It's all about soil buffering, ultimately. Your plants never see the pH of your incoming water -- it's zapped to another value immediately upon hitting the soil by soil buffers. In the meantime, ponder the fact that natural rainfall never exceeds pH 5.7 and, since the advent of modern man and worldwide atmospheric pollution, it's usually 5.0 or less, often a whole lot less, like low 4's. So, outdoor MJ has never ever seen this magical pH 6.5 water people are enamored of, and it hasn't seen a pH above 5.0 since about 1900.

Cheers, bro - thanks again.


Well-Known Member
nice girls...i think a ak47 male whould make for some nice smoke if crossed with your beast..cant go wrong with AK47...

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
nice girls...i think a ak47 male whould make for some nice smoke if crossed with your beast..cant go wrong with AK47...
Yeah, I think that's where I'm going to look for my breeding male. Kinda weird popping beans looking for a MALE. It's usually the other way around! lol

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
OK guys - sorry, don't have much time to talk but I wanted to throw up some new pics I took this am before work.

You know the drill, LTR: Super Skunks, group shots, HashBerrys, and a couple of obvious macro shots. Enjoy!


d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm totally on board. What are you going to do with those sugar coated leafs when it comes harvest time?
Well, when I trim (which I frickin' hate to do!) I have two paper plates that I use to catch the trim. One is for all the fan leaves and general 'non-bomb' trim, the other is solely for the bomb trim. I don't save heaps of trim anymore, now I only save the absolute best completely sugar-coated leaves.

I think this time I'm going to make some butter. Usually I use my trim to roll joints out of, because it's practically as tric'd out as the buds and that puts it to use so I don't waste it. I usually twist a couple of joints before going over to a friend's house, and when I smoke it with them they think it's bud inside there. Gets everybody high and saves my bud for me back home. People usually are shocked that I'm willing to pass around joints so freely to peeps I don't even know at a party and stuff, but it's just the trash really so it's not like I care. But they don't know that. :bigjoint:

yo dc your buds give me hope lol they look awsome bro!!!!!
Thanks SS, remember ... hope springs eternal bro!


Well-Known Member
I usually twist a couple of joints before going over to a friend's house, and when I smoke it with them they think it's bud inside there. Gets everybody high and saves my bud for me back home. People usually are shocked that I'm willing to pass around joints so freely to peeps I don't even know at a party and stuff, but it's just the trash really so it's not like I care. But they don't know that. :bigjoint:
Hah! Lol -- I love it.. I do this kind of shit, too. I'll give a buddy or two a few grams of popcorn sometimes for no reason. They think gold just fell out of the sky..


Well-Known Member
I roll 2 premium Joints a day and carry them with me. I gave my hydro guy one yesterday and last week while in my favorite glass shop a lady made small talk with me while we where both trying to find a new piece, so I waited out side and when she came out I gave her a nice fattie. Put a smile on her face.
When I harvest I go in and take off all the fan leaves trash those, then take off all the sweet leafs for latter use, then call some lady friends over (wife too) and let them trim the buds up.
I take the sweet leaves and make butter (1oz = 2 sticks butter = 24 6-8 hr Stony Brownies).
Then the littlest buds and such I use for oil. I use Virgin Coconut oil.

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Hah! Lol -- I love it.. I do this kind of shit, too. I'll give a buddy or two a few grams of popcorn sometimes for no reason. They think gold just fell out of the sky..
Yeah how good does it feel to be able to GIVE AWAY good bud for free? lol That's what it's all about, having enough that you can bless people and friends with gifts for free. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside... lol

I roll 2 premium Joints a day and carry them with me. I gave my hydro guy one yesterday and last week while in my favorite glass shop a lady made small talk with me while we where both trying to find a new piece, so I waited out side and when she came out I gave her a nice fattie. Put a smile on her face.
When I harvest I go in and take off all the fan leaves trash those, then take off all the sweet leafs for latter use, then call some lady friends over (wife too) and let them trim the buds up.
I take the sweet leaves and make butter (1oz = 2 sticks butter = 24 6-8 hr Stony Brownies).
Then the littlest buds and such I use for oil. I use Virgin Coconut oil.
Hehehe, yeah I bet it did put a nice grin on her face! That's some good ol' fashioned on-to-one marketing right there. The proof is in the puddin'! Now I just have to get to OR so I can be legal and give away stuff to strangers too. You know they'll be back for more.

P.S. - Thanks for the quantity breakdown on the butter GG!


Well-Known Member
Yeah how good does it feel to be able to GIVE AWAY good bud for free? lol That's what it's all about, having enough that you can bless people and friends with gifts for free. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside... lol!
It's the best feeling no doubt.. When it finally dawned on this thick skull to stop paying for weed and start growing, it was one of the first things I thought of. I've also thought of maybe driving thru some random neighborhoods late at night and throwing a 1/2z on the sidewalk for someone to find the next day and just be mind-blown...

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
It's the best feeling no doubt.. When it finally dawned on this thick skull to stop paying for weed and start growing, it was one of the first things I thought of. I've also thought of maybe driving thru some random neighborhoods late at night and throwing a 1/2z on the sidewalk for someone to find the next day and just be mind-blown...
lol Yeah I don't know if I'm THAT generous with my extras, but that would definitely blow somebody's mind! Follow a stoner home and leave it in his mailbox. That way a pig doesn't end up with it!


Well-Known Member
I roll 2 premium Joints a day and carry them with me. I gave my hydro guy one yesterday and last week while in my favorite glass shop a lady made small talk with me while we where both trying to find a new piece, so I waited out side and when she came out I gave her a nice fattie. Put a smile on her face.
When I harvest I go in and take off all the fan leaves trash those, then take off all the sweet leafs for latter use, then call some lady friends over (wife too) and let them trim the buds up.
I take the sweet leaves and make butter (1oz = 2 sticks butter = 24 6-8 hr Stony Brownies).
Then the littlest buds and such I use for oil. I use Virgin Coconut oil.
random acts of kindness, hell yeah, i forgot about the hydro store guy, you can't forget him! nice to have a ladies touch on the trimming!


Active Member
man dc those look great .. i grew hashberry, it reminds me alot of the domina i got now...
yours look great, wonderful job..
i give all my little scraggly buds to my sister she has back trouble, and also my wifes brother gets nice budz , he has ms.
i love helping them out. no amount of cash could buy the satisfaction i feel when my sis dont have to eat a pill..

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
man dc those look great .. i grew hashberry, it reminds me alot of the domina i got now...
yours look great, wonderful job..
i give all my little scraggly buds to my sister she has back trouble, and also my wifes brother gets nice budz , he has ms.
i love helping them out. no amount of cash could buy the satisfaction i feel when my sis dont have to eat a pill..
Absolutely. I would do the same thing if I knew someone that had a condition like that. You sir, are a good person. We need a lot more people like this around these days.