removing all the leafs


Well-Known Member
Some trim before harvest. Some make the mistake and trim them off. Some the plant just loses them because of its sick.


Well-Known Member
its never really a good story tho. i had an illness that killed my fan leafes wen i started my first grow:sad:, poor thing.


Active Member

it turns yellow and lays limp on the plant, and its really ready to shed it, a slight breeze or a poke with your finger should dislodge it. The plant "cuts" it off itself.

By no means can cutting fan leaves off be a good thing.


Active Member
I think people do it th day of or the day before harvest because it looks cool and pretty and whatnot


I just removed all my fan leaves last night and am harvesting tomorrow...... Never cut them off during veg or flowering if u really think they're blocking light then tuck them. atleast thats what i do and it works great. This whole fan leaf thing is WHACK and the plant NEEDS them. Like bob+marley said the plant will cut itself pretty much. Cutting all the leaves off a day er two before harvest is done by a lot of people and shows great results. I supercrop all my plants to avoid fan leaf blockage supercrop them during veg so when nugs form it weighs down the branch away from the middle of the plant opening up more bud sites to light. One of my girls has 4 main colas all main branches were supercropped and they all got weighed down in different directions. Thus.... i have 4 huuuuge colas and the other bud sites are very big and dense, and throughout my few years of growing ive noticed the broken/repaired supercropped branches produced bigger denser nugs than a non-supercropped branch. now im just babling Hope I could help out. DONT CUT EM UNTIL 2-3days BEFORE HARVEST!!
you always want to take from the bottom 1/3 of the plant, i don't know about taking off all the fan leaves but i do trim my plants, guys we all like our ladys nice and well trimmed correct?


Active Member
Depends on who you ask. I take advice from Ed Rosenthal, know of him? he says if they are blocking the light on your buds to trim them off. buds grow when exposed to light, shaded buds will not grow as fast or big. I have an article i can post if yall are interested. but yeah, ed says to trim them if they are blocking light.