Two Obamas?


Well-Known Member
Think back for a moment about Obama's views on terrorism pre-election as opposed to what they are now.

I could have sworn Obama felt that there was no war on terror and that Al-Queda was just a rag tag group of common criminals that needed to be "brought to justice."

And what happened to his stance on "talking to our enemies"? Wasn't he going to go talk to Ahmedinijad and get him to see the error of his ways?

In fact, wasn't Obama supposed to extend an olive branch to our enemies and bring us all together to hold hands and sing kumbaya?

I'm just wondering what happened to this plan because it seems like every aspect of it has failed miserably. In fact, I distinctly remember Conservatives arguing quite emphatically that this would be exactly what would happen.

Now, everything Conservatives said would happen has happened and everything Liberals said would work has failed.

But now, it seems that instead of admitting that the Conservatives were right, the Liberals just kind of swept the whole thing under the carpet.

And then there is that pesky little fact that there was not a single successful post 911 terrorist attack on our soil in the 7 years Bush was in office. There have been two in Obama's first year alone. (Yes, the dud bomb counts.)

So, I'm wondering, are Liberals now convinced that there really is a war going on or do they now think Obama has betrayed his principles?

Or, do they just intend on blaming the Bush administration for creating a situation that is so dire that even their lord and savior can not solve.

It seems to me that either Obama has radically changed his views or there must be two Obamas.
I can't trust a person who "wins" a nobel peace prize for. . . well. . . wait, what did he win it for again? Anyways, I cant trust someone who "wins" a nobel peace prize and then turns right around and sends 30,000 more US troops to the slaughter. Dosen't sound very peaceful to me.
Think back for a moment about Obama's views on terrorism pre-election as opposed to what they are now.

I could have sworn Obama felt that there was no war on terror and that Al-Queda was just a rag tag group of common criminals that needed to be "brought to justice."

And what happened to his stance on "talking to our enemies"? Wasn't he going to go talk to Ahmedinijad and get him to see the error of his ways?

In fact, wasn't Obama supposed to extend an olive branch to our enemies and bring us all together to hold hands and sing kumbaya?

I'm just wondering what happened to this plan because it seems like every aspect of it has failed miserably. In fact, I distinctly remember Conservatives arguing quite emphatically that this would be exactly what would happen.

Now, everything Conservatives said would happen has happened and everything Liberals said would work has failed.

But now, it seems that instead of admitting that the Conservatives were right, the Liberals just kind of swept the whole thing under the carpet.

And then there is that pesky little fact that there was not a single successful post 911 terrorist attack on our soil in the 7 years Bush was in office. There have been two in Obama's first year alone. (Yes, the dud bomb counts.)

So, I'm wondering, are Liberals now convinced that there really is a war going on or do they now think Obama has betrayed his principles?

Or, do they just intend on blaming the Bush administration for creating a situation that is so dire that even their lord and savior can not solve.

It seems to me that either Obama has radically changed his views or there must be two Obamas.

you forgot to factor in the teleprompter. that could account for a lot of the mystery.:-P
maybe one day we'll all look at the situation for what it is.....a game that we the people CANNOT win......with the current set of rules in place. obama.....bush.......kennedy.......johnson..... we are getting fucked with the same lie again.......and again......and again....... you guys think theres a differance between a democrat and a republican? you think were not "electing" officials.....FROM THE SAME POT OF RICH PEOPLE? we're being bamboozled ladies and gents.
maybe one day we'll all look at the situation for what it is.....a game that we the people CANNOT win......with the current set of rules in place. obama.....bush.......kennedy.......johnson..... we are getting fucked with the same lie again.......and again......and again....... you guys think theres a differance between a democrat and a republican? you think were not "electing" officials.....FROM THE SAME POT OF RICH PEOPLE? we're being bamboozled ladies and gents.

I keep trying to tell people this but.............:sleep::sleep::sleep:Is the usual response. :wall:
Two successful terrorist attacks? That airplane didn't blow up, which would make it unsuccessful and Ft. Hood was just some crazy major who went postal.

I like how conservatives keep saying that Bush kept us safe, it just proves it that you are delusional and/or have selective memory.



I keep trying to tell people this but.............:sleep::sleep::sleep:Is the usual response. :wall:
i guess i have to just shake my head in disbelief sometimes. i KNOW we the people arent as retarded as we make ourselves out to be....... unfortunately the propaganda machine is strong....... i guess it will take another tragedy to wake us up again........for a few months atleast! :wall::wall::wall::wall::bigjoint:
Think back for a moment about Obama's views on terrorism pre-election as opposed to what they are now.

I could have sworn Obama felt that there was no war on terror and that Al-Queda was just a rag tag group of common criminals that needed to be "brought to justice."

And what happened to his stance on "talking to our enemies"? Wasn't he going to go talk to Ahmedinijad and get him to see the error of his ways?

In fact, wasn't Obama supposed to extend an olive branch to our enemies and bring us all together to hold hands and sing kumbaya?

I'm just wondering what happened to this plan because it seems like every aspect of it has failed miserably. In fact, I distinctly remember Conservatives arguing quite emphatically that this would be exactly what would happen.

Now, everything Conservatives said would happen has happened and everything Liberals said would work has failed.

But now, it seems that instead of admitting that the Conservatives were right, the Liberals just kind of swept the whole thing under the carpet.

And then there is that pesky little fact that there was not a single successful post 911 terrorist attack on our soil in the 7 years Bush was in office. There have been two in Obama's first year alone. (Yes, the dud bomb counts.)

So, I'm wondering, are Liberals now convinced that there really is a war going on or do they now think Obama has betrayed his principles?

Or, do they just intend on blaming the Bush administration for creating a situation that is so dire that even their lord and savior can not solve.

It seems to me that either Obama has radically changed his views or there must be two Obamas.

Two successful terrorist attacks? That airplane didn't blow up, which would make it unsuccessful and Ft. Hood was just some crazy major who went postal.

I like how conservatives keep saying that Bush kept us safe, it just proves it that you are delusional and/or have selective memory.


Your picture implies that you are counting 9/11 as a successful attack when his post clearly says there wasn't a successful POST 9/11 attack. Now in fairness I wouldn't count the diaper bomber 'cause you would most definitely have to count Richard Reid. ;-)
i guess i have to just shake my head in disbelief sometimes. i KNOW we the people arent as retarded as we make ourselves out to be....... unfortunately the propaganda machine is strong....... i guess it will take another tragedy to wake us up again........for a few months atleast! :wall::wall::wall::wall::bigjoint:
And make no mistake that next tragedy is coming. What form it takes has yet to be revealed but it is coming. :fire:
And make no mistake that next tragedy is coming. What form it takes has yet to be revealed but it is coming. :fire:
Maybe, In 2012,,,That's why I'm stocking up with Bud:leaf: and of course well be attacked again, No president or Party can stop a determined enemy.
I used to be an outspoken dem,,,Now I fully agree Both parties Suck,,,just IMO one sucks more than the other:-P
Maybe, In 2012,,,That's why I'm stocking up with Bud:leaf: and of course well be attacked again, No president or Party can stop a determined enemy.
I used to be an outspoken dem,,,Now I fully agree Both parties Suck,,,just IMO one sucks more than the other:-P
Yep. Too many miles of shoreline and porous borders, especially to the north. Not sure about the 2012 thing but we'll find out soon enought huh? :weed:
maybe one day we'll all look at the situation for what it is.....a game that we the people CANNOT win......with the current set of rules in place. obama.....bush.......kennedy.......johnson..... we are getting fucked with the same lie again.......and again......and again....... you guys think theres a differance between a democrat and a republican? you think were not "electing" officials.....FROM THE SAME POT OF RICH PEOPLE? we're being bamboozled ladies and gents.

you mean to tel me the govt jack boots arent here to help me? oh please say it isnt so....

pay attention to what the pol's say and do. there are some out there who want to let decisions up to you. then there are others who think they know best what you need. vote for the former, tell the later to go fuck themselves.
Theres a 3rd Obama which is the view of some liberals. They believe Obama is anti-war. These are all the folks complaining about the troop increases, drone strikes ect.

He was very clear in stating during the campaign what his plans were. Some liberals and conservatives will hear what they want want to hear.
There is only ONE Obama ... and that is Obama the Politician. Take a look; he's no different than any other. See his right index finger in the air? He's been reading the polls and is adjusting his stances to coincide with whatever way the wind is blowing.
There is only ONE Obama ... and that is Obama the Politician. Take a look; he's no different than any other. See his right index finger in the air? He's been reading the polls and is adjusting his stances to coincide with whatever way the wind is blowing.
So, I guess if it blows in your favor there is no arguement than:confused:
And then there is that pesky little fact that there was not a single successful post 911 terrorist attack on our soil in the 7 years Bush was in office. There have been two in Obama's first year alone. (Yes, the dud bomb counts.)

More Republican selective memory. I don't even call your type conservative because conservatism is not what you seem to care about. It's all about party over principle. Its all about what can I blame on a Democrat or "Liberal" today. Your statement illustrates perfectly how the right wing media in this country is positive their loyal followers will never bother to check for facts and hypocrisy.

I have seen the exact statement you just made echoed by Rudy Guilliani, Rush Limbaugh, and others from the right wing this week. How soon you forget Richard Reid the shoe bomber from December 2001. How soon you forget the Anthrax attacks that killed 5 people. But since you also want to point to Ft. Hood, how soon you forget John Muhammed the DC sniper who gave strong hints to his jihadist motivations while in prison. How soon you also forget Hesham Hadayet the Egyptian who in 2002 killed 2 Israelis at LAX because of his opposition to US and Israeli policy.
Richard Reid was stopped by TSA, so that was an unsuccessful attempt. The recent underwear bomber was actually successful in committing the attack - it was pure luck that his bomb failed to do more than catch fire.

The guy who shot up Fort Hood was not a lone nut job - he was a full out jihadist who received instructions from a radical Imam over seas.

The man and the boy who murdered a number of people may have expressed some anti-US views but as far as I know this wasn't determined to be a genuine act of orchestrate terror.

But, let's assume these were acts of terror and I grant you that point. This doesn't make the major premise of my OP wrong.

What about Obama's pre-election view that there is no global war on terror?

What about his theory of talking to Ahmadenijad - how did that work out?

What about Obama's plan to mend relations with the Arab world - how is that working out so far?

And please don't tell me all politicians are the same - sure on some issues they are, but on this issue they differ like night and day. Besides, this is really deflecting the issue. Every Liberal I spoke with pre-election told me Obama was going to do everything stated above and told me how myopic I was for not seeing how simply talking to or enemies and finding common ground would bring peace. When myself and others told them they were chasing a pipe dream and that isn't how the middle East works, they just went on about how enlightened they are and how ignorant everyone else is. Turns out they were the ignorant ones as usual.

So, now I just want to know what happened to all those grandiose plans that Obama and other Liberals had prior to the elections. There is a saying that a Conservative is a Liberal who has been mugged by reality. Well, reality just knocked a lot of people's dicks in the dirt. I just want to see if anyone is going to be man enough to admit it.
Richard Reid was stopped by TSA, so that was an unsuccessful attempt. The recent underwear bomber was actually successful in committing the attack - it was pure luck that his bomb failed to do more than catch fire.


Richard Reid was stopped by flight attendants and passengers while trying to light his shoe with a match.